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Everything posted by paul.h

  1. If the steering wheel was not in normal alignment then that is a sign the tracking has not been done correctly. If the tracking ever needs adjusting it should be done equally on both sides. Check the number of threads on the track rods at the ends to see if they are the same. I have found from experience it only needs adjusting if the rack or track rod ends have been replaced and offers of checking the tracking should be turned down since it may not be done correctly. A common problem on your car is the steering rack leaking oil out of the pinion input shaft seal. This may be the result of rusting on the shaft. The fix is a replacement new or reconditioned rack costing around £350 for recon to £1000 for new. Have a look on the C5 technical section pinned Common Problems topic. Prevention may be greasing the input shaft so it does not rust. I would also check the battery since if its voltage is low it can have odd problems and the power steering pump may be electric. Before starting the car its voltage should be about 12.7 volts, much below 12.5 volts and it needs charging or replacing. If the electric tailgate stops working this is also a symptom of a low battery or if eco mode comes in after only a few minutes.
  2. It is the doc back up which has the parts diagrams and the workshop procedures. I do not have diagbox.
  3. Welcome to the forum. Have a look in the handbook at th elist of fuses and see if one is listed for the radio since it may have blown. If it is not the original radio and is an aftermarket one, then it may need a security code entering.
  4. Looking at the parts diagrams there is only one parcel shelf part number which changes at RPO 11711 which equates to 1/12/2008 manufacturing date. So they should be the same with Citroen part no. 8794YL (or 8794RJ). As an example on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-Peugeot-107-Citroen-C1-rear-Parcel-Shelf-up-to-2012-8794YL-/331771174432
  5. Welcome to the forum. Are you getting the same fault codes or are they different ? If the fault codes have not been read this is the first thing to do since it will indicate what is wrong. A search on the P1092 fault code suggests the exhaust lambda sensors are faulty and need replacing, but I would not do this if you have not read your fault codes since it could be a waste of money.
  6. I got the service box on dvds rather than a download. Only problem with this is they are not up to date and it seems the latest version available is 2014 so the dealers are probably only using on-line versions. As a result parts numbers may have changed and any updates to procedures are not available but it is possible to pay for access to the service.citroen.com procedures on-line if you are in a country that supports this.
  7. Welcome to the forum. I would think there is no harm in fastening the plate, even as a temporary measure to see what happens. It is 10 years though since we had a Picasso so I do not know how it should be. P1352 Ignition Coil A Primary Circuit Malfunction - on a diesel this will be a glow plug problem but is unlikely to put the engine management light on. P0102 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Low Input - this suggests a fault with the MAF sensor or its wiring/electrical connection which would put the light on and lead to limp mode and poor running.
  8. Are you having running problems that makes you want to change a fuel filter ? If you look at the diagram you have shown, pipe 21 is not a listed part so may be the one installed if there is not a fuel filter, which means there should only be the one pipe. Since you can not find a filter then I would forget about it if the car is running ok.
  9. You can see the parts diagrams as a free service if you register as an other professional non emergency services and as a member of the Citroen Owners Club http://service.citroen.com/do/changerParametres You might need to select your language first. Once on the site use your car VIN (VIS) top left to find your car. The radio etc will be under Electrics and then is among the lower items. You can also look at the Characteristics in the left column to find details of your car. Citroens workshop procedures/parts diagrams/wiring diagrams can be found on the Citroen service box which comes on 3 dvds and can be obtained through ebay. The latest ones seem to be 2014 so probably dealers only use on-line versions now. As an example http://www.ebay.com/itm/Citroen-Service-Box-1-2014-TIS-EPC-WDS-/251930181500 A search on the Clarion part no. gives this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2007-PEUGEOT-407-CLARION-6-DISC-CD-CHANGER-9663425180-/321995601649
  10. Welcome to the forum. You can reset the trip computer by holding in the button on the end of the wiper stalk since if not done it may reflect the driving style of the previous owner. In case the computer is not accurate you should check the mpg by filling the tank, then drive and then fill again and see how much needed to be put in, however, I have found on our cars it is near enough. The fuel tank is 15 gallons but the level gauge is not accurate enough to do mpg calcs and 7½ gallons for 270 miles is 36 mpg. Official mpg from a 2003 sales brochure 2.0 hdi urban / extra urban / combined - hatchback 90 hp engine manual 36.7 / 60.1 / 49.6 - hatchback 110 hp engine manual 38.2 / 61.4 / 50.4 - estate 90 hp engine manual 36.7 / 58.9 / 47.9 - estate 110 hp engine manual 37.2 / 61.4 / 49.6 Auto gearboxes are less but you have not said your car is an auto. Winter fuel economy is not usually as good as summer but you should check if the brakes are a bit seized since this is a common thing that can reduce fuel economy - just see if the wheel hubs are hot after a run as a quick check before jacking up to spin the wheels. Also the temp gauge should be around the middle showing the engine is warming up properly. If you jack the car up the suspension should be first raised to max height to avoid possible suspension problems. Also do not go under the car without using axle stands since if a height sensor is caught the suspension can quickly drop to a low level. Also check if the air filter has been changed recently. On any car the coolant expansion tank will pressurise as the coolant warms up and expands. Still having a bit of pressure the next day may be normal but I would keep an eye on the level just in case the head gasket is leaking and also look for bubbles in the tank when the engine is running. Have a look at the C5 technical section pinned topic on Common Problems for things to check.
