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Everything posted by pork_pie

  1. A 206 CC for a Pluriel? Both manufacturers have a shocking reliability record./build quality especially in these convertibles. Good luck.
  2. pork_pie


    Is your car Petrol or Diesel? Either way Semi synthetic oil is used. Ring the Citroen dealer and they will recommend Total 7000 semi synthetic oil. Yes changing oil between service intervals can bring benefits. But in these days of improved oils (better than mineral oil), I am not sure it makes too much of a difference...... Good on you for sticking to this regime.
  3. Yes an ABS ECU costs at least 1500-2000 pound. Ruddy scandalous.
  4. This concept of oil filer caps unscrewing themselves is the biggest slice of bull5hit ever to be uttered from any dealership. What has happened to modern cars and the service that goes with it nowadays? It is a complete joke.
  5. http://www.carelect.demon.co.uk/xantind.html Check this link out. From what you described, its a sensor problem If its the ECU however - your guaranteed a 4 figure sum on the invoice unless you consider a reconditioned unit. One question - would you?!
  6. Yes that sound like water in fuel warning light for sure. The acorn description gave it away "You guessed what it is yet?"
  7. Dickie G's idea sounds good but if the light is red then it could be low coolant.
  8. Some are good. Most are rotten to the core. Yours might be the exception to the rule but if something wrong happens to your Pluriel, be prepared for numerous visits to the dealership and months of frustration. The postings here speak for themselves. Its your call. If I was in your situation..........I'd be prepared to lose the deposit and get something else that is better built.
  9. The 1.9td? Beautiful engine in its heyday. 92 bhp and not far behind in the torque rating. However the engine needed servicing every 6000miles. 47miles to the gallon? Not bad seeing as the no turbo version was more frugal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The HDI 90 came out in 1998 with a hike of torque from 155lb/ft from 144lb/ft and ran on semi synthetic oil. An even better engine. However the 110bhp version is outstanding. Official overall MPG figure for an HDi 90 manual Estate is 51.4mpg. Like I say the combination of diesel engine and an old design automatic transmission with 4 forward ratios rather than 5 with torque convertor is not the best. I cannot think of a torque convertor automatic diesel that offers more than 45mpg. The newer Continuous Variable transmission and semi autos (eg Sensodrive and Toyotas MMT) with diesels offer the best compromise since they are lighter and the nature of the transmission does not sap the engines power reserves. Have you tried adding diesel fuel additive? They unblock the fuel injectors. This is what improved my mpg from 47 to around 55
  10. Inaccurate - the Goverments official fuel consumption figures especially the extra urban figures. Car tests are performed on rolling roads and don't take into account of: gradients, weather conditions and if the mother in law is sat in the back gassing off. Diesel automatics (with the conventional torque convertor with less gear ratios than the equivalent manual) never give good fuel returns anyway because the units are about 70kg heavier and saps the engine power. The 90 bhp engine is a great engine but sluggish in hauling a car of xsaras size compared to the 110bhp version which is why its slightly thirstier. Same engine was put in a C5!!!!! You say you never get more than 50mpg? What exactly are you getting? If you get under 40mpg at the speeds you are doing then I would be worried and check the engine management settings, air filters, sticking brakes and tyre pressures. You got an estate? Then the 110 Hdi auto estate will alledgedly do 47.9 mpg - the 90 should provide around 46.3/45.6.
  11. Toblerone Not a bad fuel return considering you only done 3000 miles. Imagine what you can get when the engines fully bedded in. As for the Xsara... looks like you got rid of yours just in time. Mines gona fall like a lead balloon more when I wish to sell it in 3-4 years time which probably co incides with the C4's first cosmetic change. Oh bo**ocks.
  12. I had a black 16v Hdi and I am so glad I got shot of it. Not even the good fuel economy and cheap tax and insurance atoned the fact it was a poorly built car with quality control that would put Lada to shame. Not for families with kids as the C3 has that stupid childlock feature that loses its memory after 30 minutes. My wife wants to buy another one but I suppose it was not her who shat oneself at 70 mph when a kid at the back overrides the central locking and the "childproof locks" by opening the door. Good luck with yours.
  13. Miles per gallon figures are inaccurate but heard many stories of xsara auto drivers getting poor fuel economy. The 90bhp diesel auto is unavailable in the UK. Only the 110bhp diesel self shifter is available and, if its a hatchback, does 48.7mpg. Its a fact that the 90bhp Hdi model is not as economical as the 110bhp engine so overall you will at best achieve 46-47mpg. How old is your car and how many miles has it done? My Hdi 90 manual done nearly 25000 miles and am getting 55-57mpg. Takes a while to properly run in a modern diesel engine.
  14. Check the switches behind the break and clutch pedal. If they are misaligned, the ECU gets confused and in a state of panic shuts the engine down. Otherwise get the garage to do a software check (arrrrrrrrrrgh)
  15. The engine does take an age to warm up I agree. I sometimes flick the gauge to see if its working. Heater works - eventually. Has fancy temperature settings calibrated in degrees! Sophisticated indeed. Not as sophisticated as digital climate control which I reckon is a superflous bell and whistle. As for fuel consumption - been very good. Getting an average of 55-58mpg but the forthcoming North East winters are harsh so goodbye to that! Somethign else tronny - I may be inaginign it but sometimes the cars responce is like having a rocket attached to its jacksy but on other occasions, continental drift would lap it twice.
