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Everything posted by citroeneddie

  1. I've done 49k on my original pads and shoes, but may need changing at 50k service. There would be no mileage stipulation, it's all down to driving style.
  2. Oxymoron, Try and negotaite and get a breakdown perhaps. May get a better deal from a smaller family run Citroen Garage. I know you can get non Citroen to service during warranty period, but IMHO worth paying a bit extra for peace of mind. What are the main differences between 2nd and 3rd services without me looking in the service manual?
  3. Oxymoron If it's similar to Picasso 1.6 third service, will probably be about £275 ouch :huh:
  4. Paul Can't see any imternal damp at low level.It seems to collect at the top only and on both sides- strange. Thanks for your reply.
  5. I have a new look C5 and have constant condensation problems above the openings to the rear doors on the metal part of the bodywork. I have had the seals replaced around the top of the doors but still the problem persists. The front door openings are fine. Anybody got the same problem or fixed it lately? Thanks in advance.
  6. Banger Might be a write off. I remember when my dads car floated away in torrential rain and buggered electrics. On claim form it asked for speed at time of accident, and my dad put 4 knots :o Good luck.
  7. Chevron Motors Worcester. Always good service and friendly staff. Been going there for about three years following my switch from Peugeot to Citroen and never let me down. Family run garage, say no more :angry:
  8. Not on the New Look C5 he can't. :angry:
  9. Had a Clarion head unit fitted to my new look C5 by my Citroen Dealer as all wiring and slot in place.It needed to be programmed in so all functions appear on display while in use. Cost about £300.
  10. And they aren't cheap- about £50 a pair for flat blade ones :o
  11. Don't touch it, what you save initially will cost you in the long run.
  12. Not keen on Peugeot dealers becoming Authorised Citroen Repairers. Cant fault service on previous Peugeots, but think that Citroen Dealers are still more experienced ( especially smaller family run ones).
  13. Kfk Why does the C5 1.6Hdi 16v require servicing every 12500 miles and the other C5 diesels every 20000 miles? Thanks Eddie
  14. Thats worrying about the filters ont being changed and being charged for them. Please let us know who the independant is and the Citroen Dealer who didn't change the filters, as you can spill the beans on the Pic Forum. :D
  15. Nobody enjoys having problems, they are a way of life. It's just how you deal with it that it is important. All cars have problems, but I can accept and deal with Citroens as there is a bigger picture. :D
  16. Thanks John, but I don't like registering as I have administrator restrictions. Kfk - what is Technical's official line on this one? Is there templates for non Xenon new look C5's? Thanks eddie
  17. John Which site is this? Thanks
  18. Well done Carlos. If I can do it, anyone can do it. :D You will know for next time when it happens again.
  19. Carlos This has happened a couple of times to me. After taking the pocket out, you have to refit the black spring back onto the side of the pocket and it will re fit. A bit flimsy, I know but good for holding sunglasses :lol: Eddie
  20. John I haven't got Xenon headlights but CUK told me I still didn't need them as the car has a flat beam. I think I will ask CUK for a letter in French confirming I don't need them so I can give to the Gendarme if he stops me. :lol: Regards Eddie
  21. Am going to France next month on holiday in the new look C5. If CUK sell headlamp protectors with beam deflecting stickers for the new look C5, why do they say you don't need deflectors as they have a flat beam? :lol: Any advice anyone?
  22. Welcome back kfk- haven't heard from you for a while- obviously nothing exciting happening on the forum lately :lol:
  23. Oh and welcome back Kfk, not heard from you for a while ;)
  24. I think the labour rate and parts charge is reasonable considering its a Citroen Dealer
  25. Stupid question :o
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