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Everything posted by kfk

  1. Some times you have to wait along time for people to talk sense on here.......and when they do someone else comes along and changes the thread to something totally irrelavent.....probably because they dont know how to make a new thread!
  2. Having had the eolys and particle filter replaced, the next stage is for the 'counters' to be reset within the computer to show this has happened......otherwise the computer thinks the tank is still empty and the particle filter is 'full'. After the counters have been reset the next stage is to have a 'forced regeneration' which initialises everything to work.....the regeneration is is a process that takes around 15 minutes and is conducted by the dealers computer controling the engine running through different rpm ranges. On completion of this a final important thing needs to be done. Take the car to the fuel station, undo the fuel cap (it has a magetic switch in it so the computer can see you have done this), then add a minimum of 10 litres of fuel, this makes the fuel gauge move and tells the eloys computer to ad some additive to the fuel tank. So have you or your dealer done all of the above?
  3. Why not ask your Citroen dealer if they can match the price?
  4. wow, did i write all that....... i must have been feeling helpful!
  5. Kent
  6. See above - amended
  7. All Petrol Models except 2.0i 180hp - 20,000 miles or 2 years Petrol 2.0i 180hp - 12,500 miles or 2 years 1.6 Hdi - 12,500 miles or 2 years 2.0 Hdi - 20,000 miles or 2 years Amended kfk
  8. Not at all......i often get customers come in complaining they have spent 'hours' trying to change a bulb. I've had customers ask if i will show them how to do it, and have customers complain that we levy a charge for a bulb replacement....usually fitting a bulb they bought at halfords i might add. Quite simply, fitting a bulb doesnt require any special tools it just requires patience and a flexible hand.....some of my technicians have problems, probably because they've got sausages for fingers but the longest they will take is 20 minutes. If your replacing the n/s bulb removing the battery assists quite a lot......oh, and make sure you replace the cover properly over the bulb otherwise you will have a condensation problem. Had a customer come intoday needed a bulb fitting.......she had a few words about the bill, i didnt feel guilty she works for the bank!
  9. The mirrors used on C4 are different between fold back mirrors and foldback with indexed reverse. With regard to the manufacturer ticking all the boxes and enabling all functions whether fitted or not. Well they obviously have a reason not to and i dont suppose its anything to do with making life difficult for the customer. Take for instance a car with front fog lamps vs the same model without......take a look at the fog lamp switch and the only difference you will see is the absence of an icon for front fog lamps. If you buy a fog lamp kit you get the relevant wiring and a transfer for the switch.....it uses the same switch....but having plugged it all in it wont work, at least not untill you take it to your dealer to get a tick put in the box in the computer. So what stops them ticking the box.......its called a green warning lamp that would come on on the dash saying front fogs are on........and the constant stream of customers claiming there vehicle should have them fitted standard. And as for Dealers being reluctant to try these things.........i'll try anything, if your paying me £63 + vat per hour, and if it doesnt work......you can still pay me.
  10. Probably as relevant as 'Replying to squealing brake fix'!
  11. has anybody taken the trouble to look in there handbook and identify which mirror switch consol they have?....i'm sure they're different and will indicate whether the vehicle has foldback mirrors by having an arrow on the mirror picture on the switch
  12. your noise is caused by the charcoal canister electrovalve.........i would be more worried if it didnt do it. Havent seen any fixes yet that cure it......but then apart from the fact you can hear it, its not a fault.
  13. probably clutch switch failure
  14. kfk


    If you take a look under the bonnet and find where the gear cables connect to the gearbox you may find that you have a spare rod thats supposed to clip onto 'something'. Alternatively the 'something' is still there and waiting for you to take it out of the engine compartment and keep it safe. The 'Something' is a fairly haevy bit of cast metal held in place by one bolt thats supposed to pivot and damp out vibrations going through the gear lever. What happens in reality is the bolt seizes in the casting causing the gearchange to become stiff over time (2 hand gearchnges?) and eventualy shears off flush with the gearbox. So does it need it.......well if its not there you probably wont miss it, if it is there you will see that the snapped part of the bolt sits at a funny angle and isnt the easiest thing for an apprentice to drill out! If it was mine?........i'd make sure the metal casting wasnt still in the engine compartment and drive with a nice easy gearchange.
  15. check that the clear white led is still soldered to the board.......if you have a friendly citroen dealer they have a tool to check remote controls.
  16. First off all.........the remote control is not dependent on the imobilizer working. 2nd.......you say the keypad is not working......i would assume from this that it has no ilumination at all and if this is the case it is safe to assume the keypad has been disconnected. Assuming it is disconnected and the fact you have bought it from an auction i WOULD NOT RECONNECT IT (LOUD ENUF?). By reconnecting it you will allow the injection ecu to become imobilized, which is great, providing you know the correct code to unlock it........if you dont you will be paying out for a new injection ecu. Worth checking inside the remote control to see it the switch has become loosened on the circuit board, sometimes they just need resoldering.....and obviously the battery.
