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Everything posted by Mat

  1. Purely from memory, so you may be 100% right Wozza, but i thought cruise control only worked in 5th above 30mph (which would explain Lab44's problem). I remember reading it documented in the logbook.
  2. Mat

    New Alloys

    How much was P&P? :lol:
  3. That looks very good Mike. I hadn't thought of using the tray, but may consider changing my plans.
  4. Sounds good - any pics ?
  5. Mine is insured for £242. I'm not a vicar either. Just 24 years old, 6 years NCD, park on the drive, 10k miles (tho upgraded to 15k for £15, and added gf (who has 3 points, 3 further pending AND 2 shunts :D ) for £10). Change of postcode cost another £12 when i moved house. The downside, if i crash, i have to pay the first £600. Before my C4, i had a 1.1i 96P Saxo. That was prety much the same, and for 3rd party FnT too !!!
  6. My hose pipe works ok
  7. I think its probably a different size, tho maybe worth finding an old floppy disk power supply. Good thinking Wozza.
  8. Bugger. Broke the molex connector. Shall have to wait to see if we have any at work i can 'borrow'
  9. Wozza, you spotted my deliberate mistake
  10. Right, just picked up my 9706AG from my Citroen dealer. Instructions are all in french. Just want to check rouge = red, blanc = black, doesnt it? I don't want to get the two the wrong way round :D. And what does 'tresse de masse' mean?
  11. or my other post; Can I, can I, can I, Pleeeeeease?
  12. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g222/matcapel/c4supercoupe.jpg
  13. A very intesting website. Its like being 4 again, reading by pictures and working out what the word say (GCSE was a long time ago!) EDIT: How depressing. I'm getting old. GCSEs were 10 years ago :D
  14. Of course, this did come off a french website, so is probably only 137mph. However, maybe the display can show a 2 as 3rd leftmost char. If it can show a 2, the next challenge is a 3 :D
  15. Just found this in Planete Citroen: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g222/matcapel/C4speedo.jpg Real or photoshop?
  16. Google has failed to find 'planet citroen' too. :D
  17. I can't see a picture :D
  18. Sure, give me a ring (0870 606 9099) and we'll sort it out
  19. I think i'm right in saying the 3rd leftmost character only has the 1 segment (not that i've ever gone fast enough to see ;) ), so cant even show a 2 ! I challenge someone to prove me wrong (but accept no responsibilty for any court hearing that may follow)
  20. 6215 miles = 9999km
  21. Interesting - thanks Just another little q: Nearside = drivers side = right Offside = passenger = left Does that swap on left hand drive cars ?
  22. Anyone know where the sensor is, that measures the temperature that is displayed on the centre console? Was trying to think where a good place to put it would be so that it gets the outside temperature, but isnt affected by the engine heat, or the sun light, or windchill.
  23. I was very lost when i borrowed my gf's car. Had to think about changing the radio volume
  24. Mat


    The scariest rides i've had have been people who claim to be 'above average' drivers (one had had IAM lessons). Just watch 'Britains Worst Driver' or whatever its called. They all think they are good drivers, but are definately not. (Wozza, this isnt a dig at you. I can't comment on your driving, as i've never been in a car with you)
  25. Not heard of that one before :blink:
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