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Everything posted by DaveHerns

  1. These are special H6 halogen bulbs with offset pegs so they only fit one way and they only go into the holder in one of 2 positions John - before I try removing the bumper , how do you remove the headlamp washer covers without breaking them ?
  2. These are special H6 halogen bulbs with offset pegs so they only fit one way and they only go into the holder in one of 2 positions John - before I try removing the bumper , how do you remove the headlamp washer covers without breaking them ?
  3. I hope the garage didn't use one of those split boots that clip/are glued together
  4. Hi I stand by what I said . I have Xenon headlamps and have changed sidelight bulbs each side at least twice .You get the old bulb out by pulling on the two thin black wires . Use a miiror and torch to see which way the bulb holder is orientated and then grope around till it slips in Dave
  5. Surely it could still be a problem ? It depends on what the caliper is mounted on and what that is made of ?
  6. John , it can be done on your model .It's not easy and it's a case of groping around and just when you are about to give up ,the bulb slips in I would be interested to know how you got the front panels off on this model , apparently it's not too hard ?
  7. Could be worth checking the engine breather system is working properly
  8. I've got mine all stripped out I appear to have continuity through the switch and the solenoid , I'm getting a voltage of about 5 on the switch Does this run on less than 12 volts and is the switch on the live side or earth return of the solenoid ? My lock appears able to get jammed if you close it with the glass raised ,but I can close the window manually and release it by operating the solenoid by hand Any ideas ?
  9. Seat belt buckles banging against door pillar ?
  10. If you took the magnets out of the filler cap ,would your EOLYS fluid last longer ? If you do long fast runs as a matter of course , would this be a problem ?
  11. Is it the fuel filler flap that triggers the warning to dispense EOLYS fluid ? I thought someone said there were magnets in the filler cap itself ?
  12. Maybe he's busy reading the Haynes manual on the C5 ?
  13. Maybe some of the things you can plug into the cigar lighter these days - eg 12v impact wrenches / inverters etc - are too much for the flimsy wiring ?
  14. If it's a sales disaster , why aren't Citroen discounting them ? I'm hoping to get a new model C5 mid 2010 but I don't want to pay full price
  15. Don't agree You are cutting off the battery supply whichever lead you remove first Dave
  16. Could the water pump impellor have come off the shaft ? Like certain VW/Audi engines
  17. Always worth asking the owner what lead up to the problem developing
  18. Can someone explain to me how it can make a difference which battery lead you disconnect ?
  19. Mlkey, Changing the subject a bit , is the Haynes manual worth the cost ? Dave
  20. I had a look at a new C5 and found there was less headroom and less rear legroom ,Everything seems to be geared towards a large load capacity because they can boast a large number of cubic meters in the adverts
  21. "never do I brag what I know and I know a lot " - isn't that a contradiction ?
  22. You have to do it by feel and patience When you are about to give up the bulb will slip in It's good training for being a gynaecologist
  23. Hi I've got a recall notice on my 2006 Hdi 138 BHP C5 . What is an air doseur and what would be the symptoms if it failed ? I have to say my C5 is going fine at the moment (touch wood )
  24. While it works it's easier to get the barrel out You may find the garage charges less if it's not a case of removing a jammed lock
  25. There are 2 code readers in the new Argos catalogue . Does anyone think they would be any use on a C5 ? Dave
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