  17. You dont say if this work was carried out by a Citroen dealer or specialist. However, it isnt uncommon for 'technicians' to replace a height corrector without checking the height of the vehicle or checking that the link rod to the new height corrector isnt broken. So first thing i would be doing is making sure the white clip is secured on both balls off heigt corrector and antiroll bar. I would then check to see if the metal clamp on the anti roll bar has come loose, or indeed that the sprung steel bit fitted to the antiroll bar is broken. I will assume you arnt going to look at this your self.....however, if you do make sure the vehicle is supported on axle stands whilst playing with the height corrector linkage......IF NOT IT MAY CRUSH YOU.
  18. Independent specialist! Wonder if that would be the garage last week that rung me about 3 seperate items: - Can you tell me how to time up a........... They had undone the bottom camshaft pulley without realising it didnt have a woodruf key to hold it in place. - Can you tell me whats involved in reseating the injectors on a C3 Diesel......this call followed immediately after a customer had rung me with an enquiry as to what it meant and could any garage do it! - And the other item........well i left them on hold and they wernt there when i went back. And then of course i had the call from the local Unipart Shop......Can you tell me which clutch i should be suppling my customer with.....is theres a 90hp or 110? And then theres the Garage that has booked 2 cars in with ust this week.......the 1st one he had spent (wasted) a considerable amount of time and money fitting bits (guessing) and getting it wrong. and followed it up with booking another in to have a key programmed. In my opinion they may be capable of 'servicing' your car. They may be able to do this at a more reasonable labour rate And they may give you a sense of being looked after but when you give them something more technical will you be paying 'time taken' in which case your paying for them to bumble around fitting bits needlessly. With regard Courtesy cars........had a customer call me at 9.00 on the saturday before Christmas. The conversation started with the 'i dont know if you can help' question, followed by 'we didnt buy it from you but were going away for xmas'. In a nutshell their picasso clutch had failed and they needed to get from Kent to Skegness on the 27th dec. I scratched around and found a C4......thought i was being of assistance here!! Customers comment to this......well thats not going to be big enough, cant you ring round and get one from another dealer? Politely i informed them that i wasnt able to do this and this was the best i could offer at short notice. We eventually finished our discussions on this at around 11.45 with the customer telling me i was unhelpful and objecting to paying £10 per day for the use of the vehicle......at one point he even told me he would only be using it to go up there and back so didnt see why he had to pay for the days it would just be parked there....we could collect it if we want and return it for when he came home! Needless to say we didnt see the car, but i spoke to a friend at another local dealer and he was telling me about this ar5eh0le he had ring him on the saturday before christmas that needed a car......he was offered a Piccaso......which wasnt big enough!!........what makes me think he was after a C8 for xmas! With regar to your comments on the Courtesy car... i agree with you its totally unacceptable to be offered a vehicle like this......after all what type of advert is it for the company and yet again it gives you a poor impression of the dealer network in general.
  19. You will find a lot of Citroen Diesel end pipes now face the floor if only for one reason......when the particle filter starts to regenerate the temperature of the exhaust gasses are likely to melt any bumpers surrounding them, and if by chance you happen to stand close behind it you will experience severe blistering!
  20. If its a bargain price its going to have a problem, and to resolve those problems you will end up resorting to the services of your local Citroen dealer as smaller independents are unlikely to have the technical information/skill (and what makes me think we have !) to get an engine running correctly that didnt run right in the first place. You will be a fool to think your getting a bargain!
  21. As previously said........dont do it you will regret it.......any C5 but NOT an Hpi
  22. Or even just pumped your tyres up :blink: ....its amazing what that can do
  23. A week, unless of course you just want to be wound up!
  24. Full document Specifically - from an American site: Another approach to reduce glare that was mentioned earlier is correct aim. While NHTSA has made changes to improve the ability to correctly aim headlamps and to determine when aiming may be needed, such changes are not all that different from what has been used in Europe for decades. However, even with these features, European vehicles are also required to have headlamp aiming knobs or levers inside the passenger compartment so that drivers may move the headlamp aim downward to compensate for vehicle loading conditions. More recently, as a condition for allowing HID headlamps in Europe, these lamps must be installed only when automatic leveling (aiming) and automatic low beam washing and/or wiping is installed. European regulatory bodies have determined that automatic leveling and washing would help reduce the potential for glare from these headlamps that are specifically allowed to have higher beam performance than current halogen headlamps. The rationale behind the automatic washing is that, in general, a lamp with higher luminance is more adversely affected by dirt on the lens, resulting in more light directed toward the glare zone. In the U.S., because HID headlamps have been designed to comply with the existing required intensity performance, and not some new, higher performance as in Europe, there appeared to be no need for manufacturers to seek changes to introduce HID headlamps into the market nor for NHTSA to prevent them from being introduced.
  25. I dont know, but i doubt it.....main reason for that hinking would be that the C1 has neither van nor can networks in it. Will get back to you when i have asked the relevant questions.
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