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Everything posted by Stuey

  1. Stuey

    20k Service

    you hit 20K already?? I seem to recall it is about £180. I could be miles off though. Z3 is probaly the best to ask as his has had a few of them...
  2. advice taken :o Cheers
  3. Can't the seat be replaced by Citroen under warranty? My seat squeaks, but have not looked at it yet. so does mine!! I need to take it in for a new air scuttle and I will have a chat and see if I can blag a new seat...
  4. Dave&Trace, I will look out for that... and Mike I think they all sound like a space ship when you kill the ignition with the AC running. mine sometimes gets a bit noisy when it hasnt been on for a while. I might leave it running and see if that clears it up.
  5. I very rarely use my aircon...it smells funny and makes the car sound like a tank...maybe I should have that checked?? <_<
  6. Wozza's right man...dont let a sub standard bodyshop take you for a ***oops***. Take it round a few places and try to avoid the big chains as they will take you for all you are worth and make sure you can see references to previous work...hell I could have a go if you want, not saying the results will be any good...get my point??
  7. harsh man, harsh I am fighting off a serious fit of the giggles though. Ciaran, I am really sorry mate honestly...IMO that is no accident ,was there a footprint on it?? cant really see from the pic. If you get the coppers involved you can get a incident number and then you should be able to claim it through the insurance and as you do not have any NCB at the moment it shouldnt affect next years qoute that much...I still think that a good bodyshop will be able to beat it out though. The bloke who sprayed my new wing bought a wrote off DB9 (very heavy rear impact, twisted chassis etc) and did it up as a project car, you really cant tell that it has been out of the showroom now, shows what a good bodyshop can do... Right i am going to find a chav and punch his baseball cap wearing head off <_< just for shits and giggles though. I reccomend this site for a general Chav FAQ chavscum If you are a chav and I have offended you then I am not sorry in any way shape or form. If you are angry please PM me and I will send you my address and you can bring it up with me personally <_<
  8. if you push down or pull up the button fully it should co all the way, its not optional...thats why there are 2 clicks to the control. Take it back and get em to look at it, a software update shouldnt have affected it I wouldnt have though unless they are controled via the CPU which is possible I suppose...
  9. your not having much look are you!! take it to a bodyshop and they will be able to knock it it fairly cheaply instead of having to have a new backend. jealousy is such a crap feeling...someone scratched the word "loser" into my friends Focus ST's bonnett...pure jealousy
  10. what you selling her for mate?? what you gonna get instead??
  11. its not a bad record really all things considered. most of the stuff on the C4 is from other PSA models so is proven to work. Most of the niggly stuff is to do with how it is screwed together mostly rattly doors etc. I have driven a lot more expensive cars that arent as good as the C4...
  12. mine has been fine. It knocks a little bit at very low speeds but I think that the dampers arent being used properly at that speed.
  13. and I do B) seriuosly though there is only so much you can save in Photoshop. The CS version that I have (pro level one) has a lot more toys to play with so you can do more. it was my first time out with that lens so it took a bit of getting used to, it always takes time to get used to a new lens properly. Most of the pics are fine but thwere are a couple that need sharpening up.
  14. looks like that is going to be the next broken thing then...mine has just about fell off :P
  15. smooth man, real smooth :lol:
  16. yeah you can rescue some out of focues shots using the wonders of Photoshop CS...
  17. Stuey

    C4 Meet

    were back onto the "get it chipped Lee" conversation again then :P Alton Towers sounds like a sound plan to me.
  18. all coupes need to have the spoiler!! no denying that really... @Mike, the camera is indeed a Canon 350D with a Sigma DG gold series 300mm lens on it. its a cool lens but I was standing at the other side of the car park as the focal range is very long before I started playing with the zoom. I will send the pictures from Donni to Wozza as soon as I get them off the camera and have cleaned them up as I will be selling some of them and it was the first time I used that lens so some of the shots arent quite in focus :P
  19. we did have a chat about having a more "southern" meet...I reckon get the crappy winter months out of the way and have an early spring meet somewhere closer to the Watford Gap :P
  20. and those pics are shrunk 75% off the camera!! 9 megapixel cameras have that affect...
  21. Stuey

    C4 Meet

    it might aswell have a pictire of Lee and his motor :o :o sorry Lee...
  22. Stuey

    C4 Meet

    I seem to remeber Lee saying "I dont break the speed limit" :o He will blame it on pere presure I bet :o
  23. Stuey

    C4 Meet

    I lost you two at the bottom of the slip road...when I got to the top there was a red flash coming off at the next junction, didnt see Lee again :o
  24. Stuey

    C4 Meet

    right then chaps i'm off to Truro in Cornwall now and I am relativly sure they have not invented the internet down there so I will see you all on Saturday at about 12ish. If you see an Oriental Blue car with the VTS spoiler driving round Bury aimlessly give us a flash cus it will probably be me...lost as usual :lol: Wozza, I have PM'd you my mobile number so can you drop me a text saturday morning with what car park you are in please mate...ta very much!!
  25. its gonna be a good sight on Saturday, I think we have 7 confirmed and most in different colours from oriental blue to scott yellow...Wozza you need to find somewhere nice to go after we have had a bite to eat...
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