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Everything posted by paul.h

  1. The Haynes manual is no help since it does not include the suspension. The French RTA manual http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rta-654-1-Citro%C3%ABn-C5-Diesel/dp/2726865410/ref=sr_1_1?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1453309420&sr=8-1&keywords=ETAI+citroen+c5 includes them and also the Citroen service box includes them but you need to use the car VIN and RPO to get one for your car. The service box is worth getting since it also includes the parts diagrams and workshop procedures and comes on 3 dvds to install on your pc from such as ebay - for example but you should aim for a more up to date version http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Citroen-Service-Box-1-2014-TIS-EPC-WDS-/381321373493 .
  2. I have put this on the Common Problems list since it is easy to check the battery before doing anything else and is not an obvious cause of the fault. Were there any other signs the battery was flat such as the engine being slow to turn on the starter motor ?
  3. Welcome to the forum. This is from the C5 Common Problems topic but may apply: 44. How to check the suspension spheres. This topic contains useful information from coastline taxis on how to check which sphere is at fault if the suspension is hardhttp://www.citroen-o...ues/#entry83812
  4. Welcome to the forum. You could try disconnecting the car battery and doing a bsi reset before using a dealer. http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/15093-bsi-reset/ If you ever need to disconnect the car battery do not do it too soon after removing the key from the ignition since the bsi (car's computer) needs time to shut down. 16. Odd electrical problems caused by wrong battery disconnection procedure. If you need to disconnect the battery and not do a BSI reset procedure, I have found the following has not given me any problems on a 2004 and 2007 C5 and a 2003 C3: - remove the ignition key from the car - open the bonnet - wait a few minutes for the BSI to shut down - disconnect the battery negative terminal When reconnecting - ignition key out of the car - reconnect the battery - wait a few minutes - insert the key in the ignition and wait a minute - turn the key to the first position and wait a minute - turn the key so the dash lights come on and wait a minute - start the engine - take the windows down and up to reset the anti pinch - reset the clock (and radio on the C3).
  5. Welcome to the forum. If your car is the 2001 to 2008 C5 model then you would be best to obtain a copy of the Haynes C5 manual. If your car is a 2008 on C5 then have a read of these topics: http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/23506-recommend-a-garage-in-or-near-leicester/ 25. New C5 (mark 3/X7) steering rack oil leaks - at least 8 cases so far. We have 2 members jefflad and Howiec with steering rack leaks that are proving difficult to fix. Where the supply and return pipes join the rack, the seals are leaking fluid. It seems Citroen want to replace the pipes to fix this and that just replacing the O-ring seals does not work. Citroen also do not sell the seals separately. An additional 2 members, Parkesie and johnfing, have found a leak from the steering column shaft input seal on top of the steering rack, which initially was thought to be the pipe seals. This seal also is not available so replacement racks have been fitted. The column shaft has badly rusted so may be the cause of the leak - applying grease could possibly prevent this. See http://www.citroen-o...uid/#entry75684 . See also this topic for info on replacing the rack http://www.citroen-o...ent/#entry81594 There are 2 more cases here and one being caused by corrosion of the rack where the alloy oil pipes connecthttp://www.citroen-o...-leaking-fluid/ Have a look at this topic from C5greener for another leak point in the piping near the rack http://www.citroen-o...-steering-leak/
  6. Welcome to the forum. If you can not find anywhere near your home why not travel a few miles up the M1 to Wakefield. These people advertise fitting a refurbished rack for £355 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/272025670230?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I have not used them but there was a link to their website in one of the leaking steering rack posts. Approx 90 miles from Leicester so total about 180 miles and 3 or 4 hours driving to save about £1000.
  7. paul.h

