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Everything posted by paul.h

  1. Welcome to the forum. The relays will be built into the same fusebox as the one with the fuse which will be listed in your handbook. The Haynes manual for the 2002 on C3 shows this to be the bsi fusebox in the cabin glove box. Your problem though may be a fault with the steering wheel wiper/lighting comms 2000 switch unit which may need to be replaced.
  2. The plastic bits do not seem to be removeable but you could try to lever them off but replacements are not available separate to the wheel if they break. The steering wheel is removed by disconnecting the battery, wait 10 minutes, putting the steering in the straight ahead position, remove the cowls below the steering wheel, remove the airbag (use a 6 mm tool in a hole at the bottom of the air bag, possibly at the back of the wheel to compress a spring and then lift off the top of the airbag to release it, disconnect the supply connector and then the earth - when refitting connect the earth first), remove the bolt (35 Nm and should be renewed) in the centre of the steering wheel, fit a special tool 9702-T to lock the controls to the wheel, remove 3 nuts (8 Nm) which hold the back of the wheel to the wiper/lighting comms 2000 switch unit, the wheel should now pull off. Follow the battery disconnection/reconnection procedure on the pinned Common problems post in the Technical section. Once the steering wheel is removed you can paint spray the plastic bits.
  3. If you have the Haynes manual it shows drain nipples at the front and back, approximately in the middle on the piping/blocks which can also be used to depressurise the suspension by letting lds out. Only need to do the end of the car that will be worked on. Provided the car is jacked up/on axle stands so the weight is taken off the wheels at that end, then not too much lds will be lost this way. First disconnect the battery so there is no chance of the suspension pump running and loosen the lds tank cap to release any air pressure.
  4. Thankyou for this post, I have moved it to inside a subforum since ones outside do not show after a few days and may be difficult to find.
  5. The mark 3 leaking steering rack is included in the technical section Common problems pinned post. Rather than leaking pipe seals it may be the column input shaft seal that leaks, possibly due to rust on the shaft damaging the seal and a replacement rack is the repair.
  6. In the UK the emisions limits from the MOT testers manual for cars from 1/9/2002 are - fast idle test 2500 to 3000 rpm CO <= 0.2% HC <= 200ppm lambda 0.97 to 1.03 - idle 450 to 1500 rpm CO <= 0.3% So it appears your car is running rich. If the catalyst is still in good condition then maybe the upstream lambda sensor is faulty but it would help to confirm this with live data. Also check the throttle body/plate is clean and not bunged up with carbon/oil. If you do replace the lambda sensor it may be better to get the right one from a dealer since sometimes generic ones may not work as well.
  7. Welcome to the forum. I can not help with diagbox having never used it although your first picture has Parameter measurements and maybe that has something. EOBD was not required before 2001 for a petrol car so is the diagbox communicating with your car. I guess your car is a petrol and provided it has up to date servicing (air filter, spark plugs, no air leaks, oil level ok, it is warming up ok without a temperature sensor fault) then the problem may be a faulty lambda sensor before the catalyst (upstream) or a faulty catalyst. If you can get live data then check the coolant temperature is about 95°C (the radiator top hose shold be hot), the upstream lambda sensor should be switching about and the downstream lambda sensor after the catalyst should be steady. If the upstream sensor is not switching then it may be faulty. If the downstream sensor is not steady then the catalyst may be faulty. However, you have not mentioned the engine fault light coming on and any fault codes which may be given if these were faulty.
  8. Welcome to the forum. Citroen's part no. for the D2R bulb is 6216A8 and is about £100 from citroencarparts.net. Whether this is any different to a bulb from elsewhere I do not know. You could try swapping the bulbs across the sides and also the ballast units (if they can be removed) to see if this makes a difference to suggest which could be faulty and also check the wiring and any connectors.
  9. This is the C8 post on intermittent loss of power with a link to the dpf one http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/21158-intermittent-loss-of-power/
  10. An emergency use phone is better kept in the glove box so it can be reached but make a point of charging it every week or month. If it is always going to be plugged in, make sure the 12 volt socket is not permanently live since it will drain the car battery. It would need to be used now and again or the phone supplier will cut it off, probably at least once every 3 months may be needed and you may find infrequent use may not do its battery any good and shorten its life.
  11. Welcome to the forum. dflflack has not been on the forum since 12 May 2014 so we may never find out how it was done.
  12. If a replacement used mirror in the right colour can not be obtained and you do not want to paint it, then you can remove the exterior plastic covers from your existing mirror and fit them to the new mirror. There are several different mirror part nos. depending on the car RPO, whether it has electric memory mirrors and whether the glass is clear or tinted.
