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Everything posted by Rich_Eason

  1. A complete suggetsion... Its not something as simple as a selector return spring or something? I've had one of these go on a previous car and the gear stick looses all feeling and "selection" feel in the box. The selector can also feel lumpy and not particulary positive. Perhaps need a bit of lube or replacement? Cost of repair...0.92p +VAT for spring £145 labour to undo 4 screws, replace spring, re tighten screws. So did it myself
  2. 2005 Citroen C4 VTS - Wicked Red http://farm1.static.flickr.com/118/288312166_2601ed03b8_o.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/117/288312167_b42b3f7414_o.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/120/288312168_0ff6950d25_o.jpg
  3. 19,999.9 miles + a bit. :) In general terms I think you are allowed to go over "a bit" but if you ever wish to claim for what ever reason that "bit" is ammo not to pay for that expensive repair.
  4. I would have thought that is quite a good price if about the going rate. I seem to remember the last time I serviced a car with Ford, I was charged the princley sum of £190 for a Major Service about a year or two ago and £119 for a minor. Different company I know but will give you a rough guide to prices.
  5. Your right, the only reason why it is "special" is that it has non standard (from the range) paint colours and fancy seats and stickers. Is it worth spending the extra for the edition, if it costs more than the equivilent model in the range, and using the extra to get something better/higher spec. Afterall in 4years time will the special demand a higher premium, probably not much to write home about.
  6. There has something about them that just doesnt look right and I think I have found what it is, its the seats. You know those slip over seat covers you can buy in Argos? The interior trim just reminds me of them with "copied" logos.... :unsure: Not sure I like the sound of the silver mirrors either... Does the balck one still have the white wheels? I bet they are fun to keep clean :P
  7. Some "nice" HUGE chrome spinners that rub the wheel arches when I go round roundabouts and sharp turns. In all seriousness, I'm happy with my VTS and wouldnt want to change it. I'll keep the cash :unsure:
  8. Exactly... a bit of a buff here and there and you'd never know the difference
  9. Quite litterally... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBdvh-dBIDk People dont ha;f love to film their C4 spedos on You Tube dont they? :blink:
  10. you couldnt make it up could you?.... :D I think in general gone are the days of being able to leave something in the capable hands and relying on a vendor to deliver a good quality service. If its any consolation... We ordered a new dining table in June 2006 from a well know reputable high street brand - we are on table number 5 as every one that has been delivered has been significantly damaged. Tuesday I was advised that no more replacements are avalible or going to be avalible and that they cannot replace the table....would I "accept £50 as a gesture of good will?" :blink: The blame has now been focused at the delivery company and "I" need to take it up with them. :D I think the key thing is no matter how p****d off you may feel keep cool and level headed as at the end of it all it will "all come out in the wash" :) Take the bun fight out on the management not the bloke behind the desk...as he's only doing what his manager tells him to do or his manager should at least monitor what he is doing.
  11. £63+VAT :unsure: Where abouts are you KFK?! Last week my sisters Fiesta was in the dealers and they were charging £45+VATn and thats Fraud... :D
  12. For the 180 They might has well make it 12500miles 1 year as the majority of owners will very rarely do 6250 a year... :unsure:
  13. Oh I see :blink: I just wondered if there was a connection between the different types of switch and dipping mirror operatointhat was all...
  14. I dont remember it showing the different types of switch in the handbook, but I think it says in the description?...how is this relevant to getting the mirrors to dip when you slip into reverse though? Is there a connection?
  15. Any normal human being would assume that. However you would think if on the "mirror functions list to enable list" out of the say 5 functions you would think they would tick all 5 and enable and not leave the list short by enabling only 3 or 4. Surely this wastes time at the dealer us all going back asking for mirrors to be enable whilst Rory Cheshunt in his C2 is waiting for his clutch to be changed? Or is some devious marketing ploy?
  16. Engines with Hydraulic tappets will always sound rattly on start up more so on cold mornings where its be standing over night. This is normally down to small amounts of oil draining off, nothing serious as once the engine is cranking ti builds up the oil pressure again. The ticking sound you refer to, is it comming from down near the drivers door pillar? Some owners have reported on here that the depolutions canister(which is located in this area) make a bit of a clatter, not too dissimilar to that of the tappets. Most of us here have experienced it at one point or another. If you are still not convinced, my suggestion will be to drop it in to the dealer and get them to look at it and see what they say. Hope this helps.
  17. Not that I am aware of, if there are, they are probably trying to write the programming to simulate the Passenger Door Rattle Lumpy clutches The ocasional cracked windscreen Loopy service indicator Wobbly Wheels Squeeling Brakes as we speek. :lol: :blink:
  18. I think this is a mine field not helped by the dealers randomly spouting off figures left right and centre. If you go by book you cant go wrong as after all Citroen printed it, so there for its the law :D
  19. depends on the type of driving you do... I was told 20,000 by the dealer count down on dash indicates 12000 I think in your manual it states something like heavy motorway use and short town driving then every 12,000. Dont get too het up about it, I cant remember what it says in the manual but I know it mentions it there. :blink: :unsure:
  20. Probably best to phone your nearest dealer and ask them as I'd imagine prices vary across the country...also which service?12,000, 24,000..... :unsure:
  21. In the UK the glass roof is an option on the VTS, I think it is about £500. :unsure: The glass roof VTS's are pretty rare in the UK....A few members here have this fitted however.
  22. I was driving home from shopping lastnight and something crossed my mind...apart from wanting to get home... Some of us on the forum have had experiences/problems with the clutches. Talking the lumpy pedal, difficult to engage, all or nothing biting point... Taking the 180 2.0 petrol engine as an example this is also used in the 206 GTI 180. Do these car suffer from the similar clutch problems? Infact do any other the other cars with identical engines from the range suffer the same fate? I guess some of the other C4 engines are used in other PSA models? I'm just curious as to whether its a C4 thing or if its more common than we think?
  23. And second hand ;) They saw you comming from over the horizon and ran away with glee! :(
  24. Either that or its another trip back to our friends The Dealers to get it enabled, I'm sure I read it somwhere in the manual or brochure. Ham, you mentioned somewhere (cant be bothered to look for it...apologies) that the caps to the headlight washers need to be colour coded after replacement. I need one of mine replacing does that colour "panel" not unclip off and on to the new one? It just seems mad that you have to go through the process/hassle of getting it colour coded just for two 50mmx30mm bits of plastic... :unsure: :blink: I dont think I want to drive around with one red and one black.... :( Edit - My brakes are now starting to squeek going forward as well as reverse....
  25. Tried it both left right and in the middle, it remembered the posistion well as it didnt move :unsure:
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