There may be nothing wrong since it may be a one off electrical glitch. Our 1.4 petrol 2003 sx a year ago, at the end of a 60 mile motorway journey, jumped from 3 temperature bars to all the bars lit up + the warning and the engine fan came on. At the time I turned the engine off in case it was overheating and once cooled down I did some checks and found nothing wrong and it has not done it since. However, check the coolant level, look for loose or frayed wires/connectors at the engine temperature sensors - on the petrol engine there are 2 on the cylinder head. Check the coolant hoses by touch to see if the thermostat is opening so coolant goes to the radiator. If it does it again I would have it looked at in case it is overheating since there is a risk of engine damage. When our car warms up the bars light up one at a time, usually 3 are lit but in the cold weather may only be 2.