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Everything posted by Johndouglas

  1. The bleed screw is a 12mm hex bolt which is behind the front accumulator sphere. Don't remove it - just undo it a bit more than half a turn. Take it right out and the ball and spring will jump out.
  2. Yes - the filling is done underneath the car and the tank is close to the nearside wheel, under a heat shield. Tubes for filling come with the kit.
  3. The fuel tank is. The small additive tank is behind the wheel arch.
  4. I'll add my twopennyworth by condemning the eco mode. My C5 shuts off the CD player at 30 minutes. Also it won't continue until the engine has been running for a while. As others have said, it's a pain in the backside. Leave the side lights on and they'll happily burn for hours. Leave the player on and it closes down at 30 mins. It doesn't make any sense.
  5. You can get a new one for 22quid! http://www.towsure.com/product/13145-Smart...y_Can-Bus_Relay
  6. The beeps are to draw your attention to warning lights etc. One of my cars beeps if the handbrake is left slightly on. Our Xsara had a session of beeping and a warning light flashing telling of a water temperature fault. A change of sensor cured it. Use your handbook and find out which warning light is flashing.
  7. Maybe a fault on one of the sender units within the tyre. Does it say which wheel?
  8. You're right! The STOP light comes on with every engine abnormality. My daughter had this problem on her Xsara and a change of temperature sensor cured it.
  9. Try F12 in the cabin fuse box under the steering column
  10. It could well be that around this time Citroen used some poor quality matrix. My daughter's Xsara developed a leak within the first year and had to go in for a replacement. I've since heard of others of a similar age.
  11. I've looked after my daughter's 02 Xsara from new and I find the Haynes R to W manual (3751) adequate.
  12. If you have pipes leading into the top of the lid and also an electrical connector, they need to be released before you turn off the outer ring. Only the outer ring moves. The top is separate. You might have a later fuel filter without pipes on the top but only a 27mm hex nut. Use a close fitting socket to move it.
  13. This is the model that I have and it seem to work very well. TW - I haven't needed to use it too much yet. Made big mistake by buying it slightly cheaper direct from China. Two weeks after receiving it I got a VAT demand for £12 from the Inland Revenue & Customs.
  14. You also need to know that in winding back the pistons, the offside need to wind anticlockwise and the nearside clockwise.
  15. There's been several reports of snapped cambelts, many of them on 2.2 versions. I think leaving a change for 100K is rather too long. Our Xsara is on 70K now and am thinking it's time to do it.
  16. Didn't know they had this system on diesel engines.
  17. It's a long time since I owned a Xantia and can't now remember the layout of the hoses. You probably have seven hose connections to your reservoir. Going from front to back - the first (front one) is the inlet for the high pressure pump. The second is the return from the pressure regulator or flow distributor (depending on whether or not you have PAS. Hose 3 is the return from the steering (PAS). No 4 is the overflow return from height correctors and pressure regulator. No 5 is the return from the height correctors. No 6 is the return for the ABS block. No 7 is the overflow return from the steering valve. The little tube from the filler is a vent tube.
  18. Open the bonnet. Look down between the headlight and the indicator. You'll see a spring clip. Depress the clip and pull forward the indicator unit. There's no need to move the headlight unit. The bulb holder and wiring is a bayonet fitting. The new unit pushes in and snaps into place.
  19. Been there! I suppose your new ones are unpainted? Better to paint them off the vehicle. When you're ready, have someone pull the washer stalk. When the jet stalk comes out grab hold of it and the new cover should clip over two short arms. To ensure that I don't lose them again, I've secured them with small zip ties.
  20. OK the bottom plug sounds as though it's the same sort of drain that was on my previous Xantia. The top one is an air bleed. All you need do is use the bottom drain and refill through the header tank. To flush it, leave the drain open and stick a hosepipe in the header tank. It won't drain the engine block - sometimes there's a drain plug on the back of the engine but difficult to reach. Make sure you release all the air on completion.
  21. Oh yes it does..................Oh no it doesn't....................Oh yes it - well ours does. I used it just last week when I changed the filter. Press down the inserts on the two pipes and disconnect. Likewise with the electric connector. Use a wrench to spin off the ring and lift off the top. Lift out the old cartridge, empty the bowl and clean out sediment. Fit new cartridge and ring and replace the top. A few squeezes on the primer and away it goes.
  22. The reader I use is an Autel and it plugs in at the back of the glove box. There's a little panel which pulls out and uncovers the socket. But I believe the C5 didn't become compliant until late 2004 so whether or not pre 2004's have the socket - I don't know. The buzz is that Haynes are producing a manual for the C5 sometime in August. Revue Technique do a good manual for both Mk1 and Mk2 C5's but they are in French.
  23. Strange! On my daughter's Xsara's radiator there arn't any drain plugs. I have to take off the bottom hose - which also means removing the lower engine cover. I did the job last week, at the same time doing an oil and filter change.
  24. Sorry! I've deleted my post. I gave instructions for the HDI engine by mistake!!!
  25. The cover is in three parts. There're two bolts at the joint between the top and lower covers and the outer one also acts as a fixing for the coolant pump. Both bolts need to be removed before the top cover can be slid from behind the lower.
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