  16. Minis - amazing there is still a waiting list for them. Overpriced go karts. Did you buy them shortly after launch when quality control was worse than it is now? As for sensors, one needs to be put over each wheel so that WOMEN would think twice before kerbing the thing. Never had the pleasure of owning a Citroen Visa. Seen any about of have they all rotted? The GTi verson looked good. Taken for a spin in my mates 954cc version back in 94. Not nice. Did not have a heated rear window but a rear fog light that hangs on a thread similar to those that hang off the rear of them pristine Japanese coupes and horrible 4x4s.
  17. Thanx a lot. Those informations were really helpful. Still I have some more questions now... As for 12-year car body warranty, could you please tell me the URL of the page where you found this info, because I could not find it anywhere? You also said that brakes, airbag wiring and coling system should be checked 'cause they are weak points. Could you please explain all that in little more detail? Thanx again! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll try to find the actual URL another time. Type "Citroen Saxo anti corrison" in any ISP homepage. But the 12 years anti corrosion warranty should give you some idea that there is come decent bodywork protection. In the case of the Saxo, the manufacturer probably put it through the same laminator where one can put A4 sized paper....." BRAKES: The rear discs/drums prematurely corrode and they squeak especially when reversing - something the technicians cant seem to sort out. AIRBAG WIRING: Tronboy answered it but with the added point that the airbag warning light intermittently lights as the result of the bad connection. About £180 to fix. Cooling system: Radiators leak. Cooling level and compositon needs to be monitored.Overlook this and big repairs are required. The car is undriveable if you are taller than 6ft Okay the seats are fine if a 20 mile commute is all you do.
  18. Tronnie Took my car to the dealership near Catterick. Luckily there were no symptoms to suggest there was an oil leak or a blown headgasket. Even though the colant was brown, there were no oily deposits or sludge. No coolant leakage no nothing. Temp gauge reading is normal - reads 75-80 every ******* day! Was told it was normal but still find it concerning. Due for its 25 k service in November and a collant drain is scheduled for this time point.
  19. The first generation Saxo was launched in Summer 1996. In January 1998 there were a few cosmetic changes e.g front grille, coloured dials. In Autumn 2000 the final generation was launched and this was the final version leading to its discontinuation. This included a completely different nose, changes to instrumentation, trim and standard equipment and a more powerful engine for VTR customers. As for galvanised steel....well from what I have researched on the net, the latest generation Saxo qualifies for the 12 year anti corrosion warranty. The Saxo is not particularly gifted for its driving position. The seats are thin and uncomfortable bit its made worse by offset pedals that are placed too close together and a steering column that is not adjustable in any direction. The 1.5 diesel is an old unrefined unit which follows a very old format: indirect diesel injection with no turbocharging or intercooling. As a result the unit yields around 60bhp and is as economical as a modern FAMILY 2.0 litre diesel (53.3 mpg). If you can get one for a good price (you should do as modern small diesels blow it out of the water and bearing in mind safety features are extra and air conditioning is only available in left hand drive cars) then go for it if there are no other alternatives. Check the brakes, airbag wiring and the cooling system as well as these are weak points
  20. Windows 3.0 with a Sinclair 48k processor. Not very reasurring that a lot of C3 problems stem from software problems and that software upgrades are constantly required to cure them. Was locked out of my ol' C3 on various occasions only for it to be mysteriouslyrectified after 10-15 minutes. Te explaination was the cars system crashed and requred rebooting! Sounds like a typical PC problem that we are all forced to stomach and forgive. The key needed recoding afterwards but why oh why can''t the car be locked manually?
  21. "However one thing that both Fiat and Citroen owners seem to have in common is a passion for their cars, because no matter how much the dealers (and manufacturer) may let them down there are enough redeeming features of the vehicles that make them loved" That was definately the case with my old C3 Hdi Excl. Even though I never want to drive or own another C3 again after my experiences, I still loved it to bits by virtue of its looks, spec and fuel economy and that always took precendence over the fact that it was the most unreliable car I ever owned. Each day with it was a wrist slitting experience. My Xsara estate - not the most striking of vehicles I must admit but it serves its purpose very well. Nothing fancy - no cruise control or automatic lights/wipers nor alloys the lady can possibly scuff.
  22. My previous Xsara Hdi 110 did this when ever I did full lock on. It was a broken spring which is covered under warranty but as part of the deal replaced both of them.
  23. Fiat vehicles are a stinker of a product. I have yet to visit the Fiat version of this forum and I guess it does not make good reading. Is it true that Fiat customer service is also lightweight?
  24. Fraid so. Most manufactures do multiplexwiring (to minimise payload and improve "effeciency") but most do it better than Citroen! Was not permitted to add aftermarket electric rear windows because of this.
  25. Fraid not. Accessories section on Citroen website only specify rear ones. I would not be tempted to try companies who offer such a fitment. Citroens multiplex wiring is suceptible to external influences like farting for instance
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