Ooooooooo this is going to open a can of worms. 800 miles of a full tank. never getting that yet and weve got estates,saloons,petrol,diesels,110bhp and 90bhp
better off giving them a ring 01915168822 ask for nigel and tell him what you want. They wont stich you. We use them everytime we get stuck and theyve always been very fair and the prices have always been very very resonable.
does the economy mode come on after the car has been left standing for a while? fairly sure that the fault with thew wiper is a earth issue or to do with the central locking (remember reading it somewhere) the doors not opening is this sounds like a very common lock problem. Can you open them from the inside
Take a bit of advice and take it to town center citroen,ferryboat lane, sunderland. youl get tret very fair with no bullshit or stupid prices and the job will be done properly with a warranty. or take it to someones mate down the backlane and get the ecu fried with a chinese lexia.
if your not hearing the pump prime then it wont start as it means that the low pressure pump (in the tank) isnt supplying fuel to the high pressure pump (on the enginge). this could be a wiring or bmi (relay on the end of the engine fuse box) but the most common is the in tank pump and 160k on the car it probally due. next time you dont hear the pump priming lift up the back seat and check that youve got power going to the pump using a multimeter. its not live all the time youl only get a reading for a few seconds when you 1st put the ignition on. test it and get back to us best regards steve
Well it just shows your never to old to learn and i stand corrected for my doubt. getting back to your posting one of two things me thinks either the rear spheres have gon or posably a ride height adjuster fault
+theres a few things you need to check 1st.if you feel competent enough ill list them for you. if you not that way inclined then take it toi the dealers so it can be checked
Your 1st port of call has to be the dealers and get it plugged in and see what the fault code is. It could be anything from just needing a oil change to a full rebuild dont let people try and guess as these boxes are just to complicated to be mucking around with
personly i wouldnt us a jet was as theres just to much electrical stuff under the bonnet. If we need to clean anything then we just brake cleaner and a rag
To reset the window anti pinch you will have to disconnect the battery for a few seconds then reconnect. Once the window is wound all the way down you wind it up, it will go up in stages so you have to keep pressing the button every time it stops. When it gets to the top of its travel, providing there isn’t anything else wrong with it you should be able to hold the up button for about 5 seconds....this will reset the anti pinch position and should operate normally from then on. If there is a problem with the window regulator it may stop you doing that and you will still have the will need to do it with all your windows and then reset your clock.