  11. It is possible to fool the car in to thinking a door is closed by having the door open and closing the lock/latch against a screwdriver rather than the post on the door pillar. The sensor that detects if a door is closed is built in to the lock - this can be tested by seeing if the door open message goes when the screwdriver is used or using the remote to lock the doors with the screwdriver first used to close the latch. Make sure the gearbox is in neutral before doing anything through the windows, just in case the key is turned too much and the engine is turned over on the starter.
  12. Welcome to the forum. If you have a transverse exhaust the parts diagrams do not show a fuel filter. Otherwise it shows one on the fuel pipe coming from the top of the fuel tank level sensor/pump. It is hard to tell where it is from the diagrams but could be in front of the tank at the driver's side. If you can not find an external filter then it is part of the level sensor/pump and this does not need changing which would require the fuel tank to be partly lowered.
  13. Welcome to the forum.
  14. This is a common problem and there is info on it on the pinned Common Problems topic on the C5 technical section. At £360 it will be a reconditioned rack.
  15. Welcome to the forum. I have never tried bluetooth so do not know anything about it. These topics might help showing other problems http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/24512-bluetooth-easy/ http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/24133-bluetooth-on-rd4-unit-in-citroen-c4-grand-picasso/ http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/22608-which-ice-is-this-and-is-bluetooth/
  16. I have looked in C4 sales brochures from 12/2010 and nowhere do they mention self indexing of the rear view mirrors when selecting reverse, either as standard or as an option. It is mentioned in the handbook with our C4 (2015) but I have just tried it and it did not work. I also looked at the radio menu / configuration and there is nothing there to activate the self indexing. Maybe with a Citroen diagnostic it may be possible to activate it or simply it has never been on the C4 and the handbooks are incorrect.
  17. Welcome to the forum. May be one of the spheres needs replacing. This is from the common problems topic: 44. How to check the suspension spheres. This topic contains useful information from coastline taxis on how to check which sphere is at fault if the suspension is hard http://www.citroen-o...ues/#entry83812
  18. If a height sensor is sticking I think spraying it with something like wd40 would be a first try before undoing it.
  19. Welcome to the forum. The eolys level warning may not mean there is no eolys fluid in the tank, it could be it has been topped up and the level calculation has not been reset using a diagnostic. The actual level is not measured but is calculated based on the number of fuel tank fills. Does the hydrogen generator dose a tiny bit of hydrogen to supplement the diesel since it can not be the main fuel since it is being produced by 30 watts (2.5 amps x 12 volts) of electricity whereas the engine is 138 hp = 103000 watts. Since you can not get out more energy than you put in it can only be below 0.03% of the engine power produced but it has taken this power out of the engine. 100% efficiency is not possible so the resulting power from the engine available to drive the car must therefore be marginally less. Which makes it sound sceptical.
  20. How do you get to the maxi fuse since there is another topic on the suspension where somebody can see the fuses but does not know how to get to them ?
  21. Welcome to the forum. It might be a problem with the radio that needs fixing.
  22. The link to the bonnet problem in post 11 is the one we have recently had done. We have now had a letter from Citroen / Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency saying it needs to be done so they are contacting owners. They have given it operation reference NUH, the same as in the link so it covers 2015 C4s as well as ones in the link. Our VIN is ***FY504*** so is within the range in the link.
  23. A similar topic has been started by ash601. So that any replies are together, this topic has been locked and replies should be posted here http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/24532-lower-near-side-ball-joint/
  24. In the pin there may be a cut out which should line up with the bolt. It might be the ball joint pin has not been pushed in far enough. This is your other topic on the same problem, http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/24402-xsara-picasso-hdi-2002/ I will lock that and put a link to this topic so that any replies are together. You should also check the diameter of the new joint pin is the same as the old one, just in case it is a copy part not from a Citroen dealer and has not been made to the correct specification.
  25. The air filter should not need removing, just the ducting and possibly the battery cover. You are supposed to drain the coolant before starting but if you have the new sensor ready, it may be possible to swap the sensor quickly without losing too much if it is not drained. Undo the expansion tank cap first to release any pressure and if you then put it back it may help reduce the loss.
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