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Everything posted by iannez

  1. i get around 20mpg round the doors and 40mpg on a run driving like a nun. can get it down to 9 mpg when driving like a loon tho.
  2. wehey. just think after 2 weeks of driving these you will have collected enough fuel card points to get a c4hdi <_< :P :P :D can some one tell wozza where santa pod is lol.
  3. thats more like it.
  4. c4,s have a noisy canaster bleed electro valve that tick every now and again which is normal but not sure about c5's. its located in the top of the drivers side wing. is this where the noise is coming from.
  5. i see. remove calliper m8 and clean the 2 faces where the calliper sits flush with the axle and cover with copper slip. the bolts do have locktight on them and can be a nightmare to get out. you will have to fit new pads as they will have worn at an angle and as said earlier dont forget to replace the bolt that holds the pads in. no need to have pads in and make sure its tight or the calliper will split when you remove the fixing bolts. good luck mate.
  6. get someone to bang the bottom of the fuel tank while you crank it over. why did you change the glowplugs. hdi engine will not use glow plugs unless its -5 deg or less outside.
  7. dont do it. that has one of the worst engines citroen have ever put in a car. petrol that sounds like a diesel and common fults with vacum pumps and coil packs.
  8. i am not saying i prefer diesel over petrol. i am saying i prefer the 1.6hdi to the 1.6 petrol. i am still young and like the odd blast and thats why i have a 267bhp petrol turbo. only i dont have to rev its pods of to get it to go fast or sound nice. <_< :D :P :D :P
  9. done qute a few of these but none so severe the calliper made contact with the wheel. surely it would lock the disc up before it gets that bad.
  10. mate used to have a black golf gti with blacked out windows wich looked great untill the summer came as driving around with the front windows down made it look like a van. keep the air con on and the windows up is todays tip.
  11. mid range torque is where the power is on any turbo engine including petrol turbos. you have to rev ctr like you say because thats where max power is and this does not apply to a turbo engine. my cupra revs up to 7,000 revs no prob but will pull harder in lets say 4th gear at 4500 revs than it will in 3rd at 6000 revs. it all comes down to the driver but i would rather have the best of both worlds with the diesel. good mpg, very quick car for what it is, good handling and not having to change down and ring its neck every time i wanted to build up speed. cant see the point in buying the petrol when there is so little in it when the diesel does around 60mpg. my opinion anyway.
  12. the reason the diesel takes a bit longer is it will not do 62 in second gear so requires an exta gear change. try a rolling start in 3rd at about 30mph and the diesel will not be a bit quicker, it will destroy the petrol.
  13. that will be the last word of the first line of your post. (too much red wine.) erm wheres my glass :) :o :lol: :lol:
  14. take it back to dealer m8. its a stress facture and you will get it done under warrenty. there is a section in info rapid about stress fractures on c4s. sure kfk will know full details.
  15. look for a little bobble under the passanger side wing mirror and and you will have found it. remove lens. theres a metal clip holding it on. push the right hand side of the lens in and look behind it and you will see 2 ends of the clip use a small flat blade screwdriver to un clip them and the lens will fall out. once out you will see the clips holding the mirror cap on. gentley prise them over to release the cap. now you can see the sensor from the other side. cut the 2 wires leaving plenty length to work with and remove the old sensor. fit new sensor and soilder wires. both wires are black and does not matter which way round they go. refit cap and metal clip to the back of the mirror lens. the lens just snaps back in. job done. hope this helps and good luck m8.
  16. the recovery bloke will have reversed the car cranking it over of the starter motor. sorry m8. thought you were joking and just took it a bit further. should have known as there was no smiley. sorry again.
  17. holly sheet thats a fast lap still for any bike. ohh and sorry ppl for off topic. just 2 petrol heads getting carried away. :huh: ;) :D :D
  18. mate did it last year on his ducatti. said it was fantastic. pay at the gate and look for the rev limiter. lol. only ever done croft circit on mine and love it so would most prob wet my pants at Nurburgring. i see your from scotland carbon so you might have heard of ian duffus. he did the tt on the bike i own in 03 and his top speed was clocked at 199.9mph. my bottle goes at 180 but would love to go for 200 on a air strip or something.
  19. yea but electric motor is on rear wheels and also fires spikes out of rear tyres for more grip.
  20. yes m8. put in my r1 last year for it but its not a nice bike to ride. 160 rwhp. just wants to wheelie all the time even in 4th at about 135mph (track days). just means i have to go every where in 6th and it still tries to throw me of over rises. new r1 this year i think.
  21. it down to car being pulled rather than pushed. front and rear wheel drive. one is better in some ways and worse in others.
  22. 32 and £620 to insure leon cupra r with norwich union and thats with 7 yrs no claims. also bacause i work in a garage they will not cover me to drive any other car as most do. also have tigra, corsa, 106xsi and a dirty old diesel zx that i use for work. all cost around £300 to insure. traders policy next year i think. also have a race prep gsxr1000 that only cost £320 a year fully comp and includes brake down cover.
  23. yes. just finishes car of lovely. 5 x 10mm nuts behind trims and a couple of sticky pads each side. careful when removing trims as they are very brittle.
  24. if your car has climate ctrl it could be one of the steppa motors that works the heater flaps. they click like mad when they go down.
  25. with c5,s and xsaras with front fog lights in headlamps. if you turn front and rear fog lights on then put high beam on then off it turns off the front fogs and leaves rear fogs on. not sure about c4's tho. are they in the bumper on all models????????
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