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coastline taxis

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Everything posted by coastline taxis

  1. get oil for gearboxed changed at the dealers less tham a £100 and well worth it. Wiper stalk will need a new comm unit. remove steerring wheel and and a the comm unit is there with all the other stalks on it. Thats assuming its the stalk. Because it sounds like the wiring to the rear glass has been disconected and this will stop your wiper working aswell Ans at 85k id be doing the timing belt aswell as its due at a 100k. Youve just got common faults other than that it sounds like a decent motor
  2. if the particle filter hasnt regenerated in quite a while then the filter could be partily blocked and at tickover the exhaust gas pressure isnt enough for it to flow freely past the fap filter and remember there are 2 sensors in the exhaust measuring the differemtial pressure on the filter and if they detect anything it puta a antipollution fault on. If this was mine id be doing the following Replace/check filler cap and neck reset the bsi unit take car down motorway at a steady 50mph for 50 miles so it can regenerate itself. If that makes no difference then start looking at the other code
  3. Ok youve got 2 issues here Your 2.2 will have a fap filter on it and every time you remove the fuel cap it tells the ecu ( the cap has reed magnets in it) and losing the cap and then replacing it with any old cap will cause problems in that the ecu wont get a signal that it needs to rgenerate the fap filter and will put a antipollution fault on. So check with the dealer that you have the right filler cap. If you have the right cap then remove the panel from inside the boot and check the wiring going to the filler neck and clean both the filler neck and cap. i would leave the egr till you clear up the filler cap issue because if the exhaust gases arnt flowing freely it will affect the egr and turbo. And for future reference If you look at the exhaust manifold at the back of the engine youl see a thin metel pipe coming of the manifold. Its at the timming belt end and is about the same diameter as a £2 coin follow this pipe to you come to a round saucer like item with a rubber hose and a blue conector and thats your egr valve. The pictures you put on were boost solonoids paul h the moderator has access to the citroen service site maybe he could find the part number for your filler cap so you could check with the one you have
  4. wow This topic has way to much going on in it. And going from one subject to another Theres airflow meter egr valve turbo solinoids and phantom codes and nobody knows wether its a 8 or 16 valve engine. Maybe lets stop have a cuppa and start again from the begining. Yours is a 16 valve infact all 2.2 are 16 valve Forget the 1352 code o402 will be there because 0400 is putting it on its called a domino effect where one fault puts another fault on ( learnt that of techbod) ok lets just run thru a couple of questions Youve just bought the car - yes - was the light on when you bought it if yes then everytime the light comes on there will be a beep and if you look at your center display it will tell you what system has put the light on. if the light wasnt on when you bought it have you done any other work on the car or given it a service
  5. Iif youve had a fire then the fuse will of blown. looking to the right hand side of the engine youl see a big black box next to the battery. twist the 4 plastic screw 90 degrees and lift lid off. youl see a fuse box on the right and to the front of it youl see a black wire with a 13mm nut on it. you need to be under the black wire.if you look at the fuse box youl see 3 plastic clips holding it down put a screwdriver in and prise each one as you use gentle prassure on the fusebox to lift it up. Chances are they will snap but dont worry as the fuse box will go back in. When you get it out youl see a row of maxi fuses find the blown one and replace. Just remember the black wire is live so if you feel you have to remove it to gat the fuse box out then disconect your battery 1st
  6. When you management light comes on you should notice a difference in the way the car drives as it should be in limp mode. If your not feeling any difference at all then i think your problem is one of the sensors itself acting up. If the dealer is using lexia diagnostic hell probally go straight to engine management and then show codes ask him to look in stored codes or do a global scan of the car which should give you a print out of every ecu and system in the vehicle and sored and pending codes
  7. hello and welcome to the forum. Any tips or knowledge you have please feel free to share with us
  8. Hello and welcome to the forum. Your problem sounds like the comm2000 unit is knackered. Its the piece that sits behind the steering wheel and has all the stalks on it. comom symptoms are High beam coming on when indicating High beam coming on when it feels like it. and has to be switched of manually And somerimes a airbag fault Its a fairly straight forward job to do and dosnt require any diagnostic tools. Second hand part £20 to £40 New about £200ish
  9. Screen heats up anf goes blank = new screen And welcome to the forum. Its actually a diode that overheats on the back of them
  10. check your roof switch as this wil stop the boot from opening. Maybe open ane close the roof a few times
  11. 4got to ask does yours have the folding roof
  12. Are you meaning the glass is not opening But the whole boot section is
  13. maybe a battery disconect and reconect may reset everything. Or it may need to be plugged in to reset the switch but start with the cheapest option 1st
  14. the surround basicly just pulls of theres a lug on the bottom of the the surround in the center lift the surround up with a screwdriver and pull . youl see to torx screws holding the disply in
  15. Depends on what model you have. if its got a fap filter and you do a forced regeneration youl need the heat shield when it hits 450 degrees. Also the heat shield doubles up as sound deadening and helps stops the low droning noise the baffles in the exhaust give out
  16. most keys can be programed off car via a infa red reader. but on a c5 with a multiplexing system it has to be done with the key in the ignition and a maximmum of 4 keys alowed and a 4 digit code for unlocking the ecu. While it seemms a proper pain when trying to get a key it does stop people sitting in car parks with infa red readers getting your key code every time you use the plimp key then coming and stealinng your car as they have the reg ( gets them a key to open the door) and the 4 digit code to start the car.
  17. If you have a bump and are repairing it yourself you can put a mk1 front end onto a mk11 and vice versa as the chassis are the same. Weve done it (wings,bonnet.bumper and grill). Might be worth your while to hpi the car to see its history
  18. found this funny. neva mind my computer skills are letting me down and i cant post the link
  19. What advert is that off again "its frothy man"
  20. Youl never get citroen codes of anything other than a lexia or a top end scanner. So i wouldnt worry to much about it john as your mil isnt on so it could just be the scanner itself that is putting the code on
  21. Sorry not been on but weve been really busy taxi wise. Its fairly straight forward to do but dont reroute a pipe as you need the corect pipe lenght for the pump pressure. the new pipe should have the unions on it if not take it back. the unions are a 2 piece union and have plastic seals on them lift back seat and unplug the multiplug on the fuel pump then disconect the 2 fuel lines jack car up as high as you can get it and then put axle stands under the sills undo the fuel tank 4 x 16mm bolts remove the exhaust (you can leave it in situ but youl bent the heatshields out of shape) remove heatshield. Youl now have acsess to your pipe and if you have the time maybe think about replacing the front to rear brakepipe aswell. once pipe is replaced top up lds fluid and start the car up and it will bleed itself. Some times you have to force the lds fluid into the pump. Cove resevoir opening with clingfilm and poke a hole in the spout and give it a little blow with the engine running and that will be enough
  22. Come on mr herns dont keep us in suspense
  23. get a cheap bottle of washing up liquid and add some water to it, then just squirt it all round the injectors if you've got a leak itl froth and foam.
  24. What code reader are you using as they don't all use the same format
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