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Everything posted by citroeneddie

  1. Ordered insurance with Churchill start of September, still no documents in post, so I rang to chase. 'Sent out 7th September , sir, will have to charge you £9.45 for duplicates' Is this a ploy to make extra money?Why do I have to pay for nothing I have done wrong? Why not send out recorded delivery? 'We don't make much profit on internet sales as discount applied,sir' What a joke :angry: Got you by the short and curlies as amount is too small to contest.
  2. Thanks Tronboy, point taken,you can tell I'm not an expert :ph34r:
  3. How can the light from the headlights be so crap on the Berlingo, they are bigger than the size of Scotland :ph34r:
  4. Myke I have seen them on the Peugeot Partner equivalent, so try your Peugeot dealer.
  5. Thanks Paul. I will do that asap. Regards Eddie
  6. Ian I had exact problems with my new look C5 cruise and the new clutch sensor fixed it. Regards Eddie
  7. Welcome rcandelori I had some friends over from Oz last year and they commented how cheap cars were here in comparison. They couldn't believe my C5 estate was $35,000 and my C3 at the time was about $18,000. Used to live in Melbourne in 1983/4, suppose it's all changed now though. Wouldn't buy a C6 new, wait about for a 12 months old and save heaps. Regards
  8. With regard to headlamp converters, a dealer will get you a template from Citroen Technical, and then use black stickey backed plastic to cut to size. My new look C5 doesn't need them as it has a flat beam, and also the C8 I think.
  9. At my C5 50k service last week, I was expecting change of all pads and discs, but they are still good until 62.5k service next January. Depends on driving style. My brakes have squealed from day one.
  10. Actually she has been there a while (last three years since I've been going). Don't mind, enjoy the banter. By the way, supplied and fitted lock to spare on Pic for £62 inc VAT. (Labour £33.50 plus VAT). Seems good value to me.
  11. Booked in for 29th September for looking at. Debbie on reception said 'not had that before'. Bless her little cotton socks :P
  12. I have a 1.6 110 in my C5 estate and runs like a dream with average 60mpg. Should be superb in the lighter Picasso.
  13. Morning Kfk. I have been down the motorway since, so I don't think it is that. I'm going to the dealer today to have a lock fitted to the Picasso spare, I will speak to them then. I did mention before the service and they said it would be changed as routine. Just thought it may be something simple. Keep smiling :P Eddie
  14. Had the above come up a couple of times in display before and after 50k service (this would have been changed then) Anyone ( ehem KfK :P ) had this before and is it a simple reset on the diagnostics?
  15. Top drawer answer as usual Kfk.
  16. C4 made in France and Picasso made in Portugal.
  17. An ejector seat - can you retro fit one in a C5 :lol:
  18. I have looked in the Citroen Accessory guide and it says they are £11.50. With my discount, I'd get them for £10.00 What did you pay including p&p from ebay?
  19. Terry Excellent help ( where did you get hearing aid beige from?) :blink: Eddie
  20. Go to your Citroen Dealer and ask for a template of the beam deflector from Citroen Technical Department. Then buy a sheet of stickey backed plastic and cut as per template. My Citroen Dealer will do this free of charge as I know them well. :o
  21. C5 40,000 miles per year = diesel Pic 8,000 miles per year = petrol Easy!
  22. Good evening sir :P
  23. Kfk Please let us know when you are on holiday in future- get fed up of waiting for your reply for 24 hrs a day :P
  24. I had my C5 rebooted following problems with my economy mode and the service said due in 12,500 when I knew it was due earlier. Take it in at 20,000 or 2 years and the dealer will reset again.
  25. I had the same problem with my new look 2005 C5 - it hasn't been cured and required replacement under warranty due to the failure of the earthing strip located in the screen.
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