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coastline taxis

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Everything posted by coastline taxis

  1. 3 words GOOGLE 1.6HDI TURBO Then get rid of it
  2. Not worth mucking around trying to find it just change both of them belt £10 and tensioner £40. But try checking your suspension fluid first as that can do what your describing when it gets low
  3. will chack autodata on monday and get back to you
  4. What model and year is it. Would it not be better to fill the tank and see how the gauge goes
  5. yes your imagining it the seat. Its actually the whole car that lift up to a pre determend ride hieght
  6. Park on the other way round and open the drivers door to see the kerb
  7. try changing the engine temperature sensor unit. When the engine is cold this is what tells your ecu to give it less air l(like a choke) and as engine warms up it gives more air, Sometimes when faulty these units cut of to early
  8. ok and finally when you first start it is there any smoke coming out the exhaust. Also have you had the car on a diagnostic machine
  9. If its the offside/driverside its a 2 part shaft with a bearing on the shaft that sits into a bearing carier bolted onto the back of the engine. Check the 2 x 11mm bolts that secure the bearing into the carrier. if they have turned round (as they have a lip on them) they will stop the driveshaft from fully locking into the gearbox
  10. if youve got a complete engine then why are you stripping heads of just put the whole lump in. The spare injectors you have should be tested before being used. is yours the 8 valve engine or 16 valve
  11. if youve got the card then anyone with a lexia can code it in for you. theres members on here who will do it for you. Check under diagnostic help to see whos closest
  12. not to sure about this but do you not need to use the lexia to recalibrate the whole system again. never done muck work on the parking sensors but seem to remember reading somewhere that when you put a sensor in it has to be recalibrated
  13. No you can get a key cut that will open the doors and turn the engine over but it wont start the engine. The key needs to be coded in using a lexia diagnostic machine also you will need the code to put into the key. If your licky itl be on a grey plastic card that came with the car if not youl have to pay the dealer for the code
  14. Take the pipes of one at a time and put your thimb on one end and blow down the pipe as they can go pourus
  15. Itl be the captive nuts just spinning inside the chassis. but that shouldnt be a problem if they know what there doing. You just cut a 3 inch section of chassis so it forms a flap heat the nut up and remove the bolt. Then when job done you just weld the flap up and underseal. it puts no more that £20 on the price of the job. Id be trying somewhere else if i was you. What area are you in
  16. ok check the black rubber pipes going to the engine and check your spark plugs also is your temperature gauge working ok
  17. How long is a piece of string. Theres just to many factors to be able to say what milage youle get e.g driving stlyle, road conditions, vehicle conditions,fuel you use,engine condition, tyre condition etc etc. each one is different and can affect the milage
  18. year and engine size please
  19. ok from reading your post you have opened the bleed nipple pushed the pistons back replaced the pads the bolted the caliper on then closed the nipple. Youve let air into the caliper. You should of just slightly opend the nipple and closed it the moment you pushed the piston back anyway not to worry its easily put right. Get acsess to both front bleed nipple then get someone to sit in the car and pump the brake pedal a few times till it goes hard and keep it pressed down. Next put your finger over the end of the bleed nipple and open it up just a littel till you hear the air coming out the brake pedal shoud creep down when doing this. get your assistant to tell you when the brake pedal is all the way down then lock the nipple up. You may have to do it a few times per side and dont forget to keep toping the brake resevoir up while your doing it. There is a couple of reasons you open the nipple 1 pushing the fluid back up can damage the master cylinder and abs seals as ther designed to work one way only 2 brake fluid has a boiling point and the heat of the brakes boils it in the caliper. thats why its black when it comes out the nipple Brake fluid should be change at least every 2 to 3 years
  20. just charge it with the battery insitu
  21. Sonds good. you just got to decide on the auto box now
  22. Have you got the multiplug to the dashboard in correctly and properly secured with the clip and make sure youu havnt bent any pins
  23. When the thrust bearing goes the fulcrum arm that works it goes past the perimiters it was designed for this then allows the slave cylinder to just pop out the end and leak fluid. In most cases we just push it back into the cylinder and its fine. A 3 in 1 clutch kit is whats needed in most cases. The times that there quoting for doing the job is about right as it is a bit of a pig to do.
  24. If they havnt getting the gearbox out yet then how do they know the flywheel is gone as it impossible to see iit unless the gearbox is out. And from many years of experience when the pedal dosnt come up its normally the thrust bearing gone through the pressure plate or has collappsed
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