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Everything posted by Mat

  1. 'Fraid i cant help with your Navidrive problem as i dont have it. However, what do you get for £1400 Navidrive, that you dont for £300 Tomtom, other than integration into the dashboard?
  2. Mat

    C4 Cd Mp3

    So, is the JBL upgrade a different radio, not the RD4? I just had a flash of insperation, if its the RD4 with another port deactivated (as the AUX is), can we speak nicely to Mr Citroen and get it enabled? (Long shot, i know)
  3. Mat

    C4 Cd Mp3

    Diesel i take it ?
  4. LMK if you find some, please
  5. I think i was the same. Scary! :blink:
  6. How practical! :lol:
  7. It was my post, here I had put roofbars on my coupe last summer, tried to put them back on and because the roofbar mounts had gone rusty, the bolt got stuck, and i ended up snapping the bolt in the mount. In hindsight i should have put loads of grease into the mouting holes when i took the roof bars off. However, my Citroen dealer stripped the roof mount, retapped them, and filled them with gunk, all for free. (Thule also sent me some replaement bolts, free). The roofbars bolt on so much easier now. And i have gotten some M6 bolts to put in the mounts when i remove the roofbars. Am a little concrened that they wont rust. But i cant find any plastic M6 bolts (yet - still hunting)
  8. How do you open the boot ?
  9. What's a CHF ?
  10. And it doesnt blow your ears if you put in earphones without turning it down.
  11. Yes, I am aware of the option to increase the output of the nwa1000 (but have not tried it yet), for plugging into non-amplified speakers (which would work in ths case). However, would i then have the problem of blowing my headphones (and ears (again!)) if i forget to change it down when using my MP3 player as a walkman. Out of curiosity, does the ipod have this same 'problem' ?
  12. Called into Citroen this evening to get AUX socket enabled after wiring my 9706ag in the other night. Within 5 minutes they called me through into the garage to plug in my MP3 player. It works, but the volume is very low. I have to turn the car stereo up to 30 and my Sony NW-A1000 up high too to hear my MP3s over the road noise. I said i'd have a play and ask you guys for any info, to see if i can find a remedy and report back. I'm worried if i forget to turn the volume back down before selecting CD or Radio, that i'm going to blow up my speakers (and ears!). Any ideas? Anyone have the same problem?
  13. I followed 2 C4 coupes today on the way to work, so mine was the 3rd in the line. A 4th came the opposite way and he flashed, but was driving a hatch. How cool is that!! Although i did feel like we're getting a bit common
  14. I have no problems with them recalling my car. I've always been offered a free courtesy car, they are very polite and friendly, and explain what the recall is about. They also do the odd little fixes that i request under warranty at the same time. As for the rust. I havent reallly looked. Shall have a looka raound the car when i next wash it. Certainly havent noticed any (except my roofrack mount problem)
  15. I was curious, because when i have no CD in the drive, the source button doesnt 'rotate' to CD, and stays on Radio.
  16. If you tell them you need a '9706ag MP3 audio harness' (listed on the Citroen parts database for £21) and that you will need the AUX2 socket enabled on your RD4 radio by their Proxia laptop, they can't tell you they dont know what you want or how to do it, cos you've just told them.
  17. My dealer sold me an AUX socket cable, part no 9706ag, for £21. The dealer does have to enable the socket using their laptop, which is what they are going to do for me tomorrow. Others on here (Wozza and Mike to name two) have got their 9706ag working, afaik with no problems.
  18. A questions to ask Citroen tomorrow, i think
  19. My dealer said they werent sure if they had enabled it or not, as they have never done one before. They said to plug in the cable, and then call in if it doesnt work. Shall go in tomorrow (cycled to work today) and sit with them while they play with their laptop and my mp3 player.
  20. Interesting. It looks like there are clips there for the plastic peice. Oh well. I've had the car nearly a year now, and only noticed.
  21. OK. Fitted black-11, red-10 and white-4. Would only fit into one of the two sockets on the back of the radio, so put it in that one. Now, with a CD in the slot, the 'SOURCE' button alternated between radio->CD->radio.... With no CD, the SOURCE button makes the radio go slient for a split second as if it is searching for another device, not finding one so returning to radio. Am i right in thinking, when the AUX socket is working, the SOURCE button goes radio->CD->MP3->radio->CD->.... ?
  22. Thanks - I'll try that one first.
  23. Was looking at the front of my car the other day and realised that the grill isnt symetrical. There look to be clips on the right hand side (looking front front, passenger). Have i lost a piece of it, or are they all like this?: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g222/matcapel/C4grill.jpg
  24. Guys. When fitting the 9706ag, did you wire it up as: 7 - Red1 - White2 - Black or 11 - Black10 - Red4 - White
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