  13. Welcome to the forum. Have you tried the 2008 cd in a computer to see what file format the maps are in since this may indicate if the copied one is in the required format. A cd cleaning disc may help with the 2008 cd not always being read. Do you have the original 2013 cd being used to create a copy to see if that will work ? I guess you have looked in your Navidrive handbook for any help.
  14. The usual Citroen door mirror switch used to select a mirror for adjustment just needs the sliding selector switch pulling back and then the mirrors will fold if the ignition is on or for a while after removing the ignition key. Pull the switch back again for the mirrors to open once the ignition is on again. On some cars with factory fit reverse sensors, the kerbside mirror will auto adjust to see the kerb if the sliding switch is left in the kerb mirror position and reverse gear is selected.
  15. egr valves are not supposed to work until the engine is warmed so another indication of a problem with it would be if the car does not show any symptoms when first started. Also I have read they can result in a lot of smoke from the exhaust when faulty. Did you check if the dpf is regenerating a lot when you used the Lexia since there is a recent post on a C8 with similar problems which may be related to the dpf/a lack of eolys fluid/frequent regenerations as the dpf blocks.
  16. Welcome to the forum. Have a look in the handbook to see if the steering has its own fuse that may have failed. Also check any wiring and the electrical connector to the power steering rack motor in case of any damage. If nothing found, then maybe the motor and rack needs replacing. There was a recent Car Mechanics article on electrical power steering racks and a reconditioned one seems to be about £300, plus any fitting costs and the tracking would need setting. In the Haynes manual it says the steering ecu has to be initialised if replaced but does not say how, other than use a dealer with the diagnostic equipment. The speedo probably gets a signal from the abs system so a steering problem would not affect it.
  17. I had a leaking gaiter also on the n/s rear strut, the lds was coming out at the suspension arm end as a very slight drip. It passed an MOT but I later replaced the gaiter thinking it may have a pin hole or other damage at the end. However, this did not stop the leak and in the end I had the dealer replace the strut at the MOT in Sept 2013. Labour is only 1 hour max and the parts are the same cost - total was £244 with the parts strut £143, sphere to strut seal £3, R pin £1.59, LDS fluid £13. If you do the work yourself a sphere removal tool will be needed so you would not save the full labour cost. The Haynes manual covers the strut and gaiter replacement. Before the MOT, make sure you raise the car to max height and wipe any oil off the front suspension struts. A slight oil smear is normal but a non Citroen dealer/specialist may fail the car.
  18. The 2 screws are located at the underneath of the lower shroud, close to the steering wheel end. The Haynes manual shows a screwdriver being used to undo them so could be a cross head or torx head screw. Citroen's parts diagrams show 8 different ecus, 14 bsi fuse boxes and 6 engine fuse boxes, so you need to be careful that you get the right ones for your car or you may find some things on your car will not work. You can see the parts diagrams as a free service by registering as another professional and a member of the Citroen Owners Club on the service.citroen site. Then use your car VIN (VIS) in the top left of the parts diagrams to see the parts for your car. http://service.citroen.com/do/changerParametres Note that Citroen part numbers are not the same as those on stickers on parts - these are manufacturer part numbers. The ecu can be found under Mechanical, Air and Fuel Supply, Inj Calculator Sensor. The BSI can be found under Electric Unit, General Points, Units/connector boards/kits, Electronic box MUX. The engine fusebox can be found under Electric Unit, General Points, Units/connector boards, Checking stand and fusebox. If you are only getting the master key (presume you mean the remote key fob), then you will only have one key with the immobiliser chip in it that will start the car and to get a spare you would need to go to Citroen so allow for this in your costs. Also you will need the VIN from the donor car and the key code from it - otherwise Citroen may not be able to provide a spare key with the immobiliser chip but there may be companies that can read the code from the master key to be able to provide one. However, I can not help feeling you will be going to a lot of bother and expense when if the new transponder aerial does not work, you would be better going to your Citroen dealer for a diagnostic check to see what is wrong with the car.
  19. No need to change the lock, use your old key blades. According to the Haynes manual the steering column shrouds are held by 2 screws in the lower shroud - remove these and the top and lower shrouds will lift off. It may help if the steering wheel is pulled out and raised up to give more room. The transponder aerial should just unclip from the ignition lock and slide off after undoing its electrical connector. Before going any further I would try your new aerial in case this is the fault and hopefully no need to replace the ecu, etc.
