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coastline taxis

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Everything posted by coastline taxis

  1. It should be on your log book unles its had a engine change
  2. sorry tradis but its realy hard to understand your question. but if we persevere we can get there. i think your having trouble starting and that you think its a diesel problem. if so what engine have you got in it
  3. ok take the feed pipe of and get someone to turn the ignition on. you want fuel spurting out instantly. If ok then reconect and go to the out side of the filter and remove that pipe and swithch ignition on and see what you get there . move your way down the fuel lin e doing the same and get back to us. Also rest your fingers on the top of the fuel filter and with all lines closed get the ignition switched on and see if you can feel the top of the pump lifting up
  4. the ds is a beautiful car. i can remember having to do the suspension pipes on one off these it was a nightmare and took 3 of us a week to get it right. definetly need pics of this old girl. and welcom to the forum
  5. can we have some pics of the car please and the refurb process if youve captured it in pic aswell
  6. yes you just swap the blades over and the inards. Sometimes some of the ones from ebay do have the citroen logo inside the pack and you just clip it on
  7. wow thats a blast from the past and trying to think back 20 years to carb problems is hard ha ha. id start by checking for a sticking float valve as thats what cuts the fuel off. Next would the drain plug on the bottom of the carb. if all ok then its got to be the main gasket
  8. sounds like a head gasket. if it,s blowing from the water ways to the oilways then it would not affect the compression. any garage should do a sniffer test to confirm this
  9. think the whole world will be anti car soon with only electric vehicles being allowed in any town center
  10. is this the 1st time youve checked it since the pump was done
  11. A new brake master cylinder and brake fluid change should put this right
  12. Your c5 has a cable going from the acc pedal to the throttle pot then becomes fly by wire. the cable is adjusted by moving the clip.
  13. Thats a fair price tools arnt cheap these days
  14. Hi throttle cable is on thr right hand side and fastened to the gearbox mountain where it meets the chassis or opposite the vacum pump under the ecu cover. is it front or rear lights
  15. if you look on the back of the servo where it marrys up to the bulkhead or on the bulkhead itself you will see what appears to be a foam pad. this is actually a glue pad and it will be on one side either servo or bulk head. the long studs are removed inwards by putting 2 nuts on and locking them together and unscrewing the studs out
  16. You can buy the sump plug keys cheap enough. then drain and refill the box via the reversing light switch. Dont take any chances as changing a box is quite a epic job on a c8
  17. When a auto box drops to 3rd its like a limp home mode setting . You need to get the box plugged in or taken to a autobox specialist
  18. I take it you mean the the servo unit ( laymans terms). Very very very rare these go wrong. 9 out of 10 its the vacum pump or a vacum leak. Any way to get it of you just got to push or pull like a train because they also glue it on to keep it water tight or the drivers floor would be soaking and there would be excess enginge noise
  19. when you say 1.9 do you mean 1.9 hdi better known as a 2.litre hdi
  20. sounds like a vacum problem
  21. realy easy if you just do one at a time then the other 2 keeps the door in place
  22. not really weve had similar instances were it runs out of balance and cant correct itself due to spinning then by switching engine off and restarting it all is fine till the next time
  23. If you can twist a the belt more that 90 degress the its slack. Removing anyplug will only result in one of the following the engine will stop or it will go into limp mode and restrict the revs. to check the pressure on the pump in the 1st instence is checked by once again live data. they say all roads lead to rome. well on a non start all roads lead to live data
  24. if its betwen the pump and the camshaft then there is always a bit play on the belts there on the hdi,s. Also you might have diesel at the injectors but if its not at a minimum of 260 bar then it will never fire up. so if it turns out to be the the high pressure pump at fault then youl have to change the belt again to put a new pump on
  25. i would go with the dmf as it sound like it from what youve said. Replace it with a solid flywhell and clutch ( 4 in 1 kit ). europarts do a valeo kit for £250
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