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Everything posted by Welshguy

  1. Hhmmm...I wish mine was shiney...really needs a good clean, and I had a pigeon with bowel problems visit me on the way home friday... Will be sorting it soon :) Can you post some pix showing the overal look? I like these close up pix but prefer to see the overall effect :) And on a side-note...didn't know the VTS came with mudflaps as standard...I really think they suit the look of the car! :D
  2. On mine you can definately hear the fuel getting injected - in fact it is quite loud. Just a shame its mixed in with this annoying grating noise...
  3. Lol I was already opening my wallet expecting to put in my credit card details at the bottom of the post ! :P
  4. Still suffering from the problem, again particularly when the engine is cold. Im also still getting the 'grating' noise from the engine. If I dont have the stereo on and the windows open I can hear it when accelerating - its like metal grating on grating. Anybody have any idea what it could be?
  5. Welshguy


    I think a lot of it comes down to nerves & prep work... My first driving instructor felt like my best m8, and I think looking back that was a mistake - I was far too casual with him. The driving test instructor was also like hitler in a posh suit. Very carried away with his own importance. My second driving instructor wasa lot more serious while still being friendly. Also made sure he gave me every tip, and worked on my areas of weakness. The second test instructor was an older guy and was far more experienced. Before I even got in the car he simply said to me "I'm not here to fail you...just to make sure you obey the law". Put me at ease straight away! And I passed :P
  6. I doubt you'll feel a thing Stuey - the seats in an ST are awesome!!
  7. Welshguy


    Yeah I'd agree with that m8. I did CBT, and it was a lot harder than I expected - damn those figure of eights! :blink:
  8. Welshguy


    lol I've had a few scary rides - just yesterday I was chucked into the back of a transit van (I'm not lying!) and given a terror ride. All I did wrong was refusing to goto the pub with my brother - he didn't take the rejection that well... :huh: I think the pitch blackness and not knowing if he was gonna hit anything were my 2 biggest points... :blink:
  9. From what I can remember (it was lowered fairly quickly after buying it) the ride was quite smooth. I then added the stiffened suspension and 215/35/18 tyres - made the car feel like it was going to fall apart. I will never ever go back to 215/35 profile tyres!! :blink:
  10. Welshguy


    35 on theory first time round - can't remember the practical but it was enough to fail! 34 on theory second time round (left it more than 2 years!) ... and 2 minors on practical...beat that :blink:
  11. In a word : Yes lol - try having a 30mm drop and stiffened suspension on your C4...that sorts the men from the boys lol! :blink:
  12. I've had knocking noises at the front of the car, and these were connected to the engine mounts being worn - I know a few members have mentioned knocking noises at the rear being connected to a loose exhaust...try searching the forum and you'll find a couple of threads about it.
  13. Saw the ad last night - why oh why did they change the music? :D
  14. Wondered what that sound was I heard...it was the sound of your car popping off the rev limiter..... :D
  15. Some stills from the advert - looks cool http://www.askaprice.com/images/news/motortorque/2006/5/1719/01.jpg http://www.askaprice.com/images/news/motortorque/2006/5/1719/02.jpg http://www.askaprice.com/images/news/motortorque/2006/5/1719/03.jpg
  16. Haven't seen the advert yet but will be looking out for it. Off-topic : Can't be doing with five doors - if and when I finally do get five doors, they will be connected to an Impreza or an Evo :D
  17. Guys your talking about Wax's - Barns is asking about Polishes. Although I haven't used it, I've heard good things about the Poorboy's SRP range of polishes - they come in various strengths so you can be sure you wont damage your paintwork. Check out Detailing World for advice and example pictures.
  18. lol it is annoying aint it! If you think the C4 is bad....try driving a C1 - the thing screams at you in an incredibly loud high pitched sound after a minute or so....
  19. lol a very annoying feature when your washing the car with the stereo turned on, and then suddenly turning off and going into econ mode...GRRRR.... :angry:
  20. Welcome! The shudder noise is mentioned in various threads m8 - have a look around! Any pix of the car?
  21. Any idea if you can mod it ? :(
  22. Wozza - I am still experiencing the metalic grating sound on my car too - its happens under acceleration, particularly at low revs. Are you saying this sound is connected to the exhaust? I've been listening to the car under acceleration, and in my opinion it seems to come from the engine bay? :(
  23. Good to know it is sorted now :P Personally I would have been tempted to have the windscreen taken out - with HOTT weather its far better :) Just dont open your mouth or you'll be eating bugs! :D
  24. Supervision? Is that a clear bulb? Yeah suppose I could have a go at tinting them myself - how much are replacements though? :D
  25. Has anybody thought about changing the colour of their indicators? Was looking at my C4 today, and it dawned on me that each side of the car is very black (black paint, tints etc) and its just the wheels and the indicators that aren't black. Anybody know of tinted replacements I could buy that would fit?
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