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Everything posted by paul.h

  1. Assuming you are thinking of flying. If you are thinking of putting it in a suitcase then you would need to somehow ensure it stayed upright and was not thrown around to help prevent it leaking which I would imagine an airline would not want. There is a limit on liquid amounts allowed in the cabin and then I think it has to be water so it could not be hand carried. There will also be things like material safety data sheets to include. There is one here but you may need one from the actual manufacturer http://www.wolfoil.com/assets/MSDS/msds_5090_neutraal_en_20120814.pdf Have you tried to simply order it from a UK supplier to see if they can send and then it will give you an idea if it is possible. On another topic - did you sort out your air bag problem ?
  2. You should have a listen with the bonnet up and somebody revving the engine to help locate it. As well as the aux belt or alternator pulley, it could be a pulley on the aux or timing belts. Also I suspect your car is due for the timing belt/tensioner/any pulleys/water pump replacing if not already done - Citroen usually specify a mileage or 10 years if sooner. If it is a timing belt tensioner/pulley/water pump then I would have it done asap since if it fails then the belt could fail and ruin the engine.
  3. If eolys has not been going in and the dpf has not blocked up, then maybe the previous owner had the dpf removed or drilled through and the additive dosing removed from the software. Check the inside of the end of the exhaust - on our cars with a dpf it has been clean metal and no sign of soot build up. The car is a 2001 2.2 hdi C5.
  4. Does the menu just say if the locking has been set by the dash button to activated or deactivated rather than the menu being the means of setting it ?
  5. Welcome to the forum. The parts diagrams appear to show the control module at the left side of the heater unit, low down near the back below the water pipes. It may be Citroen part no. 6441T6 but you should check using your VIN. There is a note ' A)FOR VEHICLES EARLIER THAN 02/04/04 CUT HARNESS AND USE ADAPTER + BOLT' - the diagram shows it includes a wiring adaptor and a bolt. There is one on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HEATER-BLOWER-RESISTOR-FOR-CITROEN-C5-01-04-6441T6-/220906056624 for £79.99 but from citroencarparts.net (a Peugeot dealer in Barrow) it is listed for £50.40 so a Citroen dealer may well be a lower cost than ebay. To get to it I would think you only need to remove the sound proofing below the glovebox, as if you were replacing the pollen filter.
  6. Welcome to the forum.
  7. Have a look in this topic for how to take it apart http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/21083-high-level-brake-light-not-working-tourer/
  8. The auto locking when above 6 mph is activated/deactivated by a long press on the dash lock button under the heating controls. In my handbook it is on page 68.
  9. Welcome to the forum and thankyou for your help on this topic (and the others).
  10. From a 2005 brochure for the hatchback, the 2.0 petrol fuel economy is 25.4 / 44.8 / 35.3 urban / extra urban / combined mpg and CO2 190 g/km so road tax £265. A 2.0 hdi manual is 36.2 / 56.5 / 47.1 mpg, CO2 158 g/km so tax £180. So you should be able to get an idea of the difference in fuel costs. One thing with the petrol, you do not need to worry about the exhaust dpf costs which could be a few £100 around the 70-80k miles.
  11. arm987, welcome to the forum. You new car should not give problems but with your experience of cars you may be able to help others or just look in out of interest. We also have a specific Picasso forum which you may want to join http://www.citroenpicasso.org.uk/picasso/
  12. The ebay listing for the mark 2 C5 speedo says it has 122k miles on it. So if you fit this to your car and your car has done less miles, it will still show 122k miles. Also if you refit your old speedo that will then go to 122k miles as coastline has pointed out (the car adopts the highest miles of the speedo or the bsi). There are probably companies that can alter the mileage but there will be a cost and you would need to prove your previous mileage. If you just want some silver lines around the dials you could take your old speedo out, remove the cover and paint some on. Be careful though when touching the needles since on mine a spindle cracked, shown by the speedo needle not showing the correct mph - fixed with a drop of glue so not a disaster.
  13. Welcome to the forum. I can not help on induction kits, hopefully another member can but there are few, if any posts on the forum on performance improvements since most are asking for help with problems.
  14. Yes, the heater matrix is part of the radiator system. Looking on the eurocarparts website, a new heater matrix is on offer at only £18.30. It may be better to just fit a new one with new anti freeze (after flushing the old out) rather than bothering with the sealant. The anti freeze will be around £15 depending on how much is needed and if the sealant does not work you may have wasted more than the cost of the matrix.
  15. These people seem to offer a discount of around 15%. They are a Peugeot dealer in Barrow http://www.citroencarparts.net/ If you ask your local Citroen dealer they may also offer a discount if you ask or are a regular customer - particularly if you do not need the part next day since they can then get it at a lower price.
  16. Welcome to the forum. If it is going in to limp mode and the engine light is coming on, then an engine sensor must think there is a problem. The easy and lowest cost way to find out is to use a code reader but this will not give as much information as a diagnostic check at a dealer using a Lexia. Code readers can be bought for around £40 that also give some engine sensor live data such as this one from Gendan https://www.gendan.co.uk/product_FXNT200.html Without doing a code reader/diagnostic check you are faced with the option of replacing expensive parts in the hope you find the right one without spending too much money. The loss of coolant in to the exhaust suggests the head gasket has failed. I am not sure that the oil level sensor would put it in limp mode - this is usually for things that can affect the exhaust emissions. If you have an air flow sensor you could try cleaning it using something like carburettor cleaner. If the accelerator pedal is an electronic one you could remove it and then use a meter to see its output as the pedal is pressed - it should gradually change the resistance - a similar check though is to watch the engine revs as it is gradually pressed to see if the revs smoothly increase. In case others can help, which engine and power output do you have ?
