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Everything posted by Welshguy

  1. You put it for Sale on ebay?
  2. :blink:
  3. Should have gone to Specsavers... :blink:
  4. Yup happens to me as well. The 1.4 engine must not produce a lot of heat as well because in the recently cold mornings the engine temp bar will go between 2 and 3 bars, particularly if you have the heaters on more than "1".
  5. lol Who said anything about riding the clutch?? I dont ride it !!!
  6. It probably doesn't help that the only time I use the handbrake is when I park the car.
  7. I'm 6"1 and no problems for me. The biting point of my clutch used to be fairly low down but recently it has "slid" - I guess wear and tear on the clutch. Still no problems in regards to hitting the steering wheel with my knees though. I have my seat fairly low down - I dont need to see the front of my car...unlike some people! ;)
  8. I bet you ate everyone you found! ;)
  9. Welshguy

    Wheel Size

    So have you already got a C4...or are you planning to get one once the VXR is sold?
  10. You need a woman ;)
  11. A 7" screen would be cool, but they do tend to be expensive, and I really like the look of these little units. They also have the advantage that the FULL face is detatchable, not just a section like on most fold out screen units. The picture would be small, but it would be cool to watch/listen to Sky Sports News on the move ;) And BBC 1Xtra rocks :)
  12. Lol yeah...one of those things that substance use brings on... ;)
  13. Just out of interest are you expecting to get what you are asking for price-wise? There was a petrol VTS in A+++ condition with only 6k miles on the clock and full extras, and that had no interest for over 3 months and ended up going for just under £10,000. :angry:
  14. Were you using "Substances" at the time? :angry:
  15. Didn't realise the VTR+ buttons were located on the steering. This might be useful in the future - cheers Wozza. :angry: I'm looking to continue to use an aftermarket stereo - I'm currently looking at a JVC AVX2 unit, and connecting that upto a portable freeview box. The only concern of mine is that the "lip" above the DIN slot may interfere with the unit as I've been told it "raises" to accept CD/DVDs. Reception might be a problem as well, but then again there are plenty of discret places to put arials in.
  16. This is the most annoying aspect for me - because I use an aftermarket stereo I have to remove my stereo and replace it with the original in order to change the time! A lot of effort...so for the last few months my clock has been an hour slow... Now with the clocks going back...it's perfect :lol: No effort involved either...just mother nature! :angry:
  17. Welshguy

    Wheel Size

    Wozza is indeed correct - 18's with 225/40 tyres fit easily, even with my car being dropped 30mm. Ride quality isn't bad, although speed bumps feel bad! I would get 19's if you can, but there is a lot more cost involved in 19's. :angry:
  18. Could be possibly the same problem I had with the exhaust knocking against the gear linkage? More of a heavy knocking noise though?
  19. http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/streettech/Picture001.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/streettech/PIC00039.jpg
  20. One thing I will say about the 1.4 engine is that for me it lacks power after gear changes - I.E when changing from 1st to 2nd the car sometimes loses power and there is a "dip" in acceleration before the car picks up again. I believe a 1.6 and up would have the power to fix this. All down to the fact that the 1.4 engine has to work harder to drag my car's heavy frame down the road!
  21. I only really drive with my girlfriend as a passenger anyways so it is fine - I was probably exaggerating a little bit when I said the car struggled - to be honest only once has it struggled, and that was with 4 people in the car and attempting to climb a steep (I mean STEEP!!!) remote South Wales valleys hill. That hill was 1st gear all the way !!! :D
  22. I have the 1.4 petrol coupe, and to be honest it struggles - with hindsight and more cash I would have gone for the 1.6. As with all Citroen / Pugs you do need to rev the engine high to get any sort of performance out of it. A good point however is the very good mpg return :D
  23. No contest :D I overtook a TVR 500 the other night on my way to the pool hall - the fact that he was sitting at the traffic lights which had turned green as I approached probably helped "a little" :P :)
  24. Dont you just hate chav's ? :D The badges cost no more than 2 or 3 pounds yet they still feel the urge to rob them, causing damage to your car as they do..... :P
  25. Really? I always try and position the car so that the wheels take the impact of the speed bump at the same time?
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