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Everything posted by kfk

  1. Are you sure it doesnt turn off?......or does it take 2 minutes to turn off?
  2. I think you will be lucky to find an answer to your problems on the net if only because your dealing with such a new model. However, having read your comments i would ask if the fault has only occured with the cruise control activated and did you make mention of this to the dealer when you booked it in. By far the best way to get a diagnosis on any problem is to provide as much information as possible......duration of journey, speed travelling at, type of road, weather conditions, fuel level, last switch activated etc....however trivial you may feel the information is the more important someone else might find it........as i did with the cruise control comment @ 50mph.....were you using cruise control @ 70mph? I would recommend that you speak to your local dealer service manager and make him aware of your concerns. People in workshops have varying skill levels, maybe you could get your vehicle booked in to be looked at by there consultant technician, obviously it would be of greater use to both parties if the fault has reoccured. I would guess from your comment about the vehicle being ready by 9.06 am that the computer was plugged in .......no faults recorded, computers cleared/reinitialised and a quick spin round the block......i doubt they ran it up the motorway.
  3. by removeing the fuel cap alone it doesnt inject the additive. But if you remove the fuel cap and add fuel the computer for the additive calculates how much fuel has been added and injects a proprtionate amount by using information from the fuel gauge. So adding more or less fuel isnt going to make the additive last longer......but driving more economically with the aim of using less fuel might help......but not alot.
  4. Not in the glove box but under it, you will find it easier if you open the pasenger door and kneel!
  5. Perhaps.......but then maybe the wires are taped further away than the tips of your fingers.......you may have to remove the door trim to get a better look.
  6. Clock with a flag..........over speed warning button: The overspeed control function warns the driver by an audible signal, via the switch module under the steering wheel, that the set speed fixed by the driver or pre-programmed into the BSI has been exceeded . There are thus 2 types of possible memorisation : With threshold programmable by the driver With threshold pre-programmed into the BSI via the diagnostic tool (fixed threshold) Activation and deactivation of the overspeed alert A press on the button activates or deactivates the overspeed alert function . On activation of the function, the set speed taken into account is the last one memorised . N.B. : If the overspeed control function is active, the button on the dashboard is lit up . Modification of the overspeed alert A long press on the button memorises the current vehicle speed as the set speed . The other button you mention activates/deactivates child locks to the rear doors.....which in effect activates or deactivates the rear interior door handles......worth checking it works as quite often on early models they didnt
  7. First off, the steering does have its own little computer......so i would always recomend that its worth getting the fault codes read.....more often than not they will give a clue as to where the fault exists. We had a similar example to yours recently and it turned out that the computer itself had gone belly up and wouldnt supply power for the steering motor.....now obviously before you start condemning expensive components its worth getting that computer code looked at. On the cheaper end of the scale there have been situations where wiring that goes into the underbonnet fuse box has caused a problem and required the under bonnet fuse box to be bypassed......if this is something that is relevant to your car i would expect your local dealer to check this ......we dont do loads, but enough to make you remember to check it.
  8. Petrol or diesel?........engine size?
  9. does the speedo work when it fail? have you got abs?
  10. Take a look here
  11. Must admit it suprises me that they are paying to replace the springs when you consider how pedantic thay can be over other items
  12. kfk


    There comes a point with all cars where it has a problem that isnt an MOT failure, isnt likely to cause a break down and if you look at it too hard will cause an unnecessary problem that will cause you to spend loads of money or have to scrap the car because its not worth repairing. Seriously, if the roof is closed down and isnt giving wind noise or likely to leak think of the money you could save by ignoring it and opening the window. A set of cables and various bits of plastic runners £280 electric motor £373.51 complete roof cartridge £1560 And those prices dont include labour for fitting. It might be something simple.......but is it worth it?
  13. i would guess you mean it looks like a car skidding.......in which case i would think its the ABS (anti lock braking system) warning lamp thats on. Unfortunately, your going to need to visit a garage to have a diagnostic check carried out to establish the cause of the problem. It may be something cheap and simple but more likely a sensor or even theABS computer itself.
  14. Nothing wrong with the list, but like everything it comes down to how the list is used. Its suprising how many people want to go out and by the equipment of of Ebay and have a go at there own diagnosis. Problem is, all the equipment is going to do is provide one of these 'P codes', it doesnt give you a diagnosis, it provides a clue. Without some form of mechanical knowledge of what there looking at and dare i say it 'some common sense', which seems severely lacking these days the fault codes are just as likely to encourage people to buy parts they dont need. For instance P1201 - Injector circuit open/shorted, is there a fault within the injector, is there a short circuit in the wiring or is the wire broken, has the AA attended and unplugged things willy nilly and put a fault in the computer that is now a red herring. During the course of my day i get people calling me up to discuss fault codes......mainly from other garages....and there supposed to know what there doing.
  15. What sensor are they cleaning what have they done to it previously?
  16. Would also ask the question if they are leaking......not unussual for garages to fail for them being damp!
  17. Suggest you start by checking the coolant temperature sensor
  18. You dont say if you have air conditioning......if you have try turning it off and seeing if the fault is still present. Also if you have air conditioning the cooling fan should be operating even if the engine is cold......is it?
  19. The diagnostic light will come on because the Engine Management Computer has detected a fault.9 times out of 10 this will log a fault code in the computer to enable a clue to be given as to where to start looking. Limp home mode is the state that the engine may go into in the event that a fault has been logged in the computer. It uses this strategy to enable the engine to 'limp you home' with out doing loads of damage to your engine or the environment. In the old days we didnt have limp home mode because we didnt have computers.....your car would have just stopped! If your car is running in limp home mode its because it has a fault,....cure the fault and it will return to normal after the fault codes have been cleared and the computers reinitialised. It may help you more if you post what the garage has said together with details of the fault your experiencing , the spec of your car will also assist and may allow us to give opinion. If you continue driving with the light on you could be doing engine damage.
  20. You said it .......your mad.......but i'm sure you will tell us how it goes. :)
  21. So have you got a power feed: yellow wire with black mark on end - from fuse 8 - constant power feed Blue wire - from fuse 2 - with ignition on Orange wire - from fuse 12 - with lights on Does your cigarette lighter work? If memory serves me correctly the cigar lighter runs of the same fuse as the radio, and turning up my JVC unit would draw more current than the standard fuse liked.....hence it would blow the fuse.
  22. your only likely to see the glow plug light if theres frost on the windscreen!
  23. Yes your ground wire will be earth or negative
  24. A note to anyone still having problems with logging into the site and it forgetting your sign in details. Your probably using the old website address in your favourites, you need to be using http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/ Maybe Glen could change the homepage so that the link in the 'Citroen Cars Owners' is the same as the picture under it. I dont suppose i'm the only person still having problems, but using the correct link has cured it for me. Kev
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