  20. If not the resistor pack then maybe it is the controller, I found these from a search: Fixed it at last!!!! It was the blower fan controller. This is a unit about the size of a cigarette packet and is found in the driver's footwell on the left, fairly high up. Thanks to Paul at the Citroen Centre for telling me this. Taking the unit out is awkward but not impossible. There are two sockets, coloured green. One has a pair of thick wires (presumably power out to the heater fan motor), the other has two thick and four thin wires, I guess that this is power in and the vanbus multiplex control in and out. You need a 6mm socket but I would recomment using a magnetic one in case you drop the fixing self tappers behind the carpet. Most of the bulk of the unit is a large aluminium heatsink There is a power transistor inside the unit but I marmalised it trying to unsolder it. The heatsink clearly seems to work when a soldering iron is used. Having marmalised it, I had to buy a new unit. Much ferreting and phoning around and I found that it is Valeo part number 509355 or Citroen part number 6441L2. I would recommend Neil Goodall at Vantage Citroen parts 0208 544 9997. He keeps most Citroen bits. Cost is less than 40 squids plus the dreaded VAT. Hope this helps all the other people who have reported thae same fault. It is probably no more than a ten minute job to change the unit for a new one. http://howtomendit.com/images/image_icon_name.gifmichael http://howtomendit.com/images/image_icon_date.gifFebruary 2010 Hi All, I had the same problem on the latest model of Xsara exclusive. I followed the advice of Blower post and fixed this by changing the 2 darlington pair transistors in the blower speed regulator. There is also this which includes a warning that the pollen filter should be checked/replaced since it may cause a high load on the blower if blocked and result in the controller failing. We used to have a Xsara Picasso and the service included to replace the filter each year to prevent the ignition switch burning out. http://www.blower-motor-resistor.co.uk/citroen-zsara-heater-blower-motor-control-unit.html
  21. When you fit the new gaiter, check the strut piston for any damage/scratches/rust/leaks and at the suspension arm socket use a bit of grease since it may be rusty. Creaking though could be a worn radius arm bearing. A couple of years ago I replaced a gaiter following the Haynes manual but leaving the strut in place on the car so no need to remove the sphere either (noted in Haynes under the overhaul section 6). In the Haynes manual it says to lever the strut end out of the radius arm (12.7b) but I found it easier to have the rear drain screw open to release fluid whilst jacking up the wheel hub, then tighten the drain screw and lower the hub which allowed the strut end to be moved out of the radius arm by hand without any levers. Note that on the gaiter there is a square bit at the strut body end which goes over an oil hole in the strut body.
  22. Welcome to the forum. Had this for a short while on our C4 after it had been for an MOT. I suspect the mirror had been knocked and moved out of position and there was some coloured paint on it which wiped off. All I did was manually move it back and forwards, checked the mirror and pivot area was clean and then used the door mirror switch to fold and open the mirror, it made a grinding noise but then it was ok.
  23. The only engine that regularly seems to have turbo problems is the 1.6 diesel and this also applies in other makes of car using the same engine. If you are buying a 10+ year old car then you will need to check it over well - look for smoke on starting and when accelerating to see if the turbo is worn. Also the clutch will need checking for slipping/vibrations on tickover/shaking when starting or stopping the engine/unusual noises which may indicate dmf problems. If you look in the C5 Technical section there is a pinned post with common problems to check for when buying a car.
  24. The latest version of the C5 is not listed in early or recent brochures as having the hydractive suspension with the 1.6 hdi engine so the one you tried could not have had it. Maybe the dealer was hoping you would try the car and like it enough to buy it or he does not know much about the cars being sold or you can not trust him. The petrol 3.0 V6 was only made up to about 2006 and they are all automatic gearboxes, hence the high fuel consumption of about 28 mpg combined cycle and CO2 of about 240 g/km. If you need to use it to tow then this engine has a low limit of 1300 kg. I think all the diesels have a dmf but if you want a mark 1 (to mid 2004) then the 2.2 hdi also has an exhaust FAP (particulate filter) as do all the mark 2 diesels. The mark 1 2.0 diesel has 2 power options - 110 hp and 90 hp but best to stick with the 110 hp. Fuel economy for the mark 1 C5 estate from a 2003 brochure gives urban/extra urban/combined mpg/CO2 g/km. The hatchback is slightly better. - 1.8 petrol 26.2/45.6/35.8/187 - 2.0 petrol 23.7/44.1/33.6/200 - 2.0 petrol auto 20/45.6/31/217 - 3.0 petrol auto 19.1/36.7/27.4/245 - 2.0 diesel 90 hp 36.7/58.9/47.9/155 - 2.0 diesel 110 hp 37.2/61.4/49.6/149 - 2.0 diesel 110 hp auto 30.4/54.3/42.4/178 - 2.2 diesel 32.5/56.5/44.1/169 - 2.2 diesel auto 28.5/52.3/39.8/187 I think there was also a high pressure 2.0 petrol but I do not have any info on it.
  25. Welcome to the forum. Normally this would be the resistor pack. Did you get the new one from a Citroen dealer and if not is it a new one or a used one which as you suggest could be faulty ? If you have a meter you could check for different resistances across the different pins on its connector and see if it is the same as the old faulty one.
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