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Everything posted by Rich_Eason
I tried it tonight and it dont work :unsure:
A bit off topic but this has created uproar in the local area....some loon on a R6 doing 150mph in a 40limit, it even made local news :unsure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvF2uMK_HFs Interestingly enough the original video has been removed from You Tube, however you can see a small clip of it in the above clip. I dont condone speeding but the media had a field day on this one, including someone in the local paper winging because they had a camera on his bike and got stopped...
;) :) True, but then I guess it might be able to cope with a carrier bag of "real beer" :) :) The glass roof does look good though
Welcome to the forum Dino! Good stuff :) What I want to know is why has your VTS got the carrier bag holder fitted on the central consol and mine hasnt?! ;) :) Welcome again!
Well then your heavier than heavy or are you big boned?;)
Wozza this is a well known fault.... Xmas Food + Holiday Food + Beer + Heavy Right Foot = Broken Seat :o
I've regestered there but have yet to do 'out about it. :o I'm just thinking "logically"...if all the contributors posting here are posting on C4 Owners as well, would it not make sence that we all agree to post in one place? I'm not talking about commanding a mutiny or anything I'm just thinking about keeping up to date withs posts and the like. :D Both forums discuss the same topics, and hopefully have the same friendly atmosphere (I admit I havnt read one thread yet) just seems daft that we all spread across our conversations across the two sites. Just a thought :(
So what are we doing here now with this forum? :o Are we still using it? Are we going to continue to use this forum or advertise the other one, and contribute to that one instead leaving a place marker here to say go to... It just seems daft that we have two boards running at the same time, same conversations? Or has the decision been already made?
Well lets put it like this, when ever she sees him (Loeb) on the telly there is always an audible sigh comes from her direction...and the only peace and quiet I'd get. Good job I'm no a jelous type! :o
Does it remember the posistion of the mirror on taking the car out reverse?
You could get 0260 and swap the zeros round :D :( I was talking the GF about these today funnily enough as we passed a citroen dealer in Bath with one (C2) in the window. She would like to know if Seb Loeb comes as standard fit or is he and optional extra? :o :(
I have seen worse (still trying to find one it ebay, from viewing it Friday) There is a "Power Boost" increase switch on Ebay that claims to increase power by 5% however all it is, is an illuminated switch that you basically wire in to a supply and earth out to the body. Just imagine drilling the hole in the dash, wiring in and firing up the engine...flick the switch... AND FEEL THE POWER! :o :D :( :( :(
Yes...to clarify in my above assumptions, I wasnt implying ALL diesel cars run like tractors <_< :P
If you look at any diesel car the majority of them all have pipes that bend down to the ground. I guess..... The only thing I can think of is that there must be either reg that stipulates this or the manufactures do this becuase if you were to walk past a diesel tail pipe whilst the engine running you get covered in crud? Much the same as you would on a petrol only worse probably! But then....busses and lorries that have low level exausts some go out the side or rear straight. <_< I have a nerd in work who loves these sorts of quesitons I can ask him, although it certainly wont be a short reply. :P
Hmm see to me, all the blue backlighting was ok in the Golf Mk 5(?) when it was a new thing but now I dunno I just think it looks a bit...dated. The whole blue backlighting, blue LED thing in everything with LED's in them passed me by without excitement back in the mid 90's. In this day in age, with the reduced production costs I'm surprised LCD isnt used more used like on the C4 and Civic. There are obviously practicle considerations, glare, reflectivity, "read and compute" speed, it just seems that the days of a spinny dial is not only mechanically complex but "old hat". I just sometimes wonder that its that final break from "tradition" which manufactures are scared off, at least I think the C4 certainly has bravely tried...
Drop them a line I would, no harm in asking...also could find out what is exactly involved....
Cheers me old mucker ;) Completly understand being back from your hols and all that...
Ah you see I blend in better if I dont see sharp and on the ball, but really I am ;) I bet you stuck someone from Spooks in a crowd and they's stick out a mile besides which in all honesty its not always that exciting. You should see the paperwork. :D
Not always Stuey...some days confused, others cerfuddled and some days its just best to let me stay indoors ;)
So we using the photobucket or is Wozza going to put us a slot on the forum when he has time? I'm confused now ;) :D
SE you have hit the nail on the head. No particular information to back up the claims that are made in the article and for that and the other information you are congratulated and now the owner of not a golden anorak but, a golden suit! (Couldnt find a pic of a anorak in gold!). Extra points for research ;) http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/1093/goldlamesuit7515ut3.jpg Not sure how practicle this will be for wearing to work or if it fits into your dress code..... :D
Dont joke because it will probably happen! I wash my car by hand :D as I ... 1. Have a long garden and cannot get the car near the house, 2. Dont have an extension lead long enough, 3. Nor have a hose long enough, 4. Wouldnt like points 3 and 4 to mix, 5. Would imagine I could wee faster by the time it comes out the end. 6. Enjoy the elbow grease I love nipples (female :P ) so I know for sure I wouldnt be turning over any channels nor complaining :D Besides which I'd need to read the article before I decided I agreed with it or not! :P The point I was making Ciaran, is that common sense dictates as I pointed out in my first post. You wouldnt put the washer right up to any bearings or neat paintwork at full blast at about an inch off the body work and nor would you use it to wash your hands afterwards. Not that it affects me as I dont have a pressure washer nor do I really want one. :D :D Its all a bit of light hearted poking fun at some spun artical thats all.....
Excellent... Can you let me know if its pozidrive, standard slot or even hand held electric...I need to know so I can can get the right amounts of Neurofen for afterwards :P It does matter...oh bugger taking too much Neurofen blocks you up....I'll get some Laxatives....oh bugger taking to many makes you anorexic...... I'm doomed. :P As SE said, completly academic as is makes no mention of how high a pressure was used for all we know it could have been tested on a 20year old tyre that had been obtained via a scrap yard.
The trouble is you dont know how much Auto Express has spun the original artical to read more "dramatic".
I wonder if one day they will ever run out of things to investigate? :P I mean surely there must be more important things out there to look at such as... why does my local council decide to run a street sweeper down the road to wash it on a night which is forecasted to freeze? :D We are all too fat so eat healthy as long as you dont eat too much salad as that has pesticides, but chocolate can help reduce blood pressure as long as you dont have too much as you end up being fat....and round the bouy we go again. Moral of the story I think it is plain old common sence. You wouldnt stick the pressure hose lance square on to the CV Boot at point blank range if at all would you? I think we all know the damage these things can cause but with careful use they are an excellent tool. A screw driver is an excellent tool but you dont see research projects as to how dangerous it can be if you jabbed it in your eye! :lol: Its a good job I dont spray my imaginary boat with one... or it would sink