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Everything posted by Welshguy

  1. Car is now back from Citroen - they replaced a door handle (known problem apparently), replaced an engine mount (thats the car's second replacement!), and road tested it. Gearbox again seems good (for now), but I'm still finding a grating noise coming from the engine while in 2nd/3rd gear and accelerating. Any ideas? :ph34r:
  2. I think I may have asked this before but does anybody know if the auto mirror can be retrofitted? Would quite like one :P
  3. I can back that statement up - mine is lowered 30mm all round and handles like its on rails...more important...no/very little body roll when cornering. You do sacrifice ride quality though.
  4. I actually work in education - teacher training - and I have to say that today is awesome...several REALLY fit teachers and teaching assistants around the place today! :P
  5. I'm with Mat on this one...I'm 6"1 and it gets to me too.
  6. Lol only 1 message so far pointing out that you went on a "trip" with a female teacher! Is she fit? :lol: :P B)
  7. Got any links to the Ebay VTS front bumpers Wozza? Can't seem to find any at the moment. Good point too about the A&B pillars - forgot about them...if I had them done then I could almost afford to throw away my Plastic Trim restorer! :lol:
  8. Having the Plastic inserts (can't really call them sideskirts) on each side of the car sprayed. VTS's have this as standard I believe. Dunno what else I might have done. I think I will be getting a standard replacement VT front bumper - can I buy the VTS "front lip" as an add-on for a standard VT bumper? I wouldn't mind having that too. :blink:
  9. Hey guys, Just thought I'd drop you a quick msg to say that I'm still around...just come back off holiday and catching up...there are a huge amount of posts since I've been gone!! The C4 is currently in the hands of Cardiff Citroen's general manger who is attempting to find the faults I have told him about...and then is booked in with Autobody Perfections (Cardiff) who will carry out the repair work on the 2nd Oct. One or two extra's may be added as well :( I had to laugh when I dropped the car into Citroen yesterday. Went into the office and spoke with one of the guys...he went to fill in the form for the usual stuff including any damge to my car...he asked me the question "any damage?"...I was like "errr...yeah...front end is kinda pushed in a tad..." LOL.
  10. pix man pix !!! :lol:
  11. Welshguy


    I dreamt that Nigel Martyn had signed for Cardiff City. Random... :lol:
  12. According to the dealership (Bridgend) £220 for a Bonnet £200 (ish - apparently - lol!) for a Front Bumper. I've been to get some quotes for the repair work now...should be booking it into a cracking bodyshop in Cardiff - they fitted a bodykit to my brother's old clio and the workmanship was better than first class. I have a company on my behalf chasing up the claim (this is all new to me but I'm being helped along!) and they sort a cortesy car out, and charge the other parties insurance company for that (wondered how they made money out of this!). Apparently they sort good motors out as well...I've heard of a case where somebody who owned an old Beemer got a Merc Compressor ! :blink: :o
  13. Its not yours is it? :blink:
  14. Pix man Pix! On a side note...I never knew you could get a VTR in 1.4 petrol.
  15. Welshguy


    In a word: Yes My 1.4 is fairly noisey when it comes to tappets, although they do calm down a little when the engine has warmed up
  16. Does anybody here know where I can get Citroen parts prices? I have found a C4 front bumper and bonnet on ebay and would like to compare the costs - might be able to save some money on the repair which could be spent elsewhere... :huh:
  17. Trust me my friend you will not regret getting this stuff ! Tip though - dont sniff it too much...will give you headaches.... :huh:
  18. Indeed :D Spoke to the other parties insurance company yesterday - they offered me a repair in a "Lex" bodyshop...not sure if you've heard of the brand but I think they used to be Rover specialists. No ta! Told them I would like to go down my own path...and I was told I need the standard 2 quotes. 1 is going to come (hopefully) from a very good bodyshop I know, and the other from Davies Motor Company in Cardiff - they are Bentley approved :huh: :D :P
  19. I have seen a fair few C4's about...but no modified ones..so I am unique :D Just the way I like it -_-
  20. Yeah and a horn only alerts the other driver...I attempted to get reverse gear quick-time...I'd prefer to be in control of my destiny! Quick update : Have had a phone call and the company have accepted liability - just waiting for paperwork to confirm this.
  21. Yeah I hope he doesn't want to play silly games, but I should be able to prove he reversed into me - the fact that my turning into my work place was 5 meters away means I wouldn't have been speeding (quite the opposite!), and the road is unobstructed so I would have seen him a mile off. The company concerned should have received my letter this morning - I am now waiting for a reply...
  22. Welshguy

    Sat Nav

    Make sure you use Ebay if you are in no rush to buy one - I got my Tom Tom 300 off ebay for £170 plus £25 petrol going to Wolverhampton to get it (from Cardiff) - was priced at £299 at the time. Bargin :D
  23. If your only going for the 1.4..take it on a test drive and in 3rd / 4th gear give it some and then lift out...listen for any knocking sounds - this is the problem mine suffers from and its dead annoying - try and get a C4 without this problem and everything else is minor!
  24. @ Stuey Lol Stuey do you lust over pix of damaged motors? Will get some sorted asap - took some earlier for my letter to the other guy's company but they were polaroid ones. Yeah Parking sensors should be standard. So should common sense to look in your mirrors <_<
  25. lol yeah. Had no inkling he was going to reverse though. For a split second I thought "yeah he's definately gonna stop"...followed by "***oops*** he aint gonna stop!!" and I tried to throw it into reverse quick time..too late though..and he hit me. Just finished a letter to his company asking what they are going to do about it. I was in the right so I'm definately not paying anything - and my excess is four figures <_<
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