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Everything posted by Johndouglas

  1. What sort of mileage has it done? You should be getting around 40mpg. Your trouble could be down to lack of maintenance. Try changing air, fuel and oil filters. Check that all the glowp[lugs are working. Then give the injectors a clean by using some Redex/Fortes/Millers diesel treatment.
  2. This question has been asked before and it seems that only the changing of the light units will satisfy the contrĂ´le technique. Even HID Xenons that are suppposed to have flat beams are not acceptable.
  3. If C3's are as temperamental as C5's you may have upset the ECU. With C5's there is a very precise method of disconnecting the battery. Yours may be the same. This is it:- Turn off the ignition and remove the key. Wait 5 mins before disconnecting the battery. Whilst you wait DON'T open or close any doors or operate the flip. If the car has sat nav make sure the LED is out. Disconnect the battery. After reconnecting wait 2 mins before doing anything. Then turn on the ignition and wait 30 secs before starting. You may have to adjust the clock, the windows and re-sync the slip by turning on the ignition and holding the lock button for 10 secs.
  4. The PS pump on the Saxo is electrical. If it only works sometimes I would check the electrical connections.
  5. They've got the timing wrong. The pistons have come up and hit the valves - which were in the wrong place because of the belt being fitted incorrectly. If it happened some time after leaving the garage, then the belt was not tensioned correctly allowing the pulleys to loose their timing.
  6. What do you call loose? The housing only sits in rubber grommets and is held in place by the trunking so you could move it.
  7. Current recomendation is 150K or 10 years. But is it wise? My 2 ltr C5 is also on 71K and I have the belt replacement kit in the boot ready to put on when the weather improves.
  8. Here you go:- http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i53/Johndug/scan0001-1.jpg
  9. Passenger side - under the dashboard.
  10. Always good advice.
  11. Normally on PSA HDI engines the cambelts are long lasting and reliable. My own C5 is now on 72000 and still on the original belt. I have the new kit in the boot ready to replace in the warmer weather. But in the C8 and its Peugeot and Fiat equivalents, there is a problem which the companies know about. The problem arises from rain water running off the windscreen and entering the cambelt casing causing the belt to quickly wear and in many cases prematurely break. They have in fact designed a modification which supposedly diverts the water away from the belt. Get it looked at quickly.
  12. Certain aspects of C5's have changed over the years - so this may not apply to yours. On mine, I press the menu button. Four features appear in the small screen. One of them gives the choice of time and date. Press the centre OK button and in turn, date, month, year, am/pm, hour, minute will come up. To change any of them it's necessary to press OK then toggle up or down before pressing OK again. Quite a 'faff' to say the least!
  13. I think you can disregard some of the baloney in Haynes. That's not to say you should not take every care to work cleanly. There are different fuel filters on HDI's. We have two and they are both different. Personally, I never open the drain taps since I change the filters every 10K. Begin by pushing some rags under the bowl to catch spillage. Carefully remove the pipe connections and keep them clean. Remove the top and lift out the filter into a container. I use an old ice-cream box. Then syphon out the contents using an oven baster. An occasional stir with the baster ensures that any water or crud comes out with the diesel. When the bowl is empty, fit the new filter, change the rubber ring and replace the top. Switch on and off a few times to operate the pump. Also use the hand primer.
  14. He's having a laugh................... Isn't he? :rolleyes:
  15. It means that the temperature of the coolant is going into the abnormal range and it's telling you to stop. It could mean that there's a fault which is causing the engine to over-heat; it could mean that the coolant level is too low. But it could also mean that the temperature sensor is playing up and just needs changing. A new sensor is around ten quid.
  16. Contrary to what Kevin says, there isn't a drain tap on the C5 rad. I haven't changed the coolant in mine yet, but on our Xsara, I remove the bottom hose and drain it from there. That of course doesn't drain the engine block, but since I change the fluid every 2-3 years, and use the same antifreeze, I don't bother about it. Regarding the C5, I think there's an 'O' ring on the joint which sometimes breaks when it's removed. Go carefully.
  17. Don't know if these guys can help:- http://www.psdfi.co.uk/
  18. It's a common problem - particularly on 2.2 engines. There are mobile firms who specialize in removal. Google "PSA siezed injectors"
  19. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CITROEN-C5-LX-2-0-HDI-SILVER-2001-TAILGATE-/280545207035?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4151cc22fb
  20. Have a chat to these guys:- http://www.bba-reman.com/catalogue/DetailedProduct.aspx?DetailedProduct=546 I haven't used them but I've heard good things said about them. Don't be tempted to fork out for a second hand one from a breaker. They won't work without being rebuilt and coded.
  21. Any clutch slip? Tinkling/grinding noises when changing gear can indicate DMF trouble.
  22. If your rear box is similar to the 2 ltr, there are two hangers at the rear of the box and another at the front end.
  23. Since when a wheel loses pressure and the position of that wheel is indicated on the dashboard diagram, it would seem to suggest that the computer knows the position of each sensor. But as I said previously, I've switched wheels from front to back without any confusion to the system. Might it be that the computer learns the new positions prior to any pressure loss.
  24. Probably your battery power is too low. During the summer I had to start with a jump start after finding the battery voltage too low. The car started OK but when I drove off, there was no power steering. Even after driving around the block the steering was still heavy. I disconnected the battery - left it for five minutes - then reconnected and all was back to normal.
  25. Systems on Mk 1 and Mk 2 may work differently, but I've switched front wheels to back on my C5 and nothing has been noted on the dashboard.
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