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Everything posted by hertsnminds

  1. When I had mine fixed they told me it was because... after time the control block might malfunction and stop the immobiliser working (stops reading info from the key) and the new block is more robust. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  2. You should read posts on the Pluriel section of this forum. They will tell you how owners went about getting full refunds or replacement cars from Citroen. I would go down the bad publicity route, take your own video camera or a local newspaper reporter and photographer with you next time you visit the garage. They are allowed 3 attempts to fix any fault with the car if they admit after this it cannot be fixed you are entitiled to a replacement or refund. Also write to Watchdog, Top Gear and all the other motoring magazines and programs you can think of, make sure you cc the MD of the garage and any marketing department they have. If they have any adverts for the C1 in the showroom you can complain to advertising standards about them. Advertising standards will investigate any claim. Whilst all of the above does not ensure a result it does tie up the staff at the garage having to answer lots of questions and tells them you are serious about giving them as hard a time as they are giving you. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  3. Think of it in terms of cost per mile, 210/20000 = 1.05p per mile which sounds quite good. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  4. I think for the use you get from them the air freshener refills are the most expensive, 1 - 3 months for £9 The integrated sat navs are all very expensive close to £1,000 for something a hand held unit can do for closer to £300. Some of the younger owners might not get much change from £1,000 for a years insurance. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  5. Maybe they were going for something like this but it all went horribly wrong as they had more budget constraints. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Usaf.b2.spirit.750pix.jpg (photo link if above shows a ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Usaf.b2...rit.750pix.jpg) Ian Black 55 VTR+
  6. Must have more than all of the options, my VTR+ was 12k new and had 3 years 0% finance. That was 12 months ago (Dec 05). Ian Black 55 VTR+
  7. Went to look at the Dodge Caliber yesterday, couldn't believe the poor the quality of the interior plastic, felt very cheap and nasty. The salesman said they use the 2.0 VW diesel for the Caliber. I thought it was strange to try and sell a Dodge based on the fact it was using VW parts. But I guess that Skoda use their sister companies reputation to add to the perceived quality. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  8. Not......... ......The Birdy Song!!! Ian Black 55 VTR+
  9. My Pluriel website is still up and running so they can have a look at the difference between the 2003 seals, the 2004 seals and the new ones they have just had fitted. Go to http://www.c3pluriel.org.uk/ and look in the Questions section under "Why is my Pluriel wet inside?" There are lots of pics of the seals. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  10. I think it's an age thing, I used to love my Civic VTi screaming like a motor bike and the 3rd party exhaust on my barchetta rumbling when driving through tunnels. Now I prefer the comfort of the C4 and economy and grunt of the diesel. Maybe if Honda made a VTEC diesel that would rev to 10k and returned 70mpg around town??? Ian Black 55 VTR+
  11. "If you can read this you are driving too close..." "...Stinger will be deployed in 10...9...8..." Ian Black 55 VTR+
  12. The reason you turn it off is so that you can control the amount of power to the wheels. I had to do this yesterday (snow and ice in Scotland). The car was on a slight hill (facing up) stopped at traffic lights. Went to move off and just got wheel spin and traction light going mad. Turned off traction control slipped the clutch and apart from a bit of sliding no problems moving off. When it is too slippery the traction control just stops everything working and you have no idea how much power is being laid down. Turn it off and you gain control when you need it (under 30MPH) once you are moving faster than 30MPH then it becomes safer for the traction control to handle the brakes and throttle. Have to say even with the traction control it would still have possible to send the car sliding off the road in the snow and ice we had yesterday so don't rely too much on the electronics, nothing beats sensible driving for the road conditions. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  13. The main reason for poor residuals is because a Pluriel with no warranty is a money pit. At 1 point the Citroen UK website was showing residual values as £0 after 3 years. Have a look at some of the postings in the Pluriel section of this board. When they were new in 2003 they were selling for about 13k, 6 months later they became part of the Citroen special offers family which wiped 2-3k from the used prices in an instant. Once it became common knowledge that many of the early models had more quirks than Citroen had intended (leaks, sensodrive issues etc etc) even fewer people were prepared to own 1. Even though they claim to be 4 seaters they are practically only 2 + 2 kids. Only 1 of the multi roof modes is easy to configure, the others require having a combination of an empty boot, a large storage space, strong arm muscles, a spare number plate (pick up truck mode) and various other things that most owners would not see as the norm for car ownership. The Pruriel is a great concept poorly executed. Probably become like the Sinclair C5, in 10 years time everyone will be after them so if you can put up with the pain hold on to yours. