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Everything posted by iannez

  1. and flitwick. when will ppl understand we are not citroen staff. we are normal mechanics that work in a garage with a citroen sign out the front and have the difficult job of fixing one of the most complicated makes of car on the planet. if training was the case there would never be anyone hear to fix your cars as they would constantley be away on courses. when a car has a nightmare of a problem we call citroen uk and get advice from one of there techs that is citroen staff that has access to much more info than us. franchise dealers are not owned by citroen and have nothing to do with designing, building and testing of citroen cars and we can only do our best to fix them.
  2. if thats the case why create a new thread. if this did happen to me unlike you i understand how complex these cars can be and that every now and again a problem does arise that can be a pain to find. for your education look up multiplexing and see if you can work out how it works. not just a case of checking resistance or voltage. then you have ecu's which are coded to the car so if this does not fix it its not just a case of refitting the old one and putting the new one back on the shelf as once its coded to a car it will only work on that car. anyway all i am trying to say is try and be a bit more understanding and patient. think about it like this. your car is out of warrentey so the garage is under no pressure from citroen uk to fix it and could tell you to take your car elsewhere any time they want. in my experience if a costomer is friendley and understanding they get more. shouting the odds will get you no where. asking for some car mag journo (as you put it) to get involved will do you no favours at all as there would not be a garage anywhere would touch one of your cars again. all this aside i honestley hope you get it sorted but think you would benefit alot from a diffrent approach.
  3. iannez


    hold down the trip reset button and turn ignition on but dont start. keep button pressed and you will see it count down from 10 to 0. when it gets to 0 release the button and turn ignition of then on again and you will see it has reset to 20k.
  4. just listen for the compresor clutch to kick in when air con is turned on. (loud click from pully area) if you look through the lower grill on the front bumper you will see the bottom of the condensor (ac radiator) the pipe that goes into the bottom left hand side of it has most probs corroded where it enters the condensor and is leaking. common on c3's
  5. ring your dealer tomorrow and tell them that you would be more than happy to pay for them to renew one component at a time untill it is fixed. this way they will save you on labour costs and should only cost you a few grand in parts. you must not know this but citroen dont have your car. its a franchise run garage that sell citroens. franchise techs do not design and build citroens. "If you think I am exagerrating or making this up for some warped reason, I will be happy to substantiate what I am saying in whatever manner you wish." what an earth is that supposed to mean. sounds to me like you want to beat someone up and if thats the attitude you are going into the garage with they will most probs be just pi**ing you about deliberately. nowhere in your rant have you said what the problem is with your car. you have clearly come on here to complain about it. always happy to help if i can but have no time for whingers or ppl who talk tough on forums. bye bye sad guy.
  6. they do look like roof bar fixings but could be of a boot rack
  7. you will need a mod kit fitting to whichever side is at fault. the gear teeth that turns the temp flap will have broken off and the steppa motor will be slipping.
  8. dont want to worry you but problems caused by this dont happen over night. nearly every one we drain that has been run on petrol gets recoverd in a couple of thousand miles later with damage to the high pressure pump. hope youre one of the lucky ones but after doing the miles you have done before it was drained you will have to be realy lucky. if it does go down get it recoverd to a diffrent dealer to the one who drained it and you might get it sorted under warrenty. hope all goes well.
  9. if it had update it would have lost remote locking aswell. sounds like the chip has gone out of sync and will need recode.
  10. they do have a heater behind the front wheel with a small exhaust so if they cant find anything else wrong with it it sounds to me like thats what it will be. look straight under the passanger side door between the exhaust and the sill next time it does it and you will be able to see. it looks like a scooter exhaust.
  11. ask on a citroen forum which is the better car and its always going to be a citroen. for me it would be the vw all day long. normal suspension, normal wiring and a lot less complex resulting in cheaper bills if anything goes wrong. if it was a company car then i would pick the c5 as its a much better drive and someone else will have to worry about repair bills and resale when its time to get rid. vw's dont have a good reputation because they are rubbish. thats a silly statement. even if the vw goes wrong it will not break the bank. when the c5 goes wrong (which it will) will break the bank. if you get the passat and you dont like it you will be able to sell it for decent money. a c5 you wont. try a non biased forum like ford or vauxhall and ask the same question for a honest answer. if you still want a c5 the 110bhp 2.0 is the one to go for.
  12. every one i have fit i have had to cut and soilder into every single speaker wire. takes ages. got a diag at work if anyone wants it but be warned you are looking at cutting and soildering about 22 joints.
  13. does the remote locking still work form the faulty key????
  14. dont cut anything. just remove it from the door card. its cliped in. leaves a square hole but you will hardley notice it. forum full of savages lol.
  15. hello new member and welcome to the forum.
  16. check the plastic engine cover. if the bobbins break they rattle like mad. some times there that bad they sound like the exhaust is blowing. they can also pull the dipsick out causing a mess and rub through the top of the thermostat housing causing a coolant leak. best taking it back to garage where you had it done and letting them sort it out asap.
  17. dont have a c8. i am a citroen tech and have fitted loads of these due to metal plating flaking. if the trim is coming off the clips are broken and it will need renewing and if the handles dont line up the same as the old ones there not fitted correctley. take it back to dealer and tell them to do it right. ask to speak to service manager and show him what the problems are, not the muppets on reception as they are only there to book work in and have no idea about the product.
  18. its a software bug and needs an update to sort it. the spanner will come on at 12,400 or after 12 months whichever comes first.
  19. iannez


