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Everything posted by kfk

  1. what vehicle?
  2. Its unussual fro them to suffer from corrosion.......it's probable that it has had a repair at somepoint and not had its anti corrosion protection applied properly.
  3. I wouldnt recommend wiring the caravan socket to the rear lights without the use of a smart relay. the load of the caravan lights will be passing through the BSI and is likely to cause it to fail.
  4. Never heard of that one before eddie......i dont know of a problem that would cause it to be reprogrammed. Incidently......the 'Hi' got passed on.
  5. You will need the correct screen to allow the automatic wipers and lights to operate correctly. With regard to the replacement screen.....have you got windscreen insurance? most instances the insurance company will pay out and you have to find the excess, claiming for glass doesnt affect your 'normal car insurance'. Incidently......look at some of the posts and you will see thousands have viewed them to only get 5 comments......its better to have a few valid comments than sift through reams of crap!
  6. Yup.....i've found plenty of loose nuts behind the steering wheel :)
  7. With the DPF removed it will more than likely go into limphome mode due to faults recorded with the particle filter pressure sensor.
  8. Theres nothing to stop you taking your car to your own choice of garage......as you say your local has already said they can service it for you. Things to remember though: They must use genuine parts to maintain warranties they may not have diagnostic equipment that can comunicate with your vehicle They wont have the facilities to check if your vehicle is subject to any recalls/product updates that would be carried out free of charge by your Citroen dealer If you have any warranty issues you will have to make a booking at your local dealer to deal with them seperately (more time off) Should you have problems with the vehicle later in its life 'non Citroen dealer' servicing could affect any goodwill you may be entitled too. A recent example in our workshops of a non dealer serviced vehicle that only sees us for warranty work: .....customer complaint, noisy turbo......diagnosis, failure of turbo due to incorrect oil/oil change procedure/insufficient oil changes. .....the vehicle was used a taxi, and he was saving money getting a local garage to service it........ now i wont say they were doing anything wrong, but equally its only theres and his word that that everything has been done correctly, i think if the owner had known at the outset he might have been looking at replacing an engine and turbo within 3 years he would have had it dealer serviced. Try not to think of the short term savings, it could cost you more in the long run!
  9. I would also pass comment that it isnt a good idea to use tyre valve caps on the cooling sytem except in an emergency, the part supplied by citroen to do the job has a resistance to antifreeze and will have been tested to ensure it can cope with extremes in temperature.
  10. The D/N button was only fitted to earlier vehicles. Insurance companies didnt like the idea that owners could set a delayed locking to the imobilizer they would rather the customer didnt have the option......hence later vehicles have a 'c' button. So the only thing you can use the immobilizer for is unlocking the vehicle and changing the code. To change the code enter your current code, then press 'c' at which point it should bleep at you ......then enter your new code...press 'c' again should bleep with a different number of beeps this time. ok......so having done that the car will start......try it.....if it does thats good........ the next thing is to turn it off get out and close the door and leave it for 2 minutes.....untill the red led flashes reopen the door......ignition on.......and reenter your 'new' code.....hopefully the keypad led will go green and allow you to start the vehicle....if it does your finished. If it doesnt go green and goes red instead you have either entered your new code incorrectly, or saved the code to the keypad incorrectly.......in which case you use the original code...the one you are changing from and it should start......then got through the process again. so.....enter original code 'xxxx' press c (it bleeps at you) enter new code 'zzzz' press c (it bleeps at you).......start car, turn off, exit car and close door., wait 2 minutes till red led flashes. reenter car, ignition on enter new code 'zzzz'...check it starts....if it doesnt enter original code 'xxxx' and start again. Personally, if the keypad is working ok i wouldnt bother changing the code, if you are changing it because the numbers are wearing out and the contacts are dodgy you should take one of two options......the obvious one being replace it, the easiest one being to disconnect it....although this means the vehicle has no imobilizer. To disconnect the imobilizer, start the car up and unplug the wiring that goes into the immobilizer keypad.....this can only be done if the vehicle is running at the point of disconnection. Should you disconnect it i would advise you either change the code to '1111' which is the factory default code or alternatively write the code on the underside of the keypad. Why? Because when some clever dick plugs it in several months later they will need the code......and you can be sure no one will remember it!....you dont want to know how much a fuel injection computer is
  11. replacement seals will be available through your local citroen dealer and come complete with the double sided tape attached so you only need to clean the surface you will stick them too. as far as resticking the old ones on.....its unlikely you will be successfull and if you need toremove them you willalso need to get the glue off you have just applied.
  12. Memories not too good here cos i havent looked under the bonnet of one for a while.........but has it got the black plastic engine cover over the engine? .......if so is it secure or have one or several of the fixings broken causing the cover to rattle about and unscrew the cap? Apologies if i've just led you up the garden path but its worth checking cos it will only cost £15 to fix and 10 minutes work!
  13. Popping by to say hi!
  14. kfk

    Forum Rules

    I dont think we would have any problem with you advertising them, but i would have to advise any persons responding to such adverts that they do so at there own risk.
  15. C5's or C8's?......C8's had modified rear axles not aware of the C5 having problems though.......in anycase unless you are the original owner and it can be proven there is a manufacturing defect i doubt the manufacturer would be interested. Out of interest why arnt you running with michelins?, thats what the vehicle was designed to run with. I'm not saying you cant run with alternative tyres but the tyres you are using may be causing this characteristic rather then the vehicle.
  16. dont forget cheaper brands of tyre are cheaper for a reason ussually. When cornering the the tread pattern and walls will distort......some tyres more than others, this can cause abnormal wear patterns. Driving style shouldnt be ignored when looking at tyre wear. as far as rear wheel/axle alignment is concerned, unless you know it has been involved in damage at the rear end its unlikely to have any faults except for rear suspension arm bearing failure.....which if it has causes excessive wear on the inner edge of the tyre. my guess would be tyres incompatible with the car. cheap, black round and fits my car isnt the best way of buying.......some tyres out there i wouldnt put on a wheelbarrow!
  17. That will be the ABS system registering a fault........you need to get the fault codes read to identify the area of the abs system thats causing the problem, from there you should be able to work out how much to fix.......could be anything from a sensor, to a wheel bearing, to a broken wire to a new computer (unlikely but possible).
  18. kfk

    Oil Pump

    are you sure its not the damp crank pulley beginning to fail
  19. Well spotted glad your awake ....... The fully auto box has no clutch to wear out and leaving in gear whilst stationary isnt going to be detremental
  20. The gearbox is a manual box with a manual clutch......the bit it does automatically is to operate the clutch as required and to change the gears as required. Knocking the box from drive to neutral should have no effect on the wear characteristics of the box or clutch......and should you apply the handbrake whist in gear, and subsequently pull away.....if the handbrake is set correctly it will release automatically....but you probably know that.
  21. we went through a spate of those....then no more problems.
  22. kfk


  23. Thread for posting questions or information about testing components
  24. Welcome back from your hols.....was it anywhere nice?
  25. THE 'COM2000' is the unit directly under the steering wheel, it comprises of the indicator switch stalk, wiper switch stalk, airbag connections and aerial for immobilizer assy. Unfortunately the indicator/headlamp switch part of the unit isnt available seperately.
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