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  14. I think it is a combination of the temp you have set and the outside temp. Mine did the same as yours, used to always go straight to full blast when pressed, then stopped doing it, but is OK again. The only difference was the external temp. I suppose this makes sense as the difference in temp between the inside and outside of the glass will contribute to the amount of condensation. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  15. Hi Maverick I think most of the original posters to this forum were those complaining about all the issues they had and those folks are now well rid of their Buckets, which must be the english tranlsation of Pluriel. Anyone who has had 100% or even 90% trouble free motoring from their Pluriel is a very lucky individual and should be doing the lottery on a regular basis. I know I am much happier since I switched to C4 ownership and I would recommend anyone with a Pluriel especially 1 that is out of warranty to get rid as soon as possible, unless they live in a hot, rain free climate. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  16. I have a Garmin Nuvi 610 and that sits in the middle draw so the wires just go straight down to the centre console. If your journey is under 3 hours you can usually get away with just using the battery so no need for any wires. Just 1 of the reasons I prefer the Garmin over the TomTom, it is thinner and has a flat back. If you are using any part of the glass and the suction mount leaves a mark on the screen this is a sign for tea leaves that you have something worth nicking in the car. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  17. My 5 door 1.6 (110) diesel is up to 19k miles and tyres seem fine. I did get them swapped front to back at the 12.5k service. The only problem I know about with French diesels was with engines from the Pug 106, 405 era where one side would wear more than the other (can't remember if it was near or off side fronts). Ian Black 55 VTR+
  18. As you have both the ABS and ESP lights on then it must be something common to both systems, 1 of the 4 wheel sensors or just a loose wire or connector to 1 of the sensors maybe. If it only happens after the car has been used for a while that would suggest something that is changing with temperature, again a metal connector that expands and gets loose. If the Citroen garage diagnostic told them which sensor was reporting the fault then I would check all the wires to the sensor and the sensor reporting a problem. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  19. You could try vaseline usually helps give a better seal as well. ...waits for all the vseline joke posts... Ian Black 55 VTR+
  20. Assuming of course that it came off the car in the first place and didn't just fall off of someones shoe as they got in or out of the car. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  21. As his car is screaming up to you drop the clutch put your car into reverse then see the reaction to you switched lighting effect. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  22. AutoExpress say it is based on the Outlander... Ian Black 55 VTR+
  23. My 03 Pluriel was the same, I think a lot of the 03 Version 1 sensodrives had similar issues. Always worse when cold and damp but OK after the car had warmed up. It always amazed me that the sensodrive would allow wheel spin when pulling away and just how easy it was to confuse the system, e.g. brake on the approach to a roundabout, see it's clear and accelerate then wait 3 seconds while the computer sorts itself out before giving you power. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  24. Thanks Safety, I will bear that in mind once I get the unit. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  25. You don't get an instant MPG figure until you are travelling over 20mph and this can be anything up to 999 MPG rolling downhill in 5th or even just breaking as this is zero throttle i.e. no fuel going into the engine. This display shows 3 things, distance until the tank is empty, instant MPG and miles to go until destination reached. You set the distance to destination at the start of your journey using the menu button. The 2 other trip computers show miles travelled (since reset by you), average MPG and average MPH over those miles. They have a max range of based on kilometers so after the distance travelled fills with 9's (9999 in KM) they will not go up any more, it's about 6213 miles. The average MPG on the 2 trip computers is calculated from the last few miles travelled. So if your last 20 miles were spent in town your MPG will go down but if they were spent at around 60MPH in 5th they should go up. Ian Black 55 VTR+
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