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Everything posted by iannez

  1. will need to go to the dealer to configure bsi so it knows there is a multi changer present. the multi changers are blaupunkt and are provided with the harness to plug into the unused slot in the back of the head unit. you could also fit a standard cd head unit but will also need coding.
  2. if its for 3.0 v6 xfz engine it only has 3 rollers/guides, 1 tensioner and a water pump. do you have the pins to lock the cams and crank. remember 2 of the cams have vvt so the last thing you want is for one of these to turn. you will be able to inspect the aux belt for cracks with out removing it but for what they cost you might aswell change it anyway. have you done one before as there not very nice to do.
  3. the bit you are trying to drop down is quite an expensive interface so if you dont need to change a fuse just leave it alone or you could cause yourself a massive headache if you damage it.
  4. you could have bought a new zx for £200. i fit ater market alloys to my zx and one of them caught on the inside of one of the arches. your mechanic might have fit the axle too far to one side.
  5. 2 white levers on the front. turn them and it will drop down. why do you need to be in the fuse box. if its for the washers its fuse 14 in the engine bay fuse box next to the battery.
  6. lol. no set time mate. try to recode blip. turn ignition on (dont start) with ignition on hold the lock button in for 5 sec and that will recode the remote. if this does not work the remote is still out of sync and you will have to go back to locking and unlocking. put that tree branch down and try to be patient. you will get there in the end.
  7. keep working the locking with the key and then trying the remote. the blip will not programme if its out of sync. keep trying and it will work. try locking it and using the remote to open it. by using the key to lock and unlock you are doing a remote re-sync.
  8. try winding the window right up then hold the button up for 5 seconds. this will re-set the window.
  9. this is normal. just put the key in the drivers lock and keep locking and unlocking until the indicators flash and this will re-sync the blip. no need for a trip to the dealers. let me know how you get on. you can re-code the blip yourself but try this first.
  10. agree. 99% of the time its the wires in the drivers door gator. you have to pull the rubber all the way back to expose all the wires.
  11. you are looking at the comms 2000. look on the back and you will see a small button just behind where the ctrls plug in. press it and this will release the radio ctrl stalk. it slides straight out but be carefull with the button as they break easy. look at the hole on the opposite side to give you a bit more idea. this is where the cruise ctrl stalk slides in exactley the same as the radio stalk. not sure about the ctrls staying powerd up after the radio has been removed. could work through the bsi but would have to check a wire diag but but agree with what 72dudes said. remove it from the equation and its one less thing to worry about. might be worth doing the ecu reset. wind the drivers window down and open the bonnet. remove the keys and wait 10min for everything to shut down. disconnect the battery for 5min then reconnect. do not open any doors or touch windows etc while its shutting down. if you disconnect the battery before everything has shut down you risk loosing key codes and could cause all sorts problems.
  12. they use bullcrops and cut the cage on each side of the hook to steal the spare wheel so you have wasted your time. and for your information citroen have had a spare wheel lock out for years. it fastens to the wheel its self using the stud holes and bolts up through the boot floor and also has dome headed bolts so it can not be un-bolted from under the car. you can even remove the cage all together and the spare still wont budge. you have to get into the boot to remove it. these were being fitted to xantia's when they were in production and have a look under a modern citroen and you will find they have been doing what you have done for quite a while now.
  13. bsi is the interface that controls the cars electrics. its what the fuses are plugged in to in the glovebox. the battery drain will be down to component failure or something being wired wrong and not allowing the bsi to shut down (hands free and bluetooth car kits are main culprits for this). as someone has already said, the radio is first thing you should check. remove and unplug the radio and see if this works first.
  14. its an internal blockage in your pump. you can try to clear it by removing the pump and blowing it out but would be better of getting a new one. make sure the bottle has a cap on it as this is the most common reason for this fault.
  15. if the bsi detects a drain on the battery it will switch all comfort electricals off including interior lights.
  16. it has a comms2000 which will need replacing. there quite expensive and will need the steering wheel removed. if your car has esp the steering wheel angle sensor will need will need to be reset at dealers.
  17. yep. we were replacing some of the pedals on pdi before the car had even left the work shop. it was when the full can c3's/c2's were first released.
  18. dickieg is right as usual. the cover is quite tight. give it a gentle bang with the heel of your hand and it will lift off. theres 2x 20torx screws to remove and 2 bulbs in the back. there the capless ones that pull out of the holders.
  19. i,ve tried quite a few of the cheaper code readers and none have worked. i have even tried citroens own diag software on a laptop with various comunication cards (can bus) and again, none of these have worked. when we update the software it also updates the com card thats provided with the tool so think its the actual software on the card that makes it compatible and not just the protocol. have used snap-on and mac diag tools and these work fine but cost between £1500 + £2000. the com card thats provided with citroens own diag tool are £500 and the complete unit costs £7500. when people wonder why a diag check is so expensive this is the reason. why can't everything be like vw/audi. £5 lead of internet and a free download and you have a proper diag tool with live data, not just a code reader.
  20. sunderland mate. northeast.
  21. its a fault with the stalk. you need to find out if it has comms. does it have a radio ctrl stalk under the wiper stalk.
  22. all c5's are and have always been eobd compliant. dont understand your question. are you trying to find a code reader that works on one.
  23. there was a recall on the throttle pedals for this fault a while ago. sounds like yours has the same problem.
  24. toblerone is right. it takes a while to come through but if you know who it was who caused the accident you should be able to make a claim. go here for more info. http://www.mib.org.uk/Default.htm
  25. wont damage anything mate but your brakes could stop working. just start bleeding form one of the front callipers and keep topping up untill you have used around half a pint of fluid. then bleed the other front wheel then the rears. bleed as much fluid through the system as possible to flush it out.
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