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Everything posted by hertsnminds

  1. They might not be able to pop it out using standard pushing techniques but they may be able to use the balloon technique, much more subtle and less likely to scratch things. Just put a balloon inside the door panel and blow it up, I am sure I saw this done on one of those science programs a few years back. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  2. I know it has been mentioned in a few posts but I thought I would try to get all the suspension issues under one topic. The car had its 12,500 mile service last week, one of the things I asked the dealer to look at was a clonking noise from the front drivers side. They told me they could find no fault or reason for the clonking but that the rear suspension was rubbing on both sides and would need replacing (under warranty). I know there are other owners who have had the same rear suspension issue and just wondered how common it is. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  3. Having had the software update and still getting the fault my dealer has decided it is the clutch sensor that needs replacing to fix the fault. Just have to wait for the part now. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  4. I used ZX1 on a Fiat barchetta I used to own, it was great for avoiding the sticky variator issue that plauged the engine Fiat used in the barchetta, punto and Alfa 156. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  5. So apart from the fact there maybe a twisted subframe you have to get the airbags reset/installed, various body panels and all the front light fittings and the computer seems to be reading in KM not MPH, easy enough to reset but may indicate that it is actually knackered. Might be OK if you can get all of the above at cost but for the average punter it would be cheaper to buy one from a forecourt. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  6. Or just rewire a high tension lead to make the filler cap live over night. The little oik will be the chargrilled garden gnome you find the next morning. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  7. and of course the C4 Picasso will be along soon Ian Black 55 VTR+
  8. Just spent 2 weeks up in Edinburgh so you migh have seen a black 5 door VTR + around. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  9. In the Netherlands people joining a roundabout have priority over those already on the roundabout. Great fun the first time you find out :P Ian Black 55 VTR+
  10. Just part of the crazy world we live in. You can buy many things that allow you to break the law, most of them to do with copyright material... Video/DVD recorders Tape to tape machines CD/DVD burners Photocopiers Scanners Speed camera detectors Incorrectly spaced number plates etc etc Ian Black 55 VTR+
  11. I know on paper there is a difference between the 92 and 110 engines but how much can you notice this on a day to day basis? On paper the 110 gives 7MPH more at the top end and 0-60 takes 1s less but you get 1MPG more from the 92. CO2 emissions seem higher in the 92 125g/km instead of 120g/km. Ian BLack 55 VTR+
  12. Had a silver C4 partner me for some of the trip up the M40 last week. Was interesting to see the car with lights on as the headlights seemed to look very square and not C4-like at all. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  13. Any Citroen dealer should be able to order you an owners manual. They will also be able to tell you the full service history of the car including any recall/warranty work that has been carried out. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  14. Shame you don't have any witnesses as it could be claimed you drove into the back of him. They only way to physically disprove this would be if his reversing light got smashed in the impact as analysis can show if the light was on or off at the time it broke. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  15. As it is a non Citroen dealer they will not be able to check the Citroen database to see what warranty/recall work has been carried out and as you never get a hard copy when this type of work is done I would get them to find out for you. Brand new C4 coupe 1.4 VTR spec are £9,799 http://www.newcitroendeals.co.uk/citroen_c4.html They also offer a 0% finance deal over 2 years if you have a 35% deposit (only on some cars). Ian Black 55 VTR+
  16. Is this really a company car? Does your fleet manager hate you or does your company always supply cars to employees with this many faults? If I was being supplied a company car, which you pay tax on as a benefit I would complain to the fleet manager. If I were a fleet manager and had a car with this many faults I would expect the dealer to be sorting them out pretty quickly if they wanted to keep my fleet business. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  17. I've got the 1.6 110 HDi noticed my first hike in MPG after the 1,500 mile oil change then not much difference until about 12,000 miles. I was getting about 500 - 550 miles from a full tank with mixed motorway town driving. Now getting more like 600 - 650 miles from the same amount of fuel. Have to say the engine and gears are much smoother with some miles on the clock and the car which when new wouldn't even run in 5th gear at 30MPH will now happily drive around town in 5th. If you want to get any sort of pull from the car you have to get the turbo spinning which seems to kick in at just under 2,000 revs. Put your foot down between 1,000 and 1,500 revs and the car will do nothing for about 10 seconds. The engine seems to run out of puff over 4,500 revs and you have to be patient above that for it to reach the redline. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  18. I have always thought that the best punishment for anyone who steals or trashes your car is that they are made to pay your next years insurance premium (or maybe as many years as it takes to get your full no claims back). You are in an accident that is not your fault and you get penalised with a higher premium and a reduction in your no claims. How is that fair? On another point, insurers in other countries e.g. The Netherlands base premiums on the cost of replacing the car, the actual cost to the insurance company. Not some complicated calculation based upon the drivers age, gender and the cars desirability. So a £4,000 used Porsche can cost less to insure than a £5,000 Kia Picanto. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  19. You can also fill up your fuel tank this way. Park with half a full tank and by the time you get back to your parked car you have a 3/4 full tank :D My Pluriel did this trick as well as the C4 Ian Black 55 VTR+
  20. The internic record says the following person set up the domain Domain name: c4owners.co.uk Registrant: Northumbria Wealth Management Ltd Registrant type: Not supplied Registrant's address: 5 Primrose Court Ashington NE63 8ES GB Registrant's agent: Telivo Ltd [Tag = TELIVO] URL: http://www.telivo.com Relevant dates: Registered on: 02-Aug-2006 Renewal date: 02-Aug-2008 Last updated: 02-Aug-2006 Registration status: Registration request being processed. Name servers: dns1.hostingplex.com dns2.hostingplex.com This is confirmed by the PRIVACY POLICY page of the site Strange that the online store has eveything priced in US Dollars B) Ian BLack 55 VTR+
  21. It's not just the thickness it's the fact that most paints tend to be water instead of oil based these days as it makes them more environmentally friendly. I think this is true of lots of cars made in the last 10 years, I know the Lotus Elise and Fiat Barchetta both suffer from serious stone chip problems on the bonnet. A combination of the height of the car and the tytpe of paint used. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  22. Unless you have changed your iTunes preferences it will create standard audio CD's when you ask it to burn a playlist (no matter what format it has the files stored in (mp3 etc etc). You can change your CD creation preferences so that an MP3 format CD is created when you click the burn button, apart from the sound quality you will be able to get lots more tracks on an MP3 CD compared to a standard audio CD. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  23. They only go down 2/3rds as a child safety feature. I tend to use the Tesco diesel but slow the flow rate at about 10 litres before the tank is full. I also pause to let air out as the tank becomes nearly full and have not noticed any foaming. Have to say I have not noticed better MPG/Performance from different resellers fuels. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  24. If you are searching the web for info about the C4 you are more likely to be looking for terms such as C4 Owners Club, or C4 Owners than C4 sport (that is a bit too specific). Which is why I would go with a URL with C4 Owners in it. My preference would be c4owners.co.uk Ian Black 55 VTR+
  25. On Pulling Power last night (ITV1) they gave the C6 a good review but thought the £31,545 2.7HDi model would be worth close to £8,000 in 3 years time. The Citroen UK website is not quoting Elect 3 final payments on the C6 at the moment but most cars would be worth half their cost new after 3 years. Does this make the C6 one of the best used bargains ever? Ian Black 55 VTR+
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