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Everything posted by Welshguy

  1. Known problem - It is caused by the gear linkage knocking against the exhaust, although this happened to me when the enginge was both hot and cold. Solution is to fit spacers between the exhaust and linkage. The dealer also found the problem to be linked to degrading engine mounts. Ask your dealer to look at both these points and install the spacers and the problem should go away! :(
  2. Found the Link to the VTS that was for sale - jealous people with money to spend - dont click HERE !
  3. There was a guy over in the Citroen Xsara forums who had a VTS in black with the JBL pack and other extra's (tints& exhaust) with only 6k on the clock...it was garaged and kept in immaculate condition. It was 18k brand new and he wanted 11.5k. He had no offers for a few months so he was eventually forced to take 9.5k for it !!! 6,000 miles and he'd lost half the value of the car!!! I was soo tempted but ultimately couldn't afford the insurance. That doesn't really help you though does it? :) Sorry I suppose the above could be considered teasing! ;)
  4. £700??? LOL Give them the finger m8! :wub: Paid £170 for mine off ebay including P&P - fitted it with my brother's help. Not really difficult to fit but Im not tool minded! The spoiler I bought was already painted, and was in excellent condition bar 2 tiny chips - one at each end of the spoiler...nothing serious though.
  5. Welshguy


    Lol dude your ride is tight! Its lucky us C4 owners dont have to pay for the doctors bills of people getting crocked necks as we drive by ! :huh:
  6. I'm not sure about other colours but black paint really shows up the cobwebbing effort of poor washing technique and day to day containients hitting the car. As for the VT badge...all the badges I looked at (VTR / VTR) had the R or S attached, so I didn't want to have to cut and chop etc. There is now a nice VT R set of badges on ebay...but they weren't there when I ordered mine! The number plate? Yes I'm EVL :P
  7. Welcome! Very nice car you have there mate, although I agree with the others...could do with lowering! In my opinion I'd colour-code the spoiler as well...will make a huge difference!
  8. Cheers for the positive comments guys - Will definately be doing a machine polish though...its quicker and easier, and if done right, will not take much paint off at all. Standard modern car paint is roughly 200 microns thick..and a detail (done properly) will need to take no more than 5-6 microns. :D
  9. Hey Wozza, Cheers! I didn't get the A pillars done...didn't really occur to me really as they are sooo small - might have them done at a later date though. lol yeah RE: tyre shine - the car is (like I said) getting booked in for a full machine detail - can't wait! Picture will of course follow! Yeah I do have front tints - there were 3 grades to choose from when I had them done...and I went for the 2nd darkest at the rear windows, and the 1st lightest for the front driver and passenger window. Blends from front to back nicely and ensures I'm still visable from the outside...a fact that has probably prevented me from getting pulled and ticked off. :D
  10. lol A Red Nose Day airfresher - a gift when I passed my test! :D
  11. As requested ! :D http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/streettech/Picture001.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/streettech/Picture005.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/streettech/Picture004.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/streettech/Picture003.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/streettech/Picture002.jpg
  12. LOL!!! Good Luck Waiting.... Their watching you now.... :D
  13. Grrr dont get me started on Chav's..... :D
  14. Awwwwww...bless HINT: Buy a Turbo conversion...that'll show him....
  15. I hereby stand corrected :D
  16. Settled for the standard VT Bumper. Looks good though :D
  17. Just picked up the C4 from Auto Body Perfections this morning. The guys there are legends...the damage caused by the van driver has now been repaired, and the 'sideskirts', door handles and B Pillars have been colour coded. Also my special 'VT' badges have been added to the sideskirts. The car was also washed and vacumed. Can't ask for much more! The car will now (asap) be booked in with a friend of mine for a machine polish and detail (check out CleanWORX Detailing. Can't wait! Pictures to follow.... :D :unsure: :D
  18. With the addition of a post I seriously doubt anybody other than kids (I.E not professionals) would go through the effort of trying to get through all that security - just make sure you dont leave the keys about and you are sorted. Bit of a pain with the post and that but unfortunately thats the world we live in today. :D
  19. The "Pre-flight Check" as you put it (lol - love it!) is unaffected...as long as the car's new stereo is plugged into the car's system while the engine is off, you wont suffer any ill-effects (a few Citroen's with the new CAN-BUS wiring system have been known to go haywire if a stereo is plugged in while the igition is on). You will however lose a few menu's like the ability to set MPH or KPH etc...not a huge problem if you set them all (or leave them on dealer settings) before changing the stereo. Trouble is if any work is undertaken on the car (and they unhook the battery) or the battery goes dead then you face the possibility of the car's system's (speed, trip counter etc) changing back to default french units. You would then need to plug the original stereo back in to change them to UK units. Bit of a pain considering the amount of times I've had to do it. :D
  20. I do this all the time....even when I get out of the car with my girlfriend...sometimes she thinks I love the car more than her! :blink: :angry:
  21. Welshguy


    lol Hands up if you want to see pix of Stuey's missus!
  22. If you dont want your VTS I will gladly offer you £100 to take it off you <_<
  23. Well you'd have to be really lucky to find a compatible set on ebay or free-ads, so it looks like your only choice is online. Do a google and see what comes up You'll be looking for (if you dont already know): 4 Stud 4x108 25mm Offset
  24. lol I keep repeating this in various threads, but I'll repeat it again :huh: I have my C4 lowered 30mm on Spax (If I remember rightly!) - Pro's... 1. Looks the business 2. Handles a lot better...really glides round corners Con's... 1. Bumpy ride...not a lot worse than standard but ! 2. Doesn't help with steering the car... I have 18's with 225/40 rubber and with a 30mm drop I can still get my hand under the arches so if you may even want to go lower depending on what alloys you want?
  25. Can't get a picture as it doesn't hang around long enough to take one lol!!! :D
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