    C3 Auto

    The battery light flashing is probably since it is in economy mode. Maybe you should check if the engine has seized by seeing if you can turn it with a spanner on the crank shaft pulley nut. Next thing is probably to see if the wiring to the starter motor is ok and the engine/gearbox earth wire is ok. Then check if you are getting voltage at the starter motor - Check for 12 volts at the starter thick wire and then get somebody to turn the ignition key to start the car (gearbox in neutral and handbrake on so the car can not move) and see if you get 12 volts at the starter solenoid from the ignition switch and also on the solenoid out wire to the motor and listen to see if it clicks. If you are getting 12 volts in these places and the starter is not turning then it may be faulty.
  8. I am not sure if this is correct but from Citroen's procedures for the M59 version of Berlingo to remove the dash, it looks as if you pull out the radio (using U-shaped clips in the holes at each end) and then remove 2 bolts above the top corners of the heater control panel. Then the heater control panel should pull out.
  9. This topic is worth a read, it appears the ultrasonic sensors could be faulty. It explains how to disconnect the alarm and the sensors. http://www.saxperience.com/forum/showthread.php?t=329611
  10. Welcome to the forum. I do not know where the alarm is on the car, but I would think if you open the driver's door with the key and then start the engine the alarm will stop. Then switch off the engine, remove the key but do not lock the car and then I would think you can change the battery without the alarm going off.
  11. Welcome to the forum. No problem in bringing up an old post, better than starting a new one for the same problem, especially when you have fixed it.
  12. Just a thought, if the heater drain is blocked then maybe water that collects can come out of the pollen filter end cover.
  13. Welcome to the forum. On one of the C5 sections there is a pinned topic with members who are able to help with diagnostics.
  14. Brilliant, thanks for getting back to us.
  15. If it is the MLGU 5 speed gearbox, Citroen's service box procedures give: 4. LubricationOil capacity : 2,7 ± 0,3 litres.Oil quality : TOTAL TRANSMISSION BV 75 W 80.Checking interval : None.Check the oil level : No check of level. Fill the gearbox through the venting hole on top of the gear box.CAUTION : It is essential to drain the gearbox and refill it with the exact quantity of oil in the event of an external leak and after a repair. They show a drain plug (30 Nm) on the differential housing and also a level plug on this housing. They say not to use the level plug for filling or a level check due to the angle of the gear box and that the correct quantity of oil should be put in through the vent on top. There is also a procedure for a MLUC 5 speed gear box:3. Oil qualityRecommended oils :ESSO 75w80 EZL 848TOTAL 75w80 H 69654. Oil quantityN.B. : Refill the gearbox via the air vent hole ( 1) ; Using tool [1].Quantity of oil to be replaced :After draining : 2,1 litresAfter overhaul : 2,4 litres If you are not sure which gearbox you have, you could measure the quantity of oil drained out but also look at the parts diagrams using your VIN (VIS) which you can do as a free service if you register as another professional and a member of the Citroen Owners Club on the service.citroen.com site http://service.citroen.com/pages/index.jsp
  16. Welcome to the forum.
  17. paul.h

    C3 Auto

    Economy mode is nothing to bother about, it is a Citroen/Peugeot thing that shuts off things like the interior lights and radio after some time if the engine is not running and they are left on or a door is opened a lot. It will clear once the engine runs again. Check the battery voltage, it should be about 12.5 volts, much less and it will not turn the engine over.
  18. paul.h


    Look in the car Maintenance and Warranty book. It is most likely Total INEO ECS 5w30 which is a full synthetic low saps oil suitable for cars with an exhaust dpf. A Citroen dealer will sell this oil for about £35 for 5 litres but it is on ebay for maybe £25 to £30. I would also get the oil filter and sump plug seal from a dealer. The plug seal is less than £1 from a dealer but can be 3 times this elsewhere.
  19. It looks good for 240k km, which engine does it have ?
  20. paul.h


    Welcome to the forum. If the noise is coming from under the car it could be the exhaust since the hanger strap on the back box can rust through. If it is this Citroen do not sell the hanger strap, only back boxes but universal ones are available through ebay. Or it could be the heat shield over the exhaust since the fastener holes can enlarge so it can become loose and rattle about. This is fixed by using large (penny) washers under the fastening nuts.
  21. You could see if the link in this topic still works, or ask any Citroen dealer using your VIN http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/20328-citroen-recalls-site/
  22. Welcome to the forum. You can read/copy/print in sections the manual from here from model year 2008 which should apply unless there was a model change then http://service.citroen.com/ddb/ You may need to select your language first. It should be possible to select the language via the radio menu and probably configuration.
  23. Welcome to the forum. What did you use to heat the shrink tubing ?
  24. Welcome to the forum. On the home page there is a link to the Picasso forum where I think you should be able to get a lot of info. You can also read/copy/print the owner's handbook from http://service.citroen.com/ddb/ You may need to select your language first.
  25. Welcome to the forum. What year is your car ? On the C5 Technical section there is a pinned topic of Common Problems to have a look at.
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