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coastline taxis

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Everything posted by coastline taxis

  1. yep there a right pain to do
  2. Your car has adaptive drive cycles. So when the main power feed was disconected your ecu might have lost the settings. The car will need to learn these again normall driving for half an hour including town/motorway/hill and street driving is normally enough to do it
  3. if you leave a slight turn on the front wheels then the front end will rise and fall with the key out. its because of the torsion it applys to to the anti roll bars that the ride height adjuster sits on
  4. check your power steering fluid. when in park the ecu lowers the revs to idle
  5. We do exactly the same milipod. there just not worth having them on
  6. Honestly people the secret is grease. when we get a new tube we start puttin grease in at one end of the tube and dont stop till it comes out the other end then grease the cable itself then feed it in. normally use a whole tub of grease on both sides ( pint pot of paint size tub). next time u come to replace the cable they just slide out
  7. having seen the pics of your tailgate any decent panel beater could beat that out very cheaply for you
  8. use a bit easy start to fire the engine up this will take it out of economy mode
  9. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FOR-CITROEN-C5-C6-FRONT-SUSPENSION-LOWER-HUB-CARRIER-BOTTOM-BUSH-BUSHES-/161238835858?fits=Model%3AC5%7CCars+Year%3A2009&hash=item258a956292:g:FyMAAOxy4fVTE00d Bushes are around the £100 and almost anygarage should charge around £50 per side for doing it. Sugest u try elsewhere
  10. Scrap yard for one and very easy to replace. One part goes to the starter motor (which u will have of to replace the starter) and the other part goes to the maxi fuses and is held on with 1 x 13 mm nut. very easy job
  11. the card has a scratch panel on it remove it and it has your key code. Its very unusual for a key to need recoding Look in the forums for a bsi reset and do that b4 letting anyone touch the car. make sure the battery is fully charged and all leads are on the battery. Also try the spare key if u have one
  12. Hi all. Due to circumstance all 3 mods have gone on holiday this week. This was not intentional it just happened. So if u dont get an answer then its nothing personel. We will be back sunday but im sure the members on here will do their best to help as they have a wealth of knowledge and are good people.
  13. Make the timing belt your number 1 priority. If u do a search on the forum im sure theres a fix for the micro switch
  14. Whats wrong with the suspension and could u pm me the price please
  15. If you look in the c5 section then in one of the catergorys how to do a bsi reset is pinned to the top on one of them pages
  16. ha ha ha thank you. it WILL help others
  17. You can just order the blades themselves from citroen and they come pre cut to your car. the ones you have geting are just bits of shaped metal to stop any damage. cotroen will want your log book and proof of id. Then just put the blade into your new fob
  18. You wont be the 1st one and i do it quite regulary. So maybe u could post the answer for us
  19. Air con = sounds like a simple regas should fix it. Switches = Welcome to the world of citroen switches. There a very common fault and its either dealers/scrappy or ebay for replacements. Timing belt = VERY IMPORTANT get it done as soon as you can as they go by mileage and time. And the consequences are very expensive. Front brakes = the squeal is caused by brake dust of cheap pads. Jet wash the brakes of and it will disappear for a couple of weeks. Boot switch = the micro switch is broke see answer 2. Gear lever = Have a word with yourself 1mm. Nothing to worry about at all . Overall it not a mega list off faults and nothing to worry about except the timing belt. Mileage wise its ok but time wise its not, Also replace the water pump/guides/tensioner when doing timing belt.
  20. Ha ha ha well done at least your sorted now
  21. ou might have the wrong ampage (higher than 10 amp) fuse in and have a power supply issue. 1st though get a multimeter and test the voltage to the sidelight then get someone to prss the brake pedal and see what voltage you get as really the one bulb is serving 2 systems so u need to know which one is causing it
  22. If there was no power to your ecu then your car woulnt run as the . Check all your fuses again including the maxi fuses
  23. Are they the right bulbs your puting in and have u checked the ampage of the fuse
  24. No . It would be a logistical and financial nightmmare to try and convert it over
  25. If you got any paperwork with the car ty checking that . key code will be on what looks like a credit card and you scratch it of to show a 4 digit code. you could but a lexia diagnostic and do it yourself for around £80
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