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Everything posted by Johndouglas

  1. Sounds as though it needs a new accumulator. If you change it yourself, fit the new sealing ring in the groove in the housing and not on the sphere itself. Also don't remove the bleed screw, just loosen one turn. £20 or so +VAT sounds about right from GSF.
  2. Could the handbrake not be completely off?
  3. Don't know about the C2 specifically, but most other Citroens I've had work like this: Press the button on the dash, turn on the ignition and wait for the digits to gradually reset.
  4. If it's bad news your matrix is leaking - the good news is that it could be a leaking windscreen. But - since you need to put water in the header tank, look at the matrix.
  5. I've done several solo drives from London to Malaga, a total of 1450 miles. Sometimes I've averaged 47mpg but the last trip I did was 42.7, probably due to a constant head wind and heavy load. When I do the journey with a caravan, the average drops to 29. I recently did 40 miles along the A7 with the cruise set at 55mph and recorded 60mpg. But boring!!!!
  6. Johndouglas


    Last Sunday night I drove the 35 miles to Malaga airport along the A7. I had stacks of time so on reaching the motorway I set the cruise control to 55mph. On reaching the exit for the airport, the fuel computer showed an average of 60mpg.
  7. Let me know if you find out!!!
  8. Look closely at the lower edge of the nearside mirror. The small raised bump is the sender. They are replaceable by removing the mirror glass.
  9. Mine is the 2005 model which will be the same as yours. 138 6 speed. What do you mean when you say "when it's going well". Incidentally, mine is here with me in southern Spain for the winter.
  10. So am I - and I'm less than impressed with them. I asked them to get me a new plip. Not having heard from them after two weeks, I went back to them. My order had disappeared. If it's parts you're after, try the Citroen parts dealer at Longmead (opposite the tip) I wanted a temperature sender for our Xsara and they get it in overnight. Unfortunately, as far as I know, they don't do repairs.
  11. Just a thought - have you checked all the fuel lines including the return to the tank. I recall many years ago one of our 205's suffered high fuel consumption. Eventually I discovered perforations in the return pipe on the top of the tank. Instead of fuel going into the tank, it was dripping onto the road.
  12. If you needed to do that, it looks as though you have an airleak going into the fuel lines. Maybe a small split or even a union that isn't air tight.
  13. Remove the nearside wheel and the wing liner. There's an oval shaped end plate on the box. The filler/level plug is the hex head that's at about four o'clock. Make sure the car is level to get an accurate level.
  14. If you've measured accurately, that's not good. I used to run a 2.1 Xantia and generally averaged over the month around 42mpg. Have you checked for leakage in fuel lines? Have you had a recent cambelt change?
  15. Move the glass fully upwards and inwards. Behind the glass there's a 4" dia wire ring with two ends forming a spring clip. Pull the ends together then persuade the mirror to pull away.
  16. I got my C5 with 5000 miles on the clock and I was concerned at the time that there wasn't much life left in the front tyres. I took it for an alignment check and it was a long way out. They corrected it and 7000 miles later I had some Avons fitted on the front. Now at 32000 they seem to be lasting well.
  17. There's a drain tap at the bottom of the filter bowl (usually). I find it easier just to change the filter and clean the bowl.
  18. That fuel consumption (if you've measured it correctly) is certainly far too low. If the drop in consumption has suddenly happened since the belt change, I would get the timing checked. It may be one or two teeth out.
  19. Think you'll find that the later 2 ltr models also have the filter and need fluid.
  20. No difference at all between the Michelins and the Avons - except in the price!
  21. The Michelins on my 2005 C5 didn't last long at all, although when I had the alignment checked at 6K it was found to be a lot out. Now at 26K I've just had two Avon ZZ3 fitted on the front for £75 each. That's about 40% less the Michelins. Don't know what they'll be like for wear, but for ride quality and grip they seem fine.
  22. It depends what you mean by bio-diesel. If you're talking about home-brew with veggie oil, I wouldn't recomend it. But all diesel in France has been biodiesel for the past two years. It's a 5% mix and none of the millions of HDI's in France has suffered. In fact, most of the diesel I use is bought there.
  23. You'll find it mentioned in here:- http://www.vegetableoildiesel.co.uk/customs.html
  24. Yes - that's how it's meant to be. Gloplugs only work if it's very cold.
  25. Not so! You are allowed to 'manufacture' your own fuel up to a maximum of around 2000ltrs (????) per year without declaring it.
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