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Everything posted by hertsnminds

  1. Sounds tempting but I know I would miss the extra screen space and seeing as the 610T is going for £302 with these guys http://www.blokesstuff.com/Product.aspx?Pr...&ProductID=1476 I will probably stick with that. Already have the European maps CD for the eMap so just need a cheap SD card to load them onto. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  2. My Garmin eMap has problems getting a lock near the windscreen. Seems to get better reception near an open passenger side window. But after the initial lock it is OK. Looking to replace it with a Nuvi 610T so good to know the Nuvi's get a fast lock :P Ian Black 55 VTR+
  3. Yup, every time the windows are open and you reach the right speed. Most effective way to stop the other half playing with the window controls :P (hurts her ears too much). Ian Black 55 VTR+
  4. Not noticed lots of noise from the engine fan on my 5dr 1.6 110 HDi. The internal heater fan has become noisy for the 1st 5 mins after starting the car but becomes silent after that. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  5. Agree that fine rain confuses them i.e. they don't come on. Also find that on cold morning when there is dew or condensation on the car they go mad with nothing to wipe. Most of the time they are good. The wiper I find most annoying (on the 5 door) is the rear as it only has an intermittant wipe which is usless in heavy rain when you need it on all the time. The wipers being on also seems to effect when the auto headlights want to be on. Now that's a function I am always overrriding the auto lights on/off. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  6. The other thing to check would be a loose earth lead. When the Pluriel ICE units had their earth leads removed for "safety reasons" the CD player would always start from track 1 after the engine had be turned off. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  7. If you are looking for a used Honda why not get something like this... HONDA NSX 3.0 V6, 48,000 miles, RED OBC, CC,2drs, Manual, Coupe, Petrol, Red, F/Fogs, FSH, Leather seats, Left hand drive collectors item excellent example!. £15,500. p/x considered. Only group 20 for insurance! I owned a Civic VTi a few years back, very harsh ride and like all Honda VTEC's it has 2 power settings normal and crazy. Anything below 6,000 revs was normal and then all the way to the red line at 8,000 it sounded like a motor bike. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  8. hertsnminds


    Problem is not the tyres but finding a garage with a working air supply :angry: Mine seems to be faily close to recommended pressures when I check them. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  9. Not sure how much of a saving you are getting but I would just walk away and get a dealer who does have the car available to price match, or get as close as possible) for the sake of say up to £500 difference (which it must have cost you in time phone calls etc in chasing up). I would also cc my cancellation letter detailing all the reasons you are not happy to local trading standard and consumer watchdogs and the press BBC Watchdog, Motoring mags and TV progs. It's amazing how quickly situations are resoveld after appearing in/on national media Ian Black 55 VTR+
  10. How about this theory... When you corner the cars computers can only cope with so much and they turn off the air con and worry about running the ESP and ABS systems. Air con off = temp up. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  11. Is the temp change speed related? If it is it could just be the water in the cooling system being sloshed about. Same way the fuel gauge reading changes if you park the car sideways on a hill. (Just picturing forum members spending 10 mins on a roundabout getting faster and faster to check the heating temp :blink: ) Ian Black 55 VTR+
  12. Sparks were from underneath the car, no bolts of lightening from above or hand held sparklers inside the car (I always use the firework code :blink: ) Started driving just around sunset and driving mostly in the dark, between 4pm and 10:30pm on the M1 and A1. I did wonder if it was just headlights relflecting off something underneath the car but couldn't say if it was only happening when the road was bumpy or up/down hill. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  13. Moved house on Tuesday and on the drive from Coventry to Scotland was followed by my partner in her Fiesta. She told me there had been sparks coming from the right hand side of my C4 during the journey, but nothng was dragging along the road. The car was heavily loaded but apart from that nothing unusual. So the question is what would cause the sparks? Ian Black 55 VTR+
  14. Doesn't the C4 use the same blades as the Pug 307? If it does you can get a pair for £7.25 from these guys http://www.gsfcarparts.com/ Ian Black 55 VTR+
  15. This from the Honest John website http://www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/ind...htm?f=2&t=34000 Ian Black 55 VTR+
  16. Jon Lech Johansen This is his website http://nanocrew.net/ Ian Black 55 VTR+
  17. Or you could email that guy who is reverse engineering all the encryption software for DVD's and iTunes. He could probably write you a Linux utility that would let your mobile phone switch any of the cars software systems on and off. Just contemplating the fact that in another thread we are all discussing the fact the car does not need a service for 2 years and yet in many other threads we keep coming up with reasons to visit the dealer. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  18. Easy enough to test... Buckle up all the seatbelts with no one in the car..what do the warning lights show? Leave all the seatbelts undone with someone in every seat and check again. My VTR+ hatch does not have bums on seats sensors only belts in clips sensors. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  19. If you want an in depth article about RON and other things about petrol production you can read this... http://www.fiatbarchetta.com/btech/petrol.html It was written by someone who works in the oil industry. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  20. I had this until my dealer replaced the REAR suspension (under warranty). Don't ask me why replacing the rear suspension cured the knock at the front it just did. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  21. I would like to hear the call to the insurance company... Yes a Nissan Micra Has it been modified? err when you say modified what do you mean... Ian Black 55 VTR+
  22. I used this site to get a price to bargain from http://www.newcitroendeals.co.uk/citroen_c4.html Petrol VTS are £13,225 and all cars are supplied through UK Citroen dealers. The only reason I actually went to a dealer in the end was the fact they did a trade in and the website could not. The Citroen dealer also gave me 3 years 0% and the website could not. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  23. My dealer could not replicate the problem and they never even tried to, they just tried to fix it and having fitted a new clutch sensor it seems they have. There is a software download that is speicifc to cruise control failure issued by Citroen so ALL Citroen dealers have access to it and should have knowledge of it's existance. There must also be records at Citroen for at least 3 clutch sensor replacements under warranty to fix a cruise control issue. If all 4 of these dealers (do they belong to the same chain?) still will not do anything about your cars fault I would start talking to them about visits from all the motoring and consumer issues journalists you can name. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  24. Sounds like you just found a pattern...The car stalls when stopped in 1st gear with the clutch down. I would try the following: 1) Move your seat 1 or 2 clicks closer to the steering wheel just so you can give the clutch pedal some extra pressure. 2) Remove any mats from under the pedals, to make sure they are not impeading the clutch pedal movement. 3) Ask the garage to look at the clutch cable and maybe adjust it. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  25. If the SERVICE light has come on and you have the SPEED CONTROL SENSOR FAILURE message on the main radio display then a fault has been logged. Sounds like you have some really unhelpful dealers in your area but there are at least 3 people on this forum who can give you contact details for dealers who are able to resolve the cruise control issue. Maybe you should get your garage to call the dealers who know. Ian Black 55 VTR+
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