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Everything posted by Mat

  1. Make sure the windscreen is original Citroen. I had mine replaced when a stone cracked it. The replacement had to be done by Autoglass for my insurance to pay. The windscreen is not a Citroen part, and when driving you can see imperfections in it, ie kerbs bend, other cars have sillouettes (no, i havent been drrinking, but its exactly the same doublevision effect). Its really getting on my nerves.
  2. Mat

    Sat Nav

    I have a Nokia N70 smart mobile phone, and have a bluetooth GPS. I use TomTom for satnav in the car. When walking or cycling (yes, i have satnav on my bike!!) i use multimap if in the Lakes (i only have some maps) and GPhone2Earth for tracking. Then i can upload my waypoints and view them in 3d on GoogleEarth. I also have loads of other apps. Effectively i have Tomtom with loads more. I feel my setup is better than having a separate Tomtom unit that can only do one job. Also, because the GPS is bluetooth, i can place it anywhere in my car with good line of sight of the sky, though i find the dashboard perfectly fine, except when its very cloudy. I had a hire car last week for work, which had heated windscreen. GPS wouldnt work through it, so i gaffer taped my GPS behind the rearview mirror, where the windscreen wasnt heated - worked perfectly.
  3. 'Fraid I'm working that weekend
  4. I've been lurking, just not had anything useful to say (makes a change :P )
  5. Hmmm :P
  6. My VTR is 1.6 petrol
  7. My vote brings oriental blue up to joint 1st place
  8. So, are we all expected to migrate over now ?
  9. Mat

    Nicest C4

    Wasnt that the case a few years ago, when red was the most popular colour, hence the most common colour and so probability makes it the most likely to have an accident? Now, 80% of cars are silver. I bet more accidents involve silver cars today.
  10. Mat

    Nicest C4

    Agreed. I'm not a very good photographer, it was taken through the bedroom window, and i've since washed the car. :lol:
  11. How do you check the oil level ? :lol:
  12. Mat

    Nicest C4

    A pre-spoiler photo showing the front of the car :D
  13. Mat

    Nicest C4

  14. Chevron Worcester for me too! So far I'm very happy with the service i get. Can think of many good things, and not many bad things. Personal service. It makes you feel well looked after when as you walk in, the sales guy remembers you and says 'Hello Mr ####', and at the service desk they recognise you too. Although when i went in for my steering block recall i got a teeny C1 1.0 with no aircon on one of the days in the July heatwave. That was a warm drive back from work to collect my C4!!
  15. They dont sell it because its needed, they sell it because people think they need it. I bet there are plenty of unnecessary things on sale, not just in Halfords either.
  16. How do they know what you look like, whether you look like a chav or some other respectable description, if you have tinted windows? :D
  17. A google for 'C4 forum' doesnt bring up this forum on the first page. However, 'Citreon C4 froum' brings it up as 3rd on the list. But that isnt down to the url is it? More down to the meta content of the site
  18. I misread that. Too many c's o's and k's !
  19. Perfect ! :D
  20. Mat

    C4 Security

    My gf insists on leaving her car keys on the telephone table, right next to the letterbox in the front door. Drives me mad!
  21. But if you have to drive in convoy, why not just use a bus ?
  22. Mat

    Trip Computer

    But what about to the petrol station ?
  23. Billynibbles has a very good point. We have the technology to tell the car what speed we want to do. We have the technology to tell the car to follow the lane (on motorways). We have the technology to recognise walls and other cars using the sensors in the bumpers. Why cant someone simply extend the range and sensitivity of the bumper sensors, link it all to the computer, and just like magic, auto pilot. Wouldnt be too expensive to incorporate onto cars as an add-on either.
  24. Here's a gripe i thought of on the way home from work. If you park the car in the sun, the crome on the gear stick gets red hot, and you cant change gear.
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