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Everything posted by Welshguy

  1. As I've mentioned in previous threads about this - does both your gearbox and engine make the "clunking" noise? If so - it'll be one of your engine mounts has worn. I'd ask Citroen to check it out.
  2. @ Wozza I forgot to say Wozza - have you seen this pic over at Planet Citroen? To be fair the SuperT's do look great on the C4 Go on...get them....you know you want to... :D http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/7186/p62955841280dezentwrc7xi.jpg
  3. Thanks - nice to hear my efforts are appreciated! You may be jealous of my C4's looks, but its all show and no go! :D
  4. I agree totally :D And when you consider I only paid £450 for them and they are brand new (with Toyo Rubber!) then extra smiles all round :D
  5. Updated pictures that are actually in focus. Was my fault...I was using the wrong setting on the camera :D http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/streettech/PIC00038.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/streettech/PIC00039.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/streettech/PIC00041.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/streettech/PIC00040.jpg
  6. Good luck on your test m8. As for the alloys - your wish is my command! See my alloys thread for updated pictures... :D
  7. Just been looking over at Planet Citroen (fr) and a discussion is going on about Angel Eyes. A photoshop has been made. I think I just found my next mod :D http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/2945/c4angeleyes28mz.jpg
  8. Just had a phone call from my dad - Citroen rang him yesterday to confirm they had received parts for the brake sqeaking issue mentioned in previous threads. Excellent :D Will ask them to look into the grating noise and small other issues while I'm there.
  9. It would be possible yes, but not exactly sure who could do it. There would only be a tiny difference in the speedo neways, as because I have smaller tyres than the standard ones, the rolling radius is pretty much the same. As for 19's...well yeah that would be cool, but your probably looking at 215/35/19 tyres, and as I've said before - never again! As it happens I just popped out for lunch, and when parking up on my return I put full lock on and heard a small amount of scrubbing - that's with 18's and a 30mm drop...
  10. Thanks for the feedback Wozza! I really think they do suit the car as they are at the moment, although your suggestions are good. As for Multispokes...I do like SuperT's, but the trouble with multispokes is that they dont look good on big cars unless you go for a big size alloy - 19's would be a must I reckon.
  11. A qucik picture this morning of the alloys on the car - excuse the image quality - bad light plus no focus on camera plus little battery power left makes for bad shots! :D http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c32/streettech/C4.jpg
  12. Got them for £450. (and I have the receipt which states they are two months old, and were originally bought for £950!) :lol: They look amazing on the car wozza. Will try to get pix on here asap.
  13. I finally have my new alloys! After a long search on ebay for VTS alloys, these babies popped up: http://i15.ebayimg.com/03/i/07/53/af/58_1_b.JPG Oxigin Crystal 18" Alloy Wheels & Toyo Proxes Tyres - ordered for a Citroen C4, but never fitted, and starting at only 1p. I eventually lost out on the bidding, but the highest bidder pulled out, leaving me to nip in and swipe them..at a ridicilously low price :D Pix on car coming soon.... :lol:
  14. Sorry to hear that m8. Not had the best of luck with your C4 recently have you! Good to see your looking on the positive side though :D
  15. I have noticed that I take an interest in all other C4s that I see, and vice versa - it is like a small club! :D
  16. Yeah I know exactly what you mean. Most of the topics on there (tip: use google's translator) discuss about what we talk about, but then sometimes you come across something new, and very interesting (I.E the first Citroen C4 Turbo :D )
  17. Linky Linky ! Your wish is my command! :D Hope your french is upto stratch! toot ala fruit! ;)
  18. Well they did work last night - I guess the pictures have been moved or deleted at Source. Lets just say the entire front of the coupe had been destroyed..everything upto the windscreen was 'gone'. Found the pictures on the (French) Planet Citroen site. A useful site, although 99% of the site is in french! toot ala fruit! :D
  19. So much for the 5 star safety rating...just hope whoever was in this survived! :D http://img103.imagevenue.com/aAfkjfp01fo1i-1670/loc71/46458_Sans_titre.bmp.jpg http://img140.imagevenue.com/aAfkjfp01fo1i-920/loc2/46452_Sans_titre2.bmp.jpg
  20. Let me borrow your car and I'll see what I can do! :D
  21. Just found this on ebay (france): :D http://i14.ebayimg.com/02/i/07/5b/9f/96_1_b.JPG http://i5.ebayimg.com/05/i/07/66/bc/b4_1_b.JPG http://i2.ebayimg.com/02/i/07/68/10/48_1_b.JPG What a waste of a good C4! :)
  22. lol dont get me started on insurance! I was condering getting a VTS that was for sale after completing my first year of no claims - but a quote on the VTS was still £1900! :D
  23. So did you buyy the mudflaps for practical or visual reasons? Can I ask where you got them from?
  24. Wozza is spot on there - I'll just add that you can get various strengths of claybar to clean your car with. Various strengths for different types of dirt! The Megs QuikDetail package (around £13) is a good starting package. As for the Gold Class Shampoo - excellent choice my good friend! :D
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