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Everything posted by DaveHerns

  1. Took car into main dealer today before buying it off leasing Co. Verdict is that it needs a new rear screen @£500 or a repair kit @£200 I asked why I was only getting 7 volts on the feed wire and they say the repair kit includes a repair for this .In that case why does it need a new screen ? I think they are pulling my chain ! Seems to me the yellow wire is live when the tailgate window should be openable - ie car unlocked and dead when car is locked so window can't be opened .Is this correct ? Power goes through switch and then lock motor and then to earth by thick black wire ? Could it be it operates on 7 rather than 12 volts or have I got a voltage drop in the supply ? Seems I may as well by pass printed circuit in the glass with the "wire and black tape " method and see what happens Ant other ideas ?
  2. Maybe every known problem has been covered ?
  3. Did the same to mine a while ago I'd be inclined to leave the caliper untouched if no need , no point in making unnecesary work
  4. Mine had new pads front and rear at 40K miles .Don't think they were worn but may not have lasted till next service at 60K
  5. Can you not swap the cover over as long as the frame is the same shape ? Or can you bypass the sensor in the seat base ?
  6. Red antifreeze ? I thought it was green for C5's
  7. Does the radio still work or is it stuck in CD function ? I think I'd disconnect trhe battery ( follow the procedure detailed elsewhere ) and see if it comes out when it powers up
  8. Is this the new shape model ? Normally the arm just unclips from the blade On mine I pulled the rubber out and fitted a length cut from a Tesco's wiper blade It bends enough to be fed into the middle
  9. But think of having to pay for 3 weddings ....
  10. I think I'd better have a look at mine .However my rear brake light was glowing dimly even from new and before I'd changed any bulbs
  11. What year is it ? I'm looking for a seat cover for a 2006 Exclusive , don't need the frame
  12. I've had 2 2006 C5 Estates and the high level brake light has always glowed dimly as I've been closing the garage door No idea why , unless it's some sort of feedback in the wiring but it's done no harm
  13. Is it the same V6 as in the XM as weren't they a heap of trouble ? Citroen now do a 2.7 diesel and have dropped the petrol V6 from the new C5
  14. If the yellow is the earth return .where does the lock get it's 12v supply ?
  15. What are rear thrusters ? Not a batmobile , is it ?
  16. I wouldn't risk thinners . The whole thing may go cloudy T Cut etc won't do any harm
  17. I think I'm losing volts somewhere . There's 3 wires at the top of the screen under the spoiler .Thick red is power to the HRW , black is a common earth return , yellow ( I think the other one is ) is power to the lock Between red and black with HRW I get 14 volts with HRW on Between yellow and black I'm getting about 5 volts Any ideas ? Having said that I never used the opening window feature so it's no big deal
  18. Take it back to the garage They haven't fixed the fault you paid them for Otherwise check for leaks , steam from the exhaust , overheating etc It could be an air lock - does it use water on another run or just the once ?
  19. Seems the lens cover should come off leaving the base in place but I've not managed it Mine normally come out in pieces and I refit them after sticking the bits together with Araldite However you can get new ones for under £3 each on Ebay
  20. I expect we'll be using DAB converters like the Pure Freeway or similar Is there any need to switch off FM transmitters? Is there nothing better to spend licence/tax payers money on ?
  21. Can you detect any difference with a solid flywheel fitted ?
  22. Volvo 740's and 240's with the 4 cylinder engine are equally as easy I do think the world of motoring has advanced since Mk4 Cortinas .I think it would be a culture shock driving one after a C5 !
  23. I assumed it dripped on the exhaust and boiled away .I've never seen drips under my C5
  24. Don't get a Kia Magentis - even my Kia dealer admits they are a joke
  25. Surely not If the engine breathers are blocked there will be a build up of combustion blow-by gases. It won't directly affect the oil getting round the system
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