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Everything posted by techbod

  1. shocking :o if the timing belt was fitted out of line then I could see how this would happen because it wouldn't be firing right at all and would cause over fueling to that cylinder which would lead to a fire in the cylinder and that's where the damage comes from ( make the garage do the repairs if you have a warranty ) ? failing that the 12 bore sounds like a good idea :angry: mines on hire with another case lol but I wish you good luck and it sounds like you need it :)
  2. wow expensive :angry: but 16 valves means double the cost of the older 8 valver but are you sure you need a full set and not just a head gasket? is he rebuilding the complete head? if not then I don't see why the need a full set
  3. I assume its a xsara picasso? try to remove the bolts you might have stripped the threads, and the horn is below the passenger headlight on the chassis
  4. yep the stepper motor is a known problem item number 3 in the picture http://i469.photobucket.com/albums/rr53/techbod/h1400230.jpg
  5. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=eO94Wbz-A3k&...feature=related
  6. very good tips there but I have to agree the angle grinder was the quickest IF your putting new ones on only ;)
  7. well thats good at least they did it free ;)
  8. ahhhh you changed your 404 for a DS what a smart move there and a money maker ;)
  9. due to a nasty arrogant pm I got from the above ^ even though I was chuckled to death reading it :D and nothing personal taken by any means " I understand where your coming from " so if the chap doesn't sort it his reward is a pug 404 ( which is a nice motor by the way ) and if he solves it then he keeps his pride and joy :) ;) this is no personal attack by any means ;)
  10. that's bad news I hope it turns out alright for you
  11. yes pull the EGR valve and clean it and watch the results, the EGR valve is well known in the car sector for causing strange faults like this and only recently one came up on here about the fuel pump and I checked it out and results came up with the EGR valve but pointed to the fuel pump and when they cleaned the EGR valve out it sorted the problem ( that was a very big saving ) ;)
  12. funny thing though the car runs perfect and given good mpg just troublesome at junctions and tickover just been thinking of this one and a picture is developing which seems to be happening to hdi/hpi engines and a common one, the fact there are many fault codes is a good thing because it points to one thing as in the domino effect and this is a perfect example and my theory is a sticking EGR valve purley because it effects fuel pressure while in low revs like at waiting at traffic lights?
  13. very possible as its a serious issue and could get you a fine if someone bumped you and told the cops your break light weren't working, also a probable MOT fail
  14. when bleeding the breaks there is a good tip ( get a clear pipe that runs from the calipers to the top up tank ) fish tank pipes work well and its cheap for a lot it saves running back and forth keeping an eye on the level ;)
  15. P1457 Unable To Pull Vacuum In Tank good place to start p1162 Exhaust gas recycling Coherence. this bit copied from another site P0485 Hi Mark Sounds feasible In my case, as it's Summer, the factor of the heater going cool wouldn't have been detected. All the ramps are busy at the moment, so I only had a look whilst it was on the ground. I followed heater hose diameter pipes disappearing under the battery tray, going over the top of the autobox. I can just about make out, that they are attached to a box bolted to the back of the gearbox (above N/S inner CV joint) You say that you have found the heat exchangers were blocked. - How did you remedy the problem?? Hose pipe flush, or replacement?? If it has to be removed - how?? Remove battery and do it from the top?? Is it just piggy backed to the gearbox, or is there likely to be further complications - oil loss - gaskets required??. P0131 sounds like a false reading and probably caused by the other faults ;)
  16. a couple of months wont be that bad but all your doing is spraying neat fuel in there and its a diesel so no it isn't that good to use it long term ( ask the ice cream man ) they use it all the time rather than fix the problem
  17. hmmm interesting answer "if any of that was true" yes the later xantias are not as smooth as the older BX but its still much better than standard springs and as for Citroebics it would be nice if it did automatically bleed its self but it doesn't and that's a fact air getting locked in a high place like the rear end is a pig to get out ;) don't compare a pug 404 to a Citroen please the difference is vast even though they use the same engine but thats where I draw the line ;)
  18. basically glycol has oil in it so a baby poke would be of no use as it needs a flushing compound to clean the full system ( personally I would pull the wire because I service it regularly so I know the bottle is full ) I don't need sensors to tell me that ;) G12 red is what Audi use and its long life plus it lubricates the pump so you get what you pay for
  19. if the ride height was well down when you replaced the spheres then I don't see a problem? the pressure was released ! otherwise it would have exploded in your face and took your head off, to replace a sphere place a trolley jack under the jacking point then drop the suspension to the lowest point then jack it up with the bleed screw open this deletes the pressure in the system, to change a sphere when it pumped up and the release pressure bold is locked on holds pressure on the rear via the anti sink valve/sphere so when new spheres are fitted they don't work properly because air is locked in the system between the anti sink valve and the suspension spheres and needs to be bled many times to get all the air out
  20. its a common fault as the glycol antifreeze breaks down it leaves an oily dirty residue over the years and without having the coolant cleaned/flushed it builds up then you get these problems ;)
  21. http://search.ebay.co.uk/search/search.dll...&category0=
  22. very common problem with those sockets and your right break the stuff out of the socket ( similar to the older ones which had rubber to lock onto the spark plug it also locked the socket in there ) then use an extendable/telescopic halfords cheap magnet to extract the plug
  23. P0002 For sid801/803 system, this fault code represents the High pressure pump Flow regulator. There have been cases that require a new high pressure pump assy. This code can also be generated for cases of hesitation at low engine speeds, this maybe attributed to the electronic EGR valve sticking open.
  24. not an easy one then for you? have a friend check for you ;)
  25. disconnecting the battery is a drastic way to clear such a minor issue because this resets all the computer to factory setting and you have to do a drive cycle to reset it and you could loose the radio code if you don't have it, most common cause for this is sticking float/sensor and down to excess grease/dirt building up on the unit which makes it stick
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