    theres a process to reset them. tell dealer to check info rapid. it will tell them how to do it.
  20. get someone to bang on the bottom of the tank while you crank it over. low pressure pumps are common fault.
  21. iannez


    So the logic is faster speed = more accidents so you would advocate more speed cameras and lower speed limits to reduce the number of accidents. A Fiesta with a 1.25 litre engine can reach 90MPH is that too fast? a cosworth can reach 90 in about 9 seconds between bends on country roads where there are no cameras. a fiesta can't. erecting speed cameras every 500 meters on every road. road tax would be a fortune and every body would suffer fast car or not. There is more chance of any older car with no deadlocks or security system being stolen. I would think a cosworth is more likely to have a high spec alarm on it because it is a known target for tea leaves. new cars have imobilizers incorporated into there engines ecu's which makes them impossible to start unless the ecu is changed. old cars with top of the range imobilizers/alarms are still quite easy to get around as all they do is switch feeds similar to a light switch. trace the wires back far enough and you will find the switch. so unless you know what ecu the new car has and happen to have one with keys programmed to it and fit the ignition the older car with the fancy alarm is still easier to steal. If you are playing the percentages there is more chance of being in an accident with a £1,000 banger than a £100,000 Aston as there are more lower priced cars on the road. yes your right but i would say the average price for a car on the road will be around £5000 not £1000. insurance groups are there for ppls own good to protect them. not just to line companies pockets. look at it like this. your son or daughter turns 17 passes there tests and comes home with a 4 grand p reg import imprezza with 260 bhp. would you be happy about them driving it. its just common sens. my cupra is not the fastest car in the world but i know for a fact that if i had it when i was 19/20 i would ether be dead or have been badly hurt. youve got to look at the big picture m8 and not take it as a peronal war on motorists. if you can't insure it then your not ready to drive it.
  22. sounds like the stabilizer/lower engine mount has come loose. use a 16mm spanner to tighten it up. the bolt goes into a cast aluminum captive nut and are prone to work loose. if it happens again remove the captive nut and replace with a locknut (nylock).
  23. you can unclip it from inside if you remove the lens. if you break any clips just use a bit windscreen bond to refix it.
  24. what age is the car and how many miles has it done
  25. they have to be vat registered as well
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