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Everything posted by iannez

  1. got our first one yesterday. realy nice but not sure about the rear bumper.
  2. sounds like air con to me. the drain is directley under the heater box.
  3. as kfk said a few bangs on the outer door handle while working the remote locking usually gets it open and makes it a bit easier to work on.
  4. do they not work with the engine running. just a guess but make sure the rear windows are not deactivated on the drivers door ctrls
  5. sound like a faulty hight adjuster. is the fluid level ok.
  6. the wiper arm just needs removing and refitting in the correct place. no need to strip the mech.
  7. they most probably would if they thought ppl would be willing to spend 20 grand plus on a c4 but lets be honest who would when you are looking at roughly the same money as scoobies. st and rs focuses etc. they would not compete in that market.
  8. the nearside is easier. take out the battery and theres no probs.
  9. how old and how many miles has it done.
  10. sorry m8 but you will need main dealer diag tool (lexia or proxia) to programme the bsi.
  11. the fogs are switched by the bsi and just given a signal by the comms. if you fit fogs you config the bsi and it turns on front fogs with first sig and rear with second. if its not config it will turn on rear with first sig so if you change comms it will stay as is.
  12. disconnect battery for 10 min.
  13. you have done it m8. it reads 0 when service is due. it counts down from 12500
  14. disconnect the battery for 10 min and it will reset everything. dont mess around with the lights themselves or you could get a nasty shock (enough to kill you!!!!!!!!!). try turning off the ignition and turning your lights on then back off.
  15. they most probs droped it when removing it and forgot about it. raise the roof m8.
  16. you have to remove it on the 2.0hdi to get to the oil filter. has your car just been serviced.
  17. heard good things like there almost as good as a remap but never had anything to do with them.
  18. the motors are on the drivers side of the heater box in the drivers footwell. remove the trim under the steering wheel to get to them.
  19. the light should come on if the battery drops below 10v. it does not come on if the alternator goes down. had these alternators test ok 0ne minute and get nothing the next.
  20. and all because the tight arse skimped on tyres and fitted Falken's lol. only joking c4vts.
  21. pull the drivers side wingliner out and you will see the pump. there is no outlet pipe. the pump pushes straight into the bottle. remove the pump and just pour loads of water into the top of the bottle to flush it out but you will most probs find the pump is blocked or has gone down. there not that expensive. we get a lot of c5s in with the tops missing so make sure you have one on after flush so it does not happen again. its common for these pumps to go down even more so after a frost. good luck.
  22. looks like they have made all the new vans the same shape just diffrent sizes.
  23. iannez


  24. iannez

    C4 Loeb

    we have the c2 version and i like it a lot but the only thing is if you notice on the door stickers it has the production number. can imagine these being a nightmare to get hold of if involved in an accident and needed replacing. there not going to mass produce a loeb sticker with number 0026 on are they.
  25. check the wiring inside the drivers door gator. you will most prob find 1 if not more have snapped
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