  17. I think the dephaser is the inlet cam shaft sprocket. If you are going to diy this job I would get the Citroen service box on 3 dvds to put on your pc. It has the procedures and parts diagrams. It is available on ebay and from easy diagnostics http://www.easydiagnostics.co.uk/#/home/4584136126
  18. Welcome to the forum. How many miles has the car done ? The injector seal leak will not help, neither will the high oil level. Blue smoke could also be wear in the turbo or engine wear if it has a high mileage. First though you need to get the oil level down since this could also lead to a diesel runaway where the engine runs on the engine oil making it impossible to stop normally until the engine siezes or you manage to stall it by possibly braking whilst still in gear. Once the oil level is normal check again for the blue smoke - if it is still there then check for turbo wear since this is a common problem on the 1.6 hdi engine. If your car has an intercooler you could check to see if it is full of oil from the turbo and if so drain it out. Before the MOT some owners take their diesel cars for a long high speed run to help burn off any carbon deposits and some add an injector cleaner such as Millers - so you could consider trying these.
  19. Welcome to the forum. Is the anti freeze in the expansion tank the same - rusty red water with the same smell ? If not it may not be the heater matrix that is leaking. You could also check the strength of the anti freeze in case it has been diluted by topping up with just water by putting a bit in a container in the freezer and checking it does not freeze - if it does freeze or start to go mushy then the anti freeze needs replacing. A google search on forte stop leak instructions comes up with their site but not the instructions - however, the google 2 line summary starts 'Add one dosage Forté Radiator Stop Leak to the cooling system of a motor vehicle or 10 % per volume to the cooling systems of larger capacity. When the ...' So, I guess you add all the contents of the container to the radiator - however, this may not be possible without draining a bit out but just adding it to the expansion tank may not allow it to mix in. When you decide to replace the heater matrix make sure you flush all the coolant out and put in fresh in case the forte stuff causes blockages.
  20. Have you looked at this topic in case somebody is near enough for you http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/20345-diagnostic-help/
  21. In the parts diagrams for the 2004 to 2008 C5, it has the humidity sensor as part no. 6445VC Sensor Hygrom, but does not mention temperature. This part is not shown for the earlier C5 model. The procedures do not say how to replace it - if you get chance, ask the garage how to do this. To help others, the following is the complete relevant bit from the other forum topic from Nov 2012: 2. Code 0702 - 'Passenger humidity sensor not defined' - I presume this means the air con humidity sensor is dead. I checked the reading (using Lexia) and it thinks the interior humidity is 32768%. Does anybody know where it is located? I presume this is different to the temperature sensor, situated next to the glovebox behind the small fascia vents. The humidity sensor problem was traced to the sensor behind the three slots on the fascia, just next to the glovebox (it's a C5 II). This unit is a combined temp and humidity sensor. It was gunked up pretty badly and its circuit board was corroded. A new part was £41.12+VAT but at least the climate control now works perfectly. The humidity, when tested, was around 28%, compared to the 32,678% recorded by the old one. (part number 6445.VC)
  22. Welcome to the forum. Have you got the engine size correct, it is usually the 1.6 hdi turbos that have a reputation for failing ?
  23. Welcome to the forum. What type of bulbs does it need ? Are any of these any good http://www.ecas2cvparts.co.uk/-c-69_89.html or http://the2cvshop.co.uk/products/?by=cat&id=467&reset=1&page=1 There appear to be a few forums specific to the 2CV and one of these may be able to provide more help.
  24. How the battery is disconnected/reconnected can lead to electrical problems and I have found the following copied from the C5 technical section Common Problems pinned post has not resulted on any problems on our cars. There is also a bsi reset procedure in the same section. 16. Odd electrical problems caused by wrong battery disconnection procedure. If you need to disconnect the battery and not do a BSI reset procedure, I have found the following has not given me any problems on a 2004 and 2007 C5 and a 2003 C3: - remove the ignition key from the car - open the bonnet - wait a few minutes for the BSI to shut down - disconnect the battery negative terminal When reconnecting - ignition key out of the car - reconnect the battery - wait a few minutes - insert the key in the ignition and wait a minute - turn the key to the first position and wait a minute - turn the key so the dash lights come on and wait a minute - start the engine - take the windows down and up to reset the anti pinch - reset the clock (and radio on the C3).
  25. If you use the Citroen parts diagrams these show the model numbers but I try to also include the years since often people say it is a 2008 C5 but then have to ask is it the 2004 to 2008 or 2008 on model. Some other models are: 2009 on C3 is A51. 2010 on C4 is B7. C5 2001 to 2004 is X3, 2004 to 2008 is X4, 2008 on is X7 and XW (not sure what XW refers to). Berlingo is M49, then M59 then B9.
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