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Everything posted by hertsnminds

  1. My 5 door VTR+ already has these, what model do you have? My biggest gripe on the 5 door is the stupid position of the reversing light giving very little help in illuminating what is behind you. It is in the same position on a Focus so Focus drivers must have reversing issues as well. Cup holder by the handbrake can only be used when stopped as it obstructs the handbrake when you have anything in it. Rear wiper only has intermittant function, have found this annoying in heavy rain as you cannot clear the rear screen. Good points Eats up motorway miles Over 600 miles per tank Friendly helpful owners forum ;) Ian Black 55 VTR+
  2. I thought the updates were milage rather than time related and were based upon the guestimated MPG. Hence if you travelled the previous mile at 50MPG the range is higher than if the last mile was covered at 30MPG. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  3. Mercs already have adaptive cruise control that automatically slows the car down if the front sensors think you are too close to the car in front, it then resumes when the obstruction has gone. You must have seen the famous test they did where a motoring hack managed to crash the car by forgetting to turn the system on before trying it out. A classic moment of motoring journalism. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  4. Is this related to the Prince song... This is what it sounds like, when chav's fly Ian Black 55 VTR+
  5. It's like you say many things are country specific and Citroen are taking the Ikea approach build a flat pack unit and let the dealer/owner assemble the bits. If more finishing off work is passed to the dealer it costs Citroen less (on paper) at the factory. The fact that owners then complain about non active functions is also more hassle for the dealer. But in terms of Citroen saying how much time/cost it takes to make the car this is reduced and the factory can be seen as being more efficient. A bit like doctors having time limits on how long they can see you. The diagnosis is not so complete but at least the government figures of number of patients seen go up <_< Lies, damn lies and statistics Ian Black 55 VTR+
  6. You are all trying to apply coomon sense to an industry which is basically all about gambling. The insurance company is saying to you I bet you x amount of dosh that your car will not be stolen or in an accident for the next 12 months. They are also selling based on targets so all the girlie insurers will want to sign up so many women and and the OAP insurers want the over 60's. If it is close to the end of the month and the target for new policies is 100 and they have sold 50 they will be pushing new policies like crazy. If they have sold 100 they will not be wanting to increase their risk so give stupid premiums so no one else signs up. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  7. You should maybe cross reference this poll with the age of owners. I suspect younger owners SINKies and DINKies (single/dual income no kiddies) will tend to opt for coupes and those with kids/grandkids and more than 1 friend :blink: will go for the extra doors. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  8. I think the cups were made of rubber and the replacements are metal. This is from the VOSA recall database... Reference : R/2005/095 Manufacturer Ref : XWC Make: CITROEN Model : PICASSO, BERLINGO II AND BERLINGO MULTISPACE Launch Date : 13/07/2005 Numbers Involved : 139017 Build Start Date : 01/12/2002 Build End Date : 30/09/2003 Concern : SUSPENSION SPRINGS MAY BREAK Description : In the exceptional event of a spring breaking there could be a risk of the spring making contact with the vehicle tyre. Remedial Action : Recall the vehicles that are likely to be affected and fit a suspension cup to each side of the front suspension. Vehicle Id : VF700000094000192 to VF700000094068124 VF700000093006682 to VF700000093100993 VF700000036624276 to VF700000039623407 Other Vehicles Affected BERLINGO BERLINGO MULTISPACE PICASSO you can look up any recall on any vehicle on this site http://www.vosa.gov.uk Ian Black 55 VTR+
  9. What do we fancy as a website name for the owners club? citroenc4.org.uk c4owners.co.uk c4owners.com c4owners.org.uk All of which are available at the moment Ian Black 55 VTR+
  10. Had 1 failure since the software update, once again when the car had just been filled with fuel. Similar to when the failure 1st happened with 650 miles on the clock. Due for the 12,500 mile service soon so will let the dealer know and see if they can come up with another solution (will suggest the clutch sensor). Ian Black 55 VTR+
  11. It is not a sunroof (it does not open) it is a just a glass replacement for the metal panel over your head. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  12. I would be up for a meet, I know you can get more tips and info from other drivers in about 5 mins of chatting than after years of trying to work things out by yourself. It is also a good excuse to get out for a drive and meet like minded folks. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  13. There is a known fault with 1.6 Hdi engine cars CC and there is a software update that will fix the problem. See other postings on this subject in the C4 section of the forum. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  14. What does the ESP do with all the extra power? Do you need it turned off to make the most of the power, does it just reign it in when switched on? Ian Black 55 VTR+
  15. OK found the answer at the Gentex website http://www.gentex.com/auto_how_nvs_work.html BTW Gentex make the 3 auto dimming mirrors for the C6 and they also make an auto dimming rearview mirror as a 3rd party add on. Gentex don't sell direct but these guys in the US do http://www.mitocorp.com/flash/nightvisions...mingmirrors.htm cost between £100 and £150 Ian Black 55 VTR+
  16. Driving home up the M40 yesterday and noticed that my rear view mirror was not auto dimming. I put this down to the fact it was before sunset and the car did not think anyone would have headlights on. However they did as it had been raining and was overcast which meant I was being blinded when looking in the rear view with no way to dip the mirror. Does the auto dimming function only work when the ambient light is low (i.e. at night)? Is there a manual way to make the mirror dim (I know you can cancel the auto dim with the button under the mirror)? Ian Black 55 VTR+
  17. I would look at these prices http://www.newcitroendeals.co.uk/ The price they have on a 5 door 1.6 (petrol) VTR+ is £10,225 All cars are UK supplied by Citroen main dealers. It took me a month of going round the dealers to get a price match but I found a dealer who did and they gave me a trade in plus 3 years of 0% finance something most of the importers will not do. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  18. I would use fogs at night on an unlit country road I didn't know, gives much better views of the edges and also means no need to flick main beam on and off as you are not blinding oncoming traffic. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  19. The front end spoiler may be great in countries where speed bumps and kerbs do not exist but if you ever have to negotiate one I am sure you would trash the front end. As for multi spoke wheels, great to look at, a real pain to clean (had 12 fin turbine type on a previous car). And if you want a car with a picnic table on the back buy a used Ford Cosworth :D Ian Black 55 VTR+
  20. I get this too and thought is was the esp doing something. I tend to slip the clutch more when wanting a faster get away now. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  21. For everything you never wanted to know about wheel and tyre sizes, including a before and after calculator to make sure reading stay close to the same. http://www.chris-longhurst.com/carbibles/t...tyre_bible.html Ian Black 55 VTR+
  22. If you start changing rim sizes don't forget to recalibrate the speedo and odometer. Not sure if you can do this but as the C4 can have 15, 16 or 17 inch wheels as standard it must be possible. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  23. Thanks Lee So far since the software update mine has been OK, but not been through a full tank of fuel yet, will probably confirm it's cured after 2 or 3 tanks and no problems. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  24. My CC works in 4th and 5th and at 30mph. However it does sometimes over compensate for hills so if there is a speed camera near the top of a hill I tend to set it for 2mph less than the limit. I have had the car go as much as 5mph of the CC setting because of gradient changes. Mine had the software update recently and seems to be OK since then. The dash would beep, the SERVICE light would come on and the message "Speed control system failure" would be shown on the radio display. Another posting reported that a CC failure was down to a faulty clutch sensor. If I am in town I tend to use the limit setting rather than the cruise control. Ian Black 55 VTR+
  25. At least we don't have to check the oil every week, like Mazda RX8 owners with a recommended oil check every 500 miles. Ian Black